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    Chicago, IL

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  1. I tried re-linking the skill to my Alexa account this morning, but it didn't work. I just tried again, and now it worked. Everything appears to be functioning properly for me again. Thanks for taking care of this so quickly, guys!
  2. Thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunately, holding the set button didn't work, so I ended up factory resetting it. There must be some way to put the sensor into communication mode when the program lock is enabled, but my search revealed nothing.
  3. I enabled the "Program Lock" feature on my hidden door sensor because I didn't want one of my kids accidentally reprogramming it from the sensor itself. Unfortunately, I am now unable to write any changes to it via the eisy. Normally, I would hold the set button down for three seconds to put it into communication mode, but this doesn't work when the "Program Lock" is enabled. What am I missing?
  4. I had the same dilemma, and I ended up with the exact same solution as you. I literally just came here to check to see if there was a better way of doing it when I stumbled upon this thread. I have a scene called "All Kitchen Lights" that controls the kitchen lights, foyer lights, and island lights. The controller for the scene is a keypad button, and just like you, I only wanted the button to light up when all three sets of lights were on. The only way I could come up with for accomplishing this was to create a new scene with only the keypad button in it, and then trigger that scene from a program: All Kitchen Lights Button Monitor - [ID 000B][Parent 0001] If 'Main Floor / Kitchen Lights #1' Status is 100% And 'Main Floor / Foyer Lights #1' Status is 100% And 'Main Floor / Island Lights' Status is 100% Then Set 'Main Floor / All Kitchen Lights' On Else Set 'Main Floor / Keypad (B) Status Control' Off It works like a charm! I guess great minds think alike!
  5. I ended up rewiring the switches and moving the load to one of the other dimmers. So now the keypad is 100% virtual. This works out better for me, since I prefer to control the "All Main Floor Lights" scene from the two large buttons on the keypad, and the status of those buttons is no longer affected by the other two switches. Thanks for the help, guys! Much appreciated!
  6. Thanks! I figured this was probably the case. So it sounds like I basically have several options. The first option is to leave everything as is and simply live with the fact that the light on the keypad will occasionally not reflect the true status of the "All Main Floor Lights Scene". The second option is to make the main button on the keypad a controller for the "Foyer Lights" scene, and then move the "All Main Floor Lights" scene to a different button on the keypad. The third option would be to rewire the switches so one of the dimmers is actually controlling the load, and then remove the keypad from the "Foyer Lights" scene. I think this last option is probably the best, and it shouldn't be too difficult to do since there are already existing travellers going to the other junction boxes that are currently capped off.
  7. I have a scene with three devices in it called "Foyer Lights". The scene includes a 6-button keypad that is attached to the load, and two dimmer switches. The two dimmers are controllers, and the keypad is a responder. The keypad is also a controller for an "All Main Floor Lights" scene that turns on the load it is connected to, as well as a bunch of other lights. Everything works fine, but I'm wondering if there is a way to make it so that the status lights on the keypad will not turn on or off when the "Foyer Lights" scene is controlled from either of the two dimmers. I only want those lights to reflect the status of the "All Main Floor Lights" scene. Is there an easy way to accomplish this, or do I need some sort of custom program?
  8. The firmware for both of them is v.44. Would the newer ones with current firmware have better battery life?
  9. Thanks! I just factory reset both of them. Hopefully, it helps.
  10. 0615 v1.4 5014 v1.4 How do I determine the firmware version?
  11. No. I actually got them off eBay. Supposedly, they were new, but now I have my doubts. How do you factory reset them? Should I remove them from the eisy first?
  12. I recently integrated a couple hidden door sensors into my home. They work great, but the battery drains mucher quicker than I would have expected. Normal alkaline batteries only seem to last 3-4 weeks at most. Is this normal? At my old house, I had a couple of open/close sensors, and the batteries lasted way longer in them.
  13. Yes. Right click on the device and then select "Add to scene". You can then pick the scene you want to add the device to from the drop down menu.
  14. That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! Man, I looked in every menu and sub-menu and just couldn't figure out what I was missing. I hadn't even noticed the little red ❌. Thanks so much!
  15. I just sold my ISY994i on eBay and I want to reset it to factory defaults before I ship it. Also, how do I remove the device from my portal account? Thanks!
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