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Everything posted by MrTinker

  1. Has anyone developed a 1-Wire node server for PG3X or other method to integrate 1-wire devices? I used to use OneWire NS by xKing, but this doesn't appear to have made it over to PG3X.
  2. Have the new Insteon folks indicated anything about device availability? I have a few switches that have failed and would prefer to replace with same if possible and the timeframe is somewhat soon. I guess I could also cannibalize some other not as critical switches that are already installed and reinstall dumb switches. I just tried sending that question to support@insteon.com, but I don't know if that goes anywhere or if anyone will respond :)
  3. I had to completely remove mono to get by the precompilation errors (it would consume all available RAM/swap). This was one of the suggested options in the error thread to which you linked. I then used your script to install again. Thank you!
  4. Just FYI, I recently had to order a new one on 17 Aug from Smarthome because my PLM died. I received a 2.4 revision.
  5. Michel, As I recall, you'd mentioned setting the ISY in a vertical orientation may help with range with the new dongle. Was this for a situation where the ISY is in a basement and the z-wave devices are above it? Is there any specific vertical orientation? E.g. would the end of the ISY with the dongle be towards the top or would the front or back of the ISY face up? Would you be able to describe the general shape of the coverage in respect to the orientation of the dongle? One thing I'm trying to figure out is where to put the one plug-in z-wave device I have that acts as a repeater to try to cover the z-wave ceiling fan switches I'll be installing and whether I'll need more repeaters (I'm presuming I will).
  6. Thanks Broyd. I did not see a way in the tool to actually see the current firmware the device has? So I guess it's just a matter of applying the latest firmware to whatever device you receive as preparatory step prior to adding it to the ISY z-wave network? For anyone else that happens upon this, I'm running the tool within a Windows 7 VM under VMWare on macOS (just assigned the z-stick to the Windows VM when I plugged it into the USB) and all seems to be working fine. I manually loaded the driver after since Windows wasn't able to do it automatically.
  7. Michel, Is there any way to know whether a z-wave device will support OTA updates via the ISY at this time? Or is it just a matter of whether the vendor supports OTA updates and that means the ISY will be able to do them at some point in the future? Thanks, Eric
  8. I received and installed my dongle (and purchased the needed Z-Wave module for the ISY since I didn't have a prior generation dongle). Where is the best place to ask some likely fundamental ISY + Z-Wave questions? Such as: As a starting point, i have picked up some Leviton VRF01-1LZ z-wave fan speed controls, an Aeotec Smart Switch 6 and an Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5. I got the Z-Stick primarily as a way to load firmware to the Aeotec devices I have or will get in the future. Is this needed with the new ISY 500 series Z-Wave dongle or would I be able to check/update firmware on such devices directly? EDIT: From the Aeotec support page for the latest firmware for the Smart Switch 6, it says: "As a part of our Gen5 range of products, Smart Switch 6 is firmware upgradable. Some gateways will support firmware upgrades over-the-air (OTA) and have Smart Switch 6's firmware upgrades packaged as part of their platform. For those that don't yet support such upgrades, Smart Switch 6's firmware can be upgraded using Z-Stickfrom Aeotec and Microsoft Windows." If the ISY dongle will not, what would be the best way to manage the process of updating the firmware on such Aeotec devices? Can/should the Z-Stick be added to the ISY Z-Wave network? I assume as a controller it cannot or should not, but just want to be sure. If not, then I assume I would need to move each Aeotec device that needed a firmware update from the ISY z-wave network to the z-stick and then move it back. Is this as simple as excluding it on the ISY and then adding it to the Z-stick, then update the firmware, and then remove/exclude it from the z-stick and add it back on the ISY? I'll probably have more such questions as I go along.
  9. How long do you anticipate this phase will last before the new dongle is publicly available? Thanks! EDIT: Looks like from the update made to the Z-Wave dongle page on Orchestrated Home, it will be end of August.
  10. How stable is v5.0.4? I haven't done anything with v5 yet. Looks like it's still alpha/beta? I should probably stay away Good to know it'll be there when I move to v5 though
  11. Funny enough, I've been working on tweaking the temps at which the fan starts (low) and then changes to med. I haven't bothered to set a high speed automatically because I personally think it's too fast and medium (along with AC being engaged) will be as high as I need. I didn't even though of enabling/disabling programs so that adds an interesting option. I have a mix of 6 and 8 button KPLs tied to the FanLincs (depends on what else is in the room that I need to control) so I'd like the keep the operation of the fans from the KPLs as consistent as possible thus limiting the fan control to four buttons. I do have one (in my wife's parents' bedroom) that I haven't even created automated programs for because they "don't like it" and want to control everything manually. Using your method, the controls would be consistent and, as you did, I'd just need to work on tweaking the temps and timings for the automated overrides for all the other fans to try to make everyone happy (hahahaha). I'll probably still do the FastOn (for Fan Off) to set it back to automated immediately just for my own use. Too bad I don't have a way to automate the opening of windows in the house since it's hard to get anyone else to do it (free AC in the summer mornings/evenings here in CO but still people can't open a window, lol). Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and setup. I appreciate such input (even if I might not use it for the situation I'm inquiring about, answers may come in handy for something else down the road).
