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Everything posted by RRoyceus
I am having a problem with my Insteon light switches on level resetting themselves to a o on level. This has become daily problem with many different switches. Is anybody else having this problem or know a solution? I do not have any Z-Wave light switches to know if it is an Insteon problem or an ISY problem.
CMDWhen I am synchronizing my UD Mobile I keep getting an error “Could not match CMD split …. In family 10”. Any idea what this means and how to corrrect it?
Zigbee Water Valve , Tuya Smart Water Valve, Model SM-AZ713 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B9SR4LCL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I got it working! I love the app!
Can you explain how to install the HousePanel.groovy app?
None of node servers on PG3 will start. PG2 are working. All three are installed in version 2, but are stopped. PG3 v3.1.23 status "connected" IOX v5.6.2status "connected" I am running ISY on Polisy None of the node servers will start, though each time I try, i get the green "Node Server started successfully" message in the lower right corner of the screen, though they do not start. I have Upgraded the packages in the admin console. I have Insttaled the dev. Packages. I tried both at least 3 times. The upgrade packages stops with 5 beeps, No beeps on the install dev package. I ahve already order the new Eisy. Any other steps to try or just wait until I get the Eisy?
I am trying to get the polyglot v3 Node Server working. What is hubEndpt?
Looking for someone to hire to write a Network Resource
RRoyceus replied to RRoyceus's topic in Coffee Shop
Let me try a different way. Anybody want to make $250? Back ground is I am 72 years old, have COPD, and on a breathing machine. I have a salt water pool and it needs acid added daily to keep it in the proper range. I can not safely handle acid. I have 4 Raspberry PI’s set up as web servers. I have programmed in many languages, but at this point in my life, I am tired of learning. I can “mess around” in a Raspberry Pi, but getting this one working in Home Assistant is beyond my capabilities. After 2 weeks of trying, I give up. I have a Universal Devices - ISY / Polisy. I designed, built, and programmed a CAI WebControl PLC, hooked up PH and ORP probes to read the values. My system works. Well it mostly works, but need constant tinkering. I programmed the PLC to send the values to the ISY. That works. I wrote an ISY program that reads the values and turns on the acid pump as needed. That works. But I want a simpler system. I installed Home Assistant in a PI. HA is an ISY plug in. I have the Iopool monitor. I would like somebody that will Install HA on a SD card, add the code from here: https://github.com/iopool/community/discussions install the ISY add on, add the link needed to pass the PH, ORP, and Temp to the ISY, and finally send me the SD card. I will pay through PayPal. -
Looking for someone to hire to write a Network Resource
RRoyceus replied to RRoyceus's topic in Coffee Shop
With all respect, you are wrong. There are many articles on this available on line. But, let's please stay on subject and not start an argument or discussion on chemistry. I want to monitor my PH and ORP. I am sure others would like to do the same. -
Looking for someone to hire to write a Network Resource
RRoyceus replied to RRoyceus's topic in Coffee Shop
Thanks for all the discussion. I loaded HA on a Pi and got it running. I have my ISY integrated. Now I am trying to figure out how to get the IoPool into HA. I have a salt water pool. I have to adjust the PH daily to keep between 7.2 too 7.8. The whole point of this has been to read my PH, then turn on an acid feed pump to adjust the PH. For now, I am using a program with a timer. It is working, but want to pursue the HA solution to handle this and adjusting my ORP -
Looking for someone to hire to write a Network Resource
RRoyceus replied to RRoyceus's topic in Coffee Shop
I have an API key. It is given in the App. One of the reasons I was attractive to this system, plus very reasonable cost. -
Looking for someone to hire to write a Network Resource
RRoyceus replied to RRoyceus's topic in Coffee Shop
Thank you Larry. I sent the wrong link. Here is the correct one: https://help.iopool.com/en/articles/5537423-iopool-public-ap I tried to start a network resource. I have copied many Network Resources, and changed them to fit, but I don’t know what I am doing. I don’t have an IP to enter, just https://api.iopool.com/v1/pools. No port to enter. I tried just the first line asking for an IP and the N.R. Could not reach the source. Any help is much appreciated, but more than willing to pay. Here is what I got from the site: During your requests add this header x-api-key: {your-api-key} -
I have a Polisy. Most of my programs still use Network Resources. Iopool has a pool monitor for PH, ORP, and Temperature. It works great. The values can be collected by users and so far, people have got it to work with Homebridge and Home Assistant. Discussions are at this link: https://github.com/iopool/community/discussions I would like to hire somebody to write a network resource so I can pull it in to my Polisy. Any takers?
I have the Bond Bridge Node Server in installed on version 2. I had not used it in at least 6 months. I recently migrated my ISY to Polisy. I tried to use the devices on my ISY. They would not respond. I opened Polisy V2 and looked at the log. The log showed it tried to connect to My bridge was a different IP. I tried to add a key, hostname, for correct IP. It still tried to connect to 116. I set my Bond Bridge to Still no luck. I finally tried to delete the Node Server, first at the Dashboard, then the store. No matter what I try, it will not delete.
The board arrived late yesterday. I installed it and restored the backup from my ISY. The Z-Wave devices did nor come over. I uninstalled the devices from my ISY one by one and installed them in the policy as I uninstalled them. I worked several hours and got about half my devices installed. I decided to quit for the night. I tried to back up the Z-Wave and discovered that there was not a backup in the menu. Then I noticed the Learn mode had disapeared. I go up this morning and decided to uninstall the rest of the Z-Wave devices from the ISY. I factory reset the Z-Wave module in the ISY, removed it, then unplugged the ISY. When finished with it, I uninstalled the Z-Wave devices in the Polisy. Still no learn mode. I reset the dongle and learn came back. Still no backup in the Z-Wave menu. Before enrolling I do an un-enroll. As soon as I enroll any device, learn mode goes away. Any suggestions.
I wanted to upgrade my Z-Wave module. It shows out of stock. Is this just a temporary thing? Any idea when it will be available?
I have not tried to log in to my Polisy for a few months. I tried to login tonight and after entering the username and password then hitting Login, nothing happens. I also tried the default admin, admin. I tried to login in using putty using the default username and password (admin, admin) and I connected. I don't think that I forgot my username or password, but it is possible. Any suggestions?
I can not enable disabled programs from the Ap
You can reboot from both Polisy and the UD Mobil.
I have rebooted the Polisy, the Polygot, and the ISY numerous times. I am hoping that I can get an answer in the forum before opening a ticket.
I have been having trouble with my ISY. Today I went into the Polisy Dashboard. All of my Nodes show "No Details Available" and the status is "Unmanaged". I added another instance of one of them and it shows connected, but there is no way to delete the first one. How can I get them back connected or delete the ones that are unmanaged and start over?
Now it worked. I must have had a bad connection earlier
I am using IOS. I will try again
In programs, i do not understand the drop down for Enable, True, False. I assumed that I could use the drop down to disable a program, choose disable, but that does not appear to work. What is the drop downs purpose?