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Thanks, @Javi Do motion sensors work following same process? What about Festavia String Lights? It doesn't say it but I assume they communicate with the Hue hub via Zigbee, as I assume every Hue device does - is that right?
Can anyone help with this? I'm also looking at getting Hue lights and motion sensors. Do I need the Philips hub if I have eISY with zMatter? Should I get the hub anyway, e.g. for more features and/or best results while IoX support for Zigbee matures? Do I need the plug-in? If so, does it work with latest hub? (last update of plug=in was 2 years ago now) Browsing forum I found some reasonably recent posts saying it doesn't work, others saying it should work but not confirming it does. One post said the motion sensor was the best one he tried, although not being specific as to whether it works great with eISY (either direct or via plug-in) or just in general with the Hue app... Many of the posts I found are ancient in IT-years. Any info would be appreciated
I learned the offending instance of the plug-in has 2 sets of profile files, one in lowercase and one in uppercase. It looks like a previous version of the plugin was using uppercase, and the latest version - with new data fields - is using lowercase. IoX will use the uppercase first, then lowercase if uppercase not found. <profiles> <profile family="10" id="8"> <files dir="nls"> <file name="EN_US.TXT"/> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> <file name="NODEDEFS.XML"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> <file name="EDITORS.XML"/> </files> </profile> </profiles> I thought it strange that I was only having issues with one instance but this was the initial instance I installed and was the only one running for a while - so probably an issue that's been there since the first version of the plug-in. The only fix I'm been offered is to delete the plug-in and install it fresh. This worries me as I do have a lot of dependent programs. I went to try deleting an instance that has the fewest programs to see if/how deleting then installing (back in same slot) will restore all programs. I get this worrisome message that could mean all three instances will be gone if I click "Confirm". @Jimbo.Automates, have you ever tested deleting just one instance of the plug-in when you had a couple more running? Does it uninstall all instances or just the one for which you clicked the Delete button? Does installing back in the same slot restore all the program dependencies? Any info would be appreciated.
It might have helped if the re-install hadn't changed the short poll from 320 down to 60 and, better yet, kept the polling cycle the same, which it does not show any sign of doing (and might be hard thing to do, I presume). Most restarts of my 8 device controller instance will cause api rate limit to be exceeded, especially since it had to be restarted twice - once for the reinstall and again after I returned config to what it was supposed to be to avoid the api rate limit. It's a bit strange that the other controllers reported that too. They only have 2 and 3 devices, respectively. But then again I had to change their config back too. So just came too quickly, I guess. I have to say I've never seen this message before now.
After upgrading to 1.1.2 the instance that was not working - and still doesn't work - after the first upgrade, it no longer worked at all. I changed the config, which got reset by the reinstall, and, after no polling was done for > 20 mins, I did a restart of the plug-in. Got the message that it will try to rediscover on next poll. Waited 20 mins, did another restart - same message and no data updates for any of the sensors. I understand that you view this as a PG3x problem and I have a ticket open about it with UDI but it is happening to your plug-in so I thought you should know. I also am pointing to this forum thread so this will hopefully inform @bmercierand/or anyone else looking into it. Did a "Discover" and things came back (though still no new 1.1.x data fields in AC). While this is not a major problem, things are not restarting properly by themselves and, given they're supposed to, I thought this would be important to know.
sorry could not infer that from release notes. thought it could be different than the 16 devices when there are only 7. Very different numbers and also a totally different manifestation. Did not see the second problem shown at all when I reported the first one
ok, so a reinstall does reset config. here's a screenshot before re-install and after. short poll went from 320 to 60 and long poll from 360 to 240
maybe this is fixed in v 1.1.2 but today one of my instances reports an extra polling sensor. wasn't like this yesterday. don't think I did anything to make it happen. will try new version shortly
ok, it's not counting all devices for all instances. i just did a "discover" on instance with 3 sensors, and it reports 7 (not 13+)
I've reported to @bmercier, who asked me to open a support ticket so I did and sent all info I have I think I know why I thought the config had been overwritten. I got a message that my short poll was too low, which I then changed but had been configured adequately all the time. It's because the error message over counts the devices being polled by an instance. I added a device, did a "Discover" and, even though the total number of airthings wave devices is now 8 (9 nodes when you count controller), the message said I had 15 polled sensors when I first did it, then said I had 16 polled devices when I did it again (just to capture warning message for you). See screenshot below. Maybe, partly, it counts all devices controlled by all instances instead of just the ones for which the short poll applies? However that still doesn't quite explain things because I have 13 devices, not 15 or 16. Perhaps it counts the controller as a polled sensor? but why 15 the first time then 16? The good news is that the new device did show up in the Admin Console though not without a restart of of the AC. After this I still, though, don't see in the AC any of the new data fields that were added in v 1.1.1 of the plug-in - including no new data for the new device that was just added.
Got this reply to a query I submitted at openoeathermap.org about using the professional API I already have with a service built using OneCall 2.5
I noticed re-installing this plug-in overwrites the config. Got message about short poll. Change the poll values then nothing. it stopped updating. Had to restart plug-in to get polling working again. Maybe the restart is needed always after re-install. If so, could that be added to the documentation next time you're updating that? And could any existing configuration not get overwritten? Thanks for considering these things.
This morning I tried re-installing the plug-in in the slot that isn't showing up in the AC . Didn't fix the issue. Even after restarting both the plug-in and the AC and waiting a bit. Still nothing What is the next step in troubleshooting this?
at about 5:26 AM and 5:28 AM two of my three instances of the plug-in reported API Limit reached. They worked fine all day so I don't have them configured to poll too often. When I looked at the logs I see there were times that we flooded with warnings (up to 8 or more per second) and other errors. Things like: 2024-05-28 05:29:04,383 Thread-700 urllib3.connectionpool WARNING connectionpool:urlopen: Retrying (Retry(total=18, connect=30, read=28, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='ext-api.airthings.com', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)")': /v1//devices/2930162741/latest-samples 2024-05-28 05:29:05,365 Thread-697 urllib3.connectionpool WARNING connectionpool:_put_conn: Connection pool is full, discarding connection: ext-api.airthings.com. Connection pool size: 10 2024-05-28 05:18:40,345 Thread-666 udi_interface ERROR pgSession:get: Connection error for https://ext-api.airthings.com/v1//devices/2930162741/latest-samples: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='ext-api.airthings.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1//devices/2930162741/latest-samples (Caused by ResponseError('too many 502 error responses')) 2024-05-28 05:28:04,528 Thread-547 udi_interface ERROR pgSession:response: Unauthorized: https://ext-api.airthings.com/v1//devices/2930162814/latest-samples: text: I didn't see anything about API limit reached so it seems to be an erroneous state got reported to IoX (which triggered an email to warn me). Maybe the flood of warnings lead to that? Would it be a good idea to put in a "wait" between retries to avoid possible race conditions, or at least reduce the clutter in the logs? (Unless there's value in having all of those entries.) Maybe there was a short break in service that affected 2 of the instances but not the third due to polling difference. The 3rd one did have a few warnings but maybe the break in service ended shortly after first few I've attached my 3 debug logs (one was only set to "Warning" level. I've changed it to "Info" for next time) Airthings-C_5-28-2024_62253_AM.zip Airthings-C_5-28-2024_62237_AM.zip Airthings-C_5-28-2024_61905_AM.zip
For what it's worth I tried flushing Java cache and restarting GUI (Admin Console) - still nothing for the one instance. So then I tried a another reboot (eISY) - still nothing. I see in the event viewer the following entries related to the plug-in in question. It seems like an incomplete update. I have 7 devices and just looking at "CO2LVL" and "BARPRES" there are only 4 of each one of those. A little later on there were 6. How come it's not 7 every time? I do see some of the new data values being received by IoX, e.g. GV5 (Seconds Since Seen), so it's an issue with GUI not adding the new element. Is this something I need to report to UDI support? Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930037297] GV5 76 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930037297] CO2LVL 568 (uom=54 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930037297] BARPRES 9913 (uom=56 prec=1) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930037297] GV4 161 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930071732] GV2 1716833656 (uom=151 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930071732] GV5 169 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930071732] CO2LVL 528 (uom=54 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930071732] BARPRES 9913 (uom=56 prec=1) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930071732] GV4 106 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930029938] GV5 275 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930029938] GV3 -47 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930073475] GV5 266 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930073475] GV3 -60 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930033257] GV5 287 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930033257] GV3 -72 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930027997] GV2 1716833681 (uom=151 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930027997] GV5 144 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930027997] CO2LVL 526 (uom=54 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:02 PM : [n008_s_2930027997] BARPRES 9915 (uom=56 prec=1) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930027997] GV3 -60 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930027997] CLITEMP 245 (uom=4 prec=1) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930027997] GV4 108 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930206779] GV2 1716833605 (uom=151 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930206779] GV5 220 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930206779] CO2LVL 452 (uom=54 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930206779] BARPRES 9919 (uom=56 prec=1) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930206779] GV3 -56 (uom=56 prec=0) Mon 05/27/2024 02:17:03 PM : [n008_s_2930206779] GV4 198 (uom=56 prec=0)
I restarted the IoX GUI - still nothing for one of the plug-in instances I don't see any data coming for the new nodes (or whatever you call those), e.g. GV6, ST, VOCLVL, with log at "Info" level
I have 3 instances of this plug-in running and was able to install new version for all three instances. The new info did not show up so I did the following, in order: 1. wait a bit. didn't do anything 2. restart each plug-in. nothing 3. re-launched IoX GUI - no joy 4. rebooted hardware - 2 of the three plug-ins now show the new data in IoX What is/are the step(s) needed after a re-install to get new info activated/passed on to IoX? If that fails, what is the step to force updates to be recognized and passed on to IoX? Am on PG3x 3.2.22 and IoX 5.8.3. Thanks
Wow. There's very confusing messaging going on. I read in other posts that the v3 plug-in is NOT using Onecall 2.5, which is the one that's end of life. It's using the free one from the "professional collections" offering. See circled item below in screenshot below It certainly looks from "My Services" in my account that I'm using the professional API (limited to 60 calls per min). Is this one coming of end of life any time soon? Can you confirm (deny) whether previous posts explaining this are correct?
Just wondering if one has to move to 4.0. From other posts I read here I got the sense things would still work for the foreseeable future using the current "professional API". Assuming one isn't forced to move to keep things working, what is the value of moving to the new OneCall 3.0 API? Of course, I presume that v3 of the plug-in will no longer see fixes and updates but I figure there's still time before that becomes an issue. Is that a fair assessment or are there some issues coming on the short term horizon? Also, I noticed when I went to subscribe to OneCall 3.0 API that it insists on my providing a credit card, even though I only want the free service and would want the service to stop working if some bug or accidental misconfiguration got introduced and the API got called more than 1000 times in one day. Is there a way around that I simply didn't see?
Hi @Jimbo.Automates, My perpetual license is not recognized meaning I would have to purchase another one to install v1.1.1. Is that the plan or do I need to talk to UDI support to get the new version to recognize my existing license? I did need to have the license transferred from my Polisy some time ago so maybe that has something to do with it?
the second example kind of worked but it returns more than just the serial number (e.g. 2930133445), which is all I want. It returns: node[n001_s_2930133445] With no "grep" function when creating custom messages, I have no way to take just the number I need out of the string created. So I guess I'll need to find a way to parse it out of the file after the fact if it's not easy to put it in as another device attribute. Not the end of the world.
How do I access node_name in a program, e.g. write it to a variable and/or write it to a file using custom messages and the built-in web server? It doesn't come up in the selection of options I see right now.
ok I change to the program logic (see below), with no variable in the condition - only the node state (True vs False) and each person having its own node and program but BOTH programs run every time I leave or come back. I've tried starting over 3 times now, i.e. delete both Geofences in UDM, resynchronize UDM, recreate separate Geofences, re-add command, i.e. "run then" for each command separately/respectively for each Geofence node. What am I doing wrong or not understanding? LT Enters Geofence - [ID 04A5][Parent 01E4] If 'Home / LT' Occupied is True Then Send Notification to 'me' content 'Generic Main Log' Wait 5 seconds $sHomeStatus.Lauren Init To 1 $sHomeStatus.Lauren = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') JT Enters Geofence - [ID 0499][Parent 01E4] If 'Home / JT' Occupied is True Then Send Notification to 'me' content 'Generic Main Log' Wait 5 seconds $sHomeStatus.Jean Init To 1 $sHomeStatus.Jean = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
ok, I was clearly looking in wrong place when I tried to use a program initially because I only saw two options. When I look now I see all the normal options. So I will remove use of the variable now that I can call a program directly. Thanks.
I set up Geofencing on my iPhone a couple weeks ago and it works reliably so far. I used Occupancy v2.0 Node Server and followed the instructions found at https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Geofencing It took me a few tries to realize that the Enter command cannot be a program. May I suggest the doc on wiki make it clear what it could/needs to be? So what I did was have the Enter command change a state variable to 1, and the Exit command change the same state variable to 0. Then I wrote the two simple programs below for my wife and myself. For me it's worked fine so far but for my wife the "enter" program has triggered 4 times in past 4 days even though UD Mobile is not yet installed on her iPhone. For what it's worth there have been no Exit events, no eISY restarts, and no LAN/internet outage that anyone noticed. Before I start counting on this for locking/unlocking doors, turning off/on lights, and setting/disabling alarms, etc., what could be happening? Will a loss of communication with the UD mothership cause the "enter" program to run? Do I need to check that I have network connectivity before I do anything with a change in the node's state? Any info would be appreciated. Lauren Enters Geofence - [ID 04A5][Parent 01E4] If 'Home / Lauren' Occupied is True And $sHomeStatus.Lauren is 0 Then Send Notification to 'me' content 'Generic Main Log' Wait 5 seconds $sHomeStatus.Lauren Init To 1 $sHomeStatus.Lauren = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Lauren Exists Geofence - [ID 04A6][Parent 01E4] If 'Home / Lauren' Occupied is False And $sHomeStatus.Lauren is 1 Then Send Notification to 'me' content 'Generic Main Log' Wait 5 seconds $sHomeStatus.Lauren Init To 0 $sHomeStatus.Lauren = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')