  12. Not to revive an old thread, but ... did something ever get implemented that would allow for easy capture of the current temp as reported by the Insteon thermostat? I'd like a program to alert me when the outside temp is the same as inside (as reported by the thermostat) and I haven't figured out a good way to do it yet.
  13. builderb, I'm going to try your method on one of my FanLinc/KPL combos. Are you using a variable (like I outlined above) to track manual/automatic mode or how are you doing it? I assume you're using the Control conditions for the KPL button presses in programs to capture when to override automatic? Perhaps you can share more of your config/programs and how you're doing it? I assume that your fan speed related KPL buttons are set for Non-Toggle (On)? When I was using button presses to override, I had also setup FastOn (for the Fan Off KPL button) to set the state variable back to 0 (ie automatic mode). You wouldn't have a visual clue that it was changed, but you at least have a way to set it immediately if you so wish. I don't believe most people would think to use a double-press.
  14. Thanks builderb. I did experiment with that a bit, but I didn't put it on a timer (I was just changing it back to automatic at a particular time of the day, in the evening before people would typically be going to bed so it would be automated at night while we were sleeping). I guess the part I didn't like about that was that I didn't know whether or not it was in automatic or manual mode (which is why I then made the change to use what was the Fan Off button to instead reflect the state). Good to get other ideas out there though for others to think through how they want to do it
  15. Ok, thanks Michel. I'm already doing that so it's good to have confirmation. I tried changing the Control conditions of the KPLs in the programs to Status conditions, but then they don't respond properly to button presses (the Then portion that changes the variable didn't seem to get triggered as the variable was not changing when I would press the button while I had everything on the bench). Thus it appears what I have outlined above is the best way to handle what I'm trying to accomplish. I'll see how it goes (so far it's been operating pretty well).
  16. Maybe it's easier to state it this way: All I want to use the KPL button for is to set and indicate the status of a state variable (button light on = 1, button light off = 0). What are my options for doing this (with plusses and minuses for each method)? It would be nice to be able to use a scene for changing the variable (remote use cases).
  17. I'm currently working on a new configuration for the FanLinc/KPL combos I have (will be six total shortly). Originally, I set them up as "recommended" with four KPL buttons in Non-Toggle On mode for each state (Off, Low, Med, High). I then automated turning them on Low and Med based on temperature. However, I have others in the house that wanted to be able to control them manually still so I set about changing the scenes and buttons to accommodate this. Here's the setup I'm currently testing and am looking at other thoughts, ideas to simplify, etc. Changed KPL buttons (A, B, C, D) back to Toggle mode. Created state variable sFanManualMode<Room> (eg: sFanManualModeOffice) 0 = manual mode off, 1 = manual mode on AutoInit program to set the Init of the state variable any time the variable changes eg: If $sFanManualModeOffice is $sFanManualModeOffice Then $sFanManualModeOffice Init To $sFanManualModeOffice Else <No actions> Off scene: Motor (responder) - Set to Off KPL B (responder) - Set to Off KPL C (responder) - Set to Off KPL D (responder) - Set to Off Low scene: Motor (responder) - Set to Low KPL B (controller) - Set to 100% KPL C (responder) - Set to Off KPL D (responder) - Set to Off Med scene: Motor (responder) - Set to Med KPL B (controller) - Set to Off KPL C (responder) - Set to 100% KPL D (responder) - Set to Off High scene: Motor (responder) - Set to High KPL B (controller) - Set to Off KPL C (responder) - Set to Off KPL D (responder) - Set to 100% Mode scene: KPL A (controller) - Set to 100% Programs to change variable SetOfficeFanManualMode-Off If Control 'Office-KPL / Office-KPL - A' is switched off Then $sFanManualModeOffice = 0 Else <No action> SetOfficeFanManualMode-On If Control 'Office-KPL / Office-KPL - A' is switched on Then $sFanManualModeOffice = 1 Else <No actions> For some fans, I also want to override any manual setting at night (temps here typically drop off nicely at night so I want the fan to lower speed and stop as the temps inside the house go lower). For such fans, I have this program: SetOfficeFanManualMode-Off-Time From 10:00:00PM To 6:00:00AM (next day) Then $sFanManualModeOffice = 0 Set Scene 'OfficeCeilingFanMode' Off Else <No actions> Programs to control the fan automatically based on temp OfficeCeilingFan-AutoLowSpeed If Status 'Thermostat' >= 73 (Temperature) and Status 'Thermostat' < 75 (Temperature) and $sFanManualModeOffice is 0 Then Set Scene 'OfficeCeilingFanLow' On Else <No actions> OfficeCeilingFan-AutoMedSpeed If Status 'Thermostat' >= 75 (Temperature) and $sFanManualModeOffice is 0 Then Set Scene 'OfficeCeilingFanMed' On Else <No actions> OfficeCeilingFan-AutoOff If Status 'Thermostat' < 73 (Temperature) and $sFanManualModeOffice is 0 Then Set Scene 'OfficeCeilingFanOff' On Else <No actions> This all seems to work quite well (after some instruction to others in the house on how the switches now work). The only issue is changing manual mode remotely (ie not using KPL button E directly). If you send an Off to OfficeCeilingFanMode, the variable won't change and if you change the variable directly, KPL button A (which indicates manual mode) won't change with it. I created the below programs so the button would change properly if you change the variable directly, but I'm looking for ideas on how to do this better, if possible. SetOfficeFanManualMode-Off-Variable If $sFanManualModeOffice is 0 Then Set Scene 'OfficeCeilingFanMode' Off Else <No actions> SetOfficeFanManualMode-On-Variable If $sFanManualModeOffice is 1 Then Set Scene 'OfficeCeilingFanMode' On Else <No actions>
  18. Interesting. I believe I added the Smoke Bridge to the ISY (994) how I would any other Insteon device (using "New INSTEON Device" in the admin console, entering the address and a name and letting it auto discover the type). Then hit the Set button and linked the SCO500 to it. My new detectors should all be here before the weekend so hopefully I can get them installed and tested. I'll report back when I can.
