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Michel Kohanim

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  1. Michel Kohanim's post in Why is this zmatter module listed as Beta? was marked as the answer   
    @mmb, it's beta because we are going through Z-Wave Certification. It should have been completed by 07/15 but got delayed by the testing agency. It should be any day now.
    With kind regards,
  2. Michel Kohanim's post in eISY OpenADR production certificate was marked as the answer   
    If your utility have not told you anything about OpenADR, then just get the normal version. You can always install an OpenADR Certificate later.
    With kind regards,
  3. Michel Kohanim's post in Support for Dimmer? was marked as the answer   
    As a vetted developer, this should be your first project. Add dimmer support for MQTT. 
    With kind regards,
  4. Michel Kohanim's post in New eisy not upgrading to latest version of IoX. Stuck on v5.5.9 was marked as the answer   
    It's fixed. This is what you need to do:
    1. Admin Console | Configuration | Reboot eisy (you must do this first because of previous failed attempts) .. or 5 times on the power button
    2. Admin Console | Configuration | Upgrade Packages or 1 time on the power button
    3. You will probably be asked to reboot again (depends on what's already been upgraded before)
    With kind regards,
  5. Michel Kohanim's post in Customer support does not have the resources to help was marked as the answer   
    Stretching the truth a little. We do not have resources to login every time you run into issues. I did remote in, backed up your 994, upgraded your 994, created a backup for you and then you send another ticket that "nothing works" with eisy. What does "nothing works" mean? Do you expect us to develop ESP? 
    With kind regards,
  6. Michel Kohanim's post in eisy to 994i was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately not.
    With kind regards,
  7. Michel Kohanim's post in ZMatter out of stock? was marked as the answer   
    We should have more by 05/15/23.
    With kind regards,
  8. Michel Kohanim's post in What development packages can be installed was marked as the answer   
    C/C++ compiler
    You can install the following on your own:
    and pretty much anything else you want.
    With kind regards,
  9. Michel Kohanim's post in POLISY PKG Endless Loop was marked as the answer   
    I am so very sorry to hear. Please do either of the following:
    1. In /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf, add priority: 1. Something like this:
    FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest", enabled: yes, priority: 1 }
    2. Do:
    sudo pkg install -r udi pkg
    sudo /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/udxops.sh upgrade.polisy
    With kind regards,
  10. Michel Kohanim's post in Compatibility between Elk Module and HA was marked as the answer   
    As far as I know, ELK only supports one TCP connection at a time (or at least, that's how it was a few years ago). So, I very much doubt they will work together.
    With kind regards,
  11. Michel Kohanim's post in Possible vulnerability in 'ping' was marked as the answer   
    @MWareman, yes, 13.1p5 has already fixed it (released last week).
    To upgrade please use the Admin Console.
    With kind regards,
  12. Michel Kohanim's post in IoX Finder Not finding Polisy was marked as the answer   
    Please submit a ticket.
    With kind regards,
  13. Michel Kohanim's post in Totally confused... ISY994 and trying to figure out how to get my NuHeat working again was marked as the answer   
    High level comments:
    1. Yes, everything should run without having to fiddle with it
    2. Yes, the website should be more user friend
    3. Yes, we should provide more news
    1. Some things are beyond our control such as $6K/year minimum for Weather services
    2. People not reading their emails 
    3. Us being too geeky and less sociable and thus focus more on the product than the website and news
    With kind regards,
  14. Michel Kohanim's post in IoP 5.4.5 in console mismatch with version in PG3? was marked as the answer   
    It's probably not connected to IoX. Please follow these instructions:
    With kind regards,
  15. Michel Kohanim's post in 404 Error Running Network Resource was marked as the answer   
    Please submit a ticket.
    With kind regards,
  16. Michel Kohanim's post in ZMatter and Zigbee was marked as the answer   
    @jmpnjimbob, yes by early 1Q. And, we may be able to have both Zigbee and Matter by then.
    With kind regards,
  17. Michel Kohanim's post in Deciding if upgrading to new Polysi is worth it. was marked as the answer   
    Given that fact that you expect a free version of a library that we do not maintain, running on a hardware that we do not maintain, be supported in perpetuity. And given that you expect node server developers to support node servers for that platform. And given that you expect all of us to bow our head to your majestical presence and beg to convince you it's worth migrating to Polisy/eisy even though, you already concluded that our support sucks. Well, your majesty, may I humbly suggest that you take a look at Home Assistant? It offers you everything you need, in one package, and everything is free, and it even runs on RPi and supported. 
    So, no, it's really not worth it. 
    With kind regards,
  18. Michel Kohanim's post in ISY994 vs ISY994i was marked as the answer   
    The Lutron is OEM for Lutron and it's only for OpenADR. You cannot change the firmware due to licensing. Please return it ASAP.
    With kind regards,
  19. Michel Kohanim's post in Unable to connect to Polisy (PG3 or IoP) was marked as the answer   
    Please click on the button on the front only once and wait for 4 beeps + 1. It may take minutes. 
    To submit a ticket, login to your account and then click on My Tickets.
    With kind regards,
  20. Michel Kohanim's post in 403 Error accessing https://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/ was marked as the answer   
    It's impossible and wrong. You need to use:
    With kind regards,
  21. Michel Kohanim's post in How to recover missing Updates green bar? / Meaning of 5 Beeps? was marked as the answer   
    @Snibley, please submit a ticket.
    With kind regards,
  22. Michel Kohanim's post in failed to get purchases- node servers undefined was marked as the answer   
    This should be fixed now.
    With kind regards,
  23. Michel Kohanim's post in Is the ISY994i still being developed? Is it ok to ask for enhancements? was marked as the answer   
    @Wes Westhaver,
    994 is still active and will have bug fix releases. All our OEM is 994 based!
    This said, however, most of our energy and resources are spent in enhancing Polisy and not 994.
    With kind regards,
  24. Michel Kohanim's post in Question about event viewer entries was marked as the answer   
    @Wes Westhaver,
    Yes, absolutely!
    With kind regards,
  25. Michel Kohanim's post in Is ISY Vulnerable to Log4j Exploit? was marked as the answer   
    We do not use log4j anywhere: not on ISY and neither on Polisy.
    With kind regards,
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