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Everything posted by davidology

  1. Yeah, I followed the directions and used the default length that said it was most common. I thought it was 24, but the character count is 28 in the Install Code field. Extended PAN is still blank and used the Smart Energy channels.
  2. I just recently added the ZS radio to my ISY, but it ultimately failed. [*:h5fk5vw6]The first time I tried to provision it on the site, the ISY came unplugged from power. The SCE website showed "Registration Failed" within just a couple hours after the request. [*:h5fk5vw6]Contacted support, and they sent a second provisioning request. ISY stayed on the whole, but this time it took the entire 24 hours before it came back "Failed" I'm waiting to hear back from Edison, but thought someone might have some insight. Thanks! David
  3. Count me in as interested as well. I wrote them on March 3, but got this in response. I did mention Insteon specifically. Hopefully Smarthome is working on something, but if ISY did something to connect directly, the support might be better. I know the current Insteon module is somewhat limited.
  4. Confirmed. Having the same problem: state of IO Linc is reversed in the ISY for the device when a controller of a scene sends an ON or OFF. For example, sending an ON from a controller of a scene closes the contacts of the normally open circuit ("On"), but the ISY will report the status of the IO Linc device as OFF. Sending an OFF from a controller opens the normally open circuit ("Off"), and the device responds accordingly, but the ISY will report the IO Linc device as being ON. Querying the IO Linc reports the correct status. It appears to be isolated to controllers of a scene.
  5. My Sony TV & Onkyo receiver speak to each other quite nicely. I can control everything flawlessly using only the Sony TV remote. The receiver responds in kind. However, since I want to control Insteon devices via the ISY, I use my Harmony remote--which eliminated the 5-remote syndrome long ago without having to pay the iTax. But, I have to say the need for the Harmony remote was diminished greatly when I bought the Sony TV. HDMI fixes a lot of things when manufacturers implement it properly. As much as I like my Apple and iDevices, I'm not in any particular hurry for them to consolidate anything. It generally means removing features to appeal to the masses. I'd rather not have to sync my home automation system through iTunes if I can at all help it!! As a quite dedicated iSheep, I look forward to Apple producing a large screen TV set that completely and forever eliminates 5 Remote Syndrome, as well as also consolidating the home automation world with a GUI that is easy to use and intuitive. As opposed to the current state of the home automation world which is fractured and messed up. Witness ye the mess that has been created by the cable/TV industry where they can't even see fit to co-operate on IR codes.
  6. Are there any plans to expand this? I'm outfitting a new condo and would like to stay with ISY, but it's becoming clear that an Insteon-only solution may be very limiting for some of the things I need to do (unfortunately). I also assume that since Apple/Philips is pushing the Zigbee protocol, more solutions are likely to utilize it. I'm not leaving Insteon, but it's becoming clear that I may need to augment it with another protocol. I'd love to be able to just upgrade to the Zigbee-enabled ISY if more devices may be in our future!
  7. i received this error as well, but it upgraded fine when I went to https://{ip address} (https instead of http)
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