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Everything posted by johnnyt
I'll add that my Polisy is at 5.4.5. I don't think I've updated it since last spring, adding to my worries that Murphy's Law will apply here.
Oh, no! This is not good news. At over 900 programs I find the 994i excruciatingly slow to load (and back up). I was really counting on Polisy speeding things up. Am just waiting for stable zwave migration as I have way too many to start over from scratch. Is it slow on eisy too?
@lilyoyo1 I'm referring to updating my Polisy, not my 994i. I mentioned the 994 to make the point that I'm not using IoP on the Polisy. (I probably should have just said that.) If possible, I'd like to try the zmatter board to confirm it works before I even attempt a migration, not to mention make sure my Polisy upgrades okay. I think I read of some ending up bricked doing upgrades relatively recently. Mine bricked doing BIOS upgrade several months ago because I have one of the early models that needed a special chip mailed to me in order to get the latest BIOS installed. Then, when I got it, there was a picture of where it goes but no instructions that said I had to remove it after it finished booting. I ended up with NO Polisy / Node Servers for about a month while I waited *twice* for the chip to get to me. What if something else related to early h/w version (or any other multitude of reasons) causes a problem not caught yet because so far everyone else trying is not in same situation I am? With the following amount of stuff running on my 994i, I'm definitely waiting until things are more stable before I do the migration but am also in a hurry to get there because the 994i is (has been) struggling to say the least. I'm also going to do as many steps as I can *before* I do the migration to rule out or solve problems that might occur before what I fear will be - assuming no hardware problems - a multi day process.
I'm still on 994i and only using Polisy for PG3/Node servers. Can I just upgrade to latest version (5.5.4 as of today) and everything should work fine? Or am I committed to doing a migration if I do that? I'm not sure if there's anything to gain in terms of bug fixes but thinking this is a way to take a baby step to get that part of the process done and make sure everything works fine starting with that. Then, as a subsequent baby step after that, could I install my zmatter board and test it with IoP and a couple of devices not in use with 994i, i.e. starting from scratch as though I had just bought the Polisy?
I've changed a couple of my Airthings (AT) devices using the AT web dashboard "settings" option (not the app, which is a more drastic update that archives the device readings up to that point and resets the calibration period) but the names don't change in NS Nodes panel or ISY. Yes, I have the NS configured with change_node_name set to true For example, I dropped an apostrophe for 2 devices in the AT Dashboard but the apostrophe remains in NS and ISY. Is that because we're talking about an apostrophe, i.e. a special character? I didn't test that theory but think this should be fixed anyway so figured I would report it. That or a clear warning should be put in a highly visible spot that warns against the use of any problematic characters if that's the case to give people a chance to rename any offending device before they start the NS.
ok, this one reads more like the original that has proven to work, is cheaper than the other one I found and will get to me reasonably soon https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01MCV52TH/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3TUR5JBYCEPNE&psc=1
good idea. would this adapter work? It would be a bit cheaper (in Cdn $) and get to me faster. It reads like it would also be compatible with more SSDs... https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B075FR3ZD4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1X7UA978W3K5N&th=1 The one in previous post says: "only supports mSATA SSD (3cm*5cm), and does not support SATA Mini PCIE/PATA mini PCIE/RAID MINI PCIE SSD." while this one says "Support full size mSATA ssd 51mm(L) x 30mm(W) x 3.8mm(H). Supports 3.3 Volt Mini PCI-e SSD mSATA Module" Is this one compatible with more SSDs than the one above, or is this comparing an apple to an orange and it won't even work with Polisy SSD?
Thanks @IndyMike. Very interesting to see you were getting 8-16 errors a week for 8 weeks, and no less than 1-2/week the rest of the past 5 months (without a PLM replacement I assume.) If my 4 PLMs can last at least 6 months each once the errors start coming up, and retries make them benign from a functionality perspective (though I don't know if that's the case), that would give me 2 years to plan/execute my move off insteon. I can probably live with that. Also very interesting that you wonder if it isn't because of heavy ISY load. I began to see my ISY overloaded (underpowered) at least 2-3 years ago. And despite multiple efforts at rewriting entire segments of programs with generous "waits" and constant considerations for timing of actions, I continue to intermittently but repeatedly suffer with slow response and even spontaneous reboots suspected to be because of overloads. Today, with 173 insteon nodes, 152 zwave nodes, and 990 programs, I don't think I can go 2 weeks without some kind of problem (crash, spontaneous time changes to 2 years in the future, spontaneous reboots, etc.). While I don't believe all my problems are overload related, I'm really hoping the move to IoP will eliminate many of my problems. (Just waiting for the zwave migration to be there, which, unfortunately, suffered another setback last week.) All that said, I'm seeing less than 5 errors/week. If it was an overload issue I'm thinking I would be seeing at least as many as you, if not more. You also made me curious and I went back looking for old error log files and with dngrep (for Windows) and excel, plus some internet how to's, I pulled together a historical view of -10 errors. I wasn't able to figure out how to do a chart by week when my data was by day for a straight apples-to-apples comparison but here's what I have between June 2019 and May 2021. Except for one day in Dec 2019 and a period between April and June 2020 I'm not seeing that many -10 errors. I'm guessing I likely replaced a PLM in that time period but I can't confirm exact dates when I've replaced PLMs. Fall 2022 was pretty consistent with the above, and never more than 1-2 in one day for the latter. I'm still left wondering if -10 errors recover with retries (i.e. are they generally benign) and how long / how many -10 errors I can take with a PLM before it needs to be fixed or replaced. Also, for that matter, what the fix for -10 errors is, e.g. capacitor? comms? processor? etc. Thanks again for your insights.
Yes there's a reinstall button but given the following preamble that suggested 0.0.6 was really old and missing basic stuff that would even allow PG3 and/or the NS to react properly to a "normal" reinstall using the button you mention it, plus the comment that the "easy solution is to just re-install the node server to the same slot. " suggested to me that a "fresh" install was needed. My bad. Won't happen again. In my defense, you and Bob have likely done more installs, reinstalls, and uninstalls than you even remember so it's all pretty obvious to you. Next time I do this (using reinstall button) it will be my first time doing it.
ok I tested this with another NS and it did delete the related ISY nodes. I guess it's been a while since I've deleted a node server. For sure pre-PG3 and maybe even when I was running node servers on separate boxes (not Polisy)
For future reference by qualifying that the re-install needed to be implied having to select the slot at install time. The only time one can physically select a specific slot when installing a NS is when there is nothing in that slot. Otherwise the slot is not shown in the drop down list.
In new v1.x I see the addition of a configurable option to "rename" nodes when they change in Airthings and wanted to check something. I ran into a glitch upgrading to v1.0.0 that resulted in all my nodes disappearing from ISY. In all my past dealings with any NS I haven't seen ISY lose nodes even if I uninstall a NS. I've always had to go back and delete the nodes in ISY if I was truly uninstalling something for good. This time, however, all my nodes were deleted by the upgrade. Is that because of the renaming feature, which I had set to True? Or was it related to one of the confirmed bugs in either v1.0.0 or PG3? I want to make sure I know the risks involved in enabling that feature. Also, if it is a risk, I'd like to suggest it be mentioned in explanation for this feature on configuration page. Thanks for putting an update out for this NS.
did the upgrade to 1.0.1 and all the nodes in ISY were restored and my programs see them properly. phew. all good now. thanks.
this is not an "easy solution". I just did uninstall/reinstall of another NS and my nodes have all disappeared in ISY and its hosed all my programs depending on those nodes (6 per device X 8 devices)
how do I go back? I lost all my airthings nodes in ISY and my programs are all have Node Status [null entry] Then Wait 2 seconds $sAQ.CO2.MasterBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.CO2.MiddleBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.CO2.NWBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.CO2.SWBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.CO2.MainFloor.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.CO2.RecRoom.Value = Node Status [null entry] Wait 1 second $sAQ.VOC.MainFloor.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.VOC.MasterBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.VOC.MiddleBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.VOC.NWBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.VOC.SWBedroom.Value = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.VOC.RecRoom.Value = Node Status [null entry] Wait 1 second $sTemp.MasterBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sTemp.MasterBedroom.Airthings *= 100 $sTemp.MiddleBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sTemp.MiddleBedroom.Airthings *= 100 $sTemp.NWBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sTemp.NWBedroom.Airthings *= 100 $sTemp.MainFloor.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sTemp.MainFloor.Airthings *= 100 $sTemp.RecRoom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sTemp.RecRoom.Airthings *= 100 $sTemp.SWBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sTemp.SWBedroom.Airthings *= 100 Wait 1 second $sHum.MainFloor.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sHum.MasterBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sHum.MiddleBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sHum.NWBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sHum.RecRoom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] $sHum.SWBedroom.Airthings = Node Status [null entry] Wait 1 second $iAQ.Pressure.MainFloor = Node Status [null entry] $iAQ.Pressure.MasterBedroom = Node Status [null entry] $iAQ.Pressure.MiddleBedroom = Node Status [null entry] $iAQ.Pressure.NWBedroom = Node Status [null entry] $iAQ.Pressure.SWBedroom = Node Status [null entry] $iAQ.Pressure.RecRoom = Node Status [null entry] Wait 1 second $sAQ.Radon.MainFloor = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.Radon.MasterBedrm = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.Radon.MiddleBedroom = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.Radon.NWBedroom = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.Radon.RecRoom = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.Radon.SWBedroom = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.Radon.UtilityRoom = Node Status [null entry] Wait 1 second $sAQ.HRV.Hum = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.HRV.Radon = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.HRV.Temp = Node Status [null entry] $sAQ.HRV.VOC = Node Status [null entry] Wait 1 second Send Notification to 'jean' content 'IAQ - Raw Data - HRV' Run Program 'Calc AQ Averages and add Weather data' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
@Jimbo.Automates Am getting errors after uninstalling and reinstalling to get v1.0.0, per this workaround: 2022-12-12 21:03:19,507 Thread-19 udi_interface DEBUG Controller:add_node: Adding: Guest Bedroom 2022-12-12 21:03:19,508 Thread-19 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Exception in thread will PM log to you
Bought a new SD card that's 32GB and, when I double checked the instructions on how to replace it, it says "ISY supports up to a 16GB SD card". See https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card It's a bit old so thinking it's outdated, and I wasn't able to find anything smaller than 32GB. Is it just a case that it won't format/use more than 16GB (no big deal), or will using a bigger SD card actually fail?