  19. Thank you in advance for taking the time to redo that (if needed). I just placed the order for new detectors for my house so I may need that info soon What you said is interesting (OneLink no longer listed on the front or back of the detectors). The pics on Amazon show it no longer shown on the front (just Wireless), but they still showed it on the back. It will be interesting to see what the one SA521CN I ordered looks like when it arrives. Of course, more importantly, I'm hoping it works as expected with the OneLink detector and Smoke Bridge I have. Thanks to everyone for the advice, guidance and information!
  20. Thank you for confirming the proposed setup should work as I think Currently my house has six hardwired smoke only alarms (FireX). One in each of the three bedrooms, two outside those bedrooms in the hallways and one in the basement. I have a ranch so I can access any wiring for the main floor alarms in the attic fairly easily. I want to replace the existing FireX with the proposed hardwired BRK smoke detectors and add CO detectors (one on each floor) and will hardwire the one for the main floor (likely very close to one of the existing hallway smoke detectors) so extending the wiring to that should be pretty easy and straight forward. The reviews I read of the smoke/CO combo units from First Alert weren't great (it *seemed* like it was the CO part false alarming was the issue) which is why I was going with separates.
  21. I haven't purchased anything yet except the Smoke Bridge and battery-only Smoke/CO detector I got as a set a year or more ago I was inquiring prior to making any further purchases after seeing this thread. Since I'm planning everything to be hardwired and interconnected via that method, the only thing I really need OneLink for is communication to the Smoke Bridge and the one OneLink only smoke/CO detector. As I understand it, the SA521CN would act as the bridge between hardwired units and any OneLink units you have. If one of the hardwired units were to activate, then the SA521CN would send that via OneLink to any wireless units.
  22. Does anyone have any updates on the situation with First Alert's OneLink detectors? I finally got around to connecting my SmokeBridge and one OneLink SCO500 (battery only smoke/CO) detector. Everything looks good from the communication standpoint. I was looking to replace my decade old hardwired FireX smoke detectors with the following setup and wonder if I'll run into issues like the poster above if First Alert has made incompatible changes. Hardwired non-OneLink detectors: (1) BRK CO5120PDBN CO detector (for main floor) (5) BRK 7010B Smoke detector Bridge between hardwired and OneLink (1) First Alert SA521CN Smoke detector The existing SCO500 I have would cover CO detection in the unfinished basement (I have a ranch so no second floor). Anyone have a setup like this?
  23. Thanks for all the responses, this gives me a good range of ways to setup these remotes. I'm thinking of making some custom wood tabletop stands for these remotes and mounting them horizontally so they can more physically mimic SwitchLincs (down being dim/off and up being brighten/on).
  24. Thank you both for your responses. These have given me some ideas and I'm wondering if I could do something like the below and which setting for the mini remote would be best: Buttons a-b for one light (a to brighten, b to dim) Button c, d, e, f for fan motor control (c = off, d = low, e = med, f = high) Buttons g-h for a second light (g to brighten, h to dim) 4-scene mode? Use programs for the c/d/e/f pushes and set corresponding fan scenes on? I believe with this mode, the switches for lights could just be added to the corresponding light scenes as controllers, right? If 8 scene mode was used, how does one use a program to brighten/dim a light? I haven't done enough ISY programming to know how to capture a press and hold and use that to brighten/dim (and do you control the device or scene for the light?).
  25. Thank you stusviews. Would anyone have an example program for each method? Also, what are the advantages and disadvantages for each method? Thanks for any help/guidance!
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