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Everything posted by j0dan

  1. Hi Phil. During the Wait 10 minute piece, if the status on your Sensor turns off, the program will stop. See http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Scope,_Precedence_and_Execution_Order#Statement_Execution_Order A few ideas from a fellow noob: Change the timeout on the motion sensor to at least 10 minutes. You could also use that timeout to turn off the lights. After turning it on, start another program that just has a Wait and turn off command. (This may cause problems if you turned the lights on or off while the program was running.) I'm not sure if using Control instead of Status would change anything.
  2. I have a scene named "Entrance Light" It has 2 controllers, a SwitchLinc for the light, and a KPL button. If I physically press either the switch or KPL button, it turns on the light and adjusts the KPL LED light correctly. However, if I turn on the light from the ISY console, or an iPhone app, it doesn't update the LED. Must I create a program just to update that LED?
  3. This would also be a great feature to make some ISY apps look cleaner or apps that don't allow you to run programs.
  4. j0dan

    Variable Variables

    I see what you mean. But I'd have to set the variable back to 3 when I turn it on. I'm even trying resetting the variable in a different program after a wait but I'm still having the Else portion run twice. Looks like a bug.
  5. j0dan