Thanks for the update! Did a restart of the Node Server after seeing message that a restart was needed but it still says v 0.0.6. This is *after* PG3 upgrade to 3.1.16, which I think was supposed to fix this issue with another NS:
very interesting. thanks for posting, @IndyMike. It's UDI support that brought the -10 errors and what they mean to my attention when looking into something else. Even the ebay guy that refurbished 3 of the 4 PLMs I have is a little surprised that all three of my refurbished PLMs are seeing "so many problems". The reality is that I'm not noticing any problems in real life. There may be a bad/missed command at the time of the -10 that recovers thanks to retries? Overall, though, my insteon is working as well as it has been in general. While I don't understand why devices (mostly KPLs) end up with bad links over time, hey, I've been living with it for more than a decade now so that's Situation Normal AFU. So what is this problem really? is it it a 994i issue, will any repair one can do today fix it? Also, does the PLM/ISY recover from it, meaning they are really just warnings, if that? Also, if it is a warning sign of a degraded unrepairable PLM, could it still function for another year or two? Looks like it has worked fine for you for 3 years! Maybe just having 4 spares with good capacitors will allow me to continue using Insteon until I can move off it (which is the plan, but I did want to drive my multi thousand dollar insteon device investment into the ground)
oh yes. before I posted here. The answer I got that way was basically the second post above.
Thanks! Interesting other post, especially about the repair service in Toronto area (more than just PLM too) as I'm in Canada. Missing info on what one gets for how much, and history/depth of feedback compared with NY-based ebay service I've used but will keep close eye on that. RE: 994i serial port. Interestingly I replaced the 994i I was using just last weekend with an older one to fix unrelated issues but I still see -10 errors with this other one. Would be even more rare to see that problem with two separate units.
A couple days ago, on your suggestion, I replaced the cable to the PLM with a brand new cable that I first tested using my managed switch 'cable test' function. While the old cable also tested okay, I was nonetheless hopeful about the new cable because I took the opportunity to check/restore all my keypadlincs (about 8 of them), which almost all had some bad links (common after a while or when replacing PLM, which I did 3 days ago). I figured that was a good stress test and no errors were reported. But, alas, last night I got hit with a couple -10 errors during query all, which is when majority of them occur. I think I'll send one back to refurbisher see if the comms repair was the issue I should have sent them in for in the first place...
I went through error logs going back to before I got the PLMs refurbished. In about a month of testing 4 PLMs prior to refurbishing 3 of them, I saw about 23 "-10" errors in about 3 1/2 weeks. After the refurbishing, the first refurbished one I tested (a v 1.7) simply would not hear anything anymore. While it may have had some -10 errors, it was hearing insteon events before I refurbished it. I expect I will sent it back but waiting to see what else I might need to send in again. The second one I tested (v 2.6) has now been in production for at least 6 weeks and I found 29 "-10" errors in that time, so about 4.8 errors per week. That's more than I thought was happening. It seemed less frequent when I was spot checking things. I've replaced it (today) to see if the third one I had refurbished (a v1.C) does any better. I do see the ebay PLM fixer has a "Communication Repair" service that I did not think was my situation since things were working in general (I actually really notice anything not working). Before I go potentially throw out good money after bad, would the -10 errors fall into this category? (The first part was done as part of the refurbishing so the part after "Also" is the key stuff I didn't get done.)
wouldn't refurbishing them fix this?
I occasionally get -10 errors in ISY error log. I was told it indicates a defective PLM. The official error code description is "-10 UNEXPECTED DEVICE RESPONSE". It has occurred intermittently with 4 different PLMs of different vintages that I've gone through with no noticeable issues. It's possible I just missed the issues when they happened but the point is that overall my different PLMs have been working. Furthermore I've had 3 of the four PLMs refurbished to upgrade the capacitors and other components designed to make them last longer by this ebay service with positive feedback and it didn't eliminate the errors. The guy who did the refurbishing didn't really know what this ISY error meant. He was familiar with ISY but not a user of it himself. Does anyone know what they mean in practice? Why wouldn't upgrading capacitors and other pieces not fix them? Any info would be appreciated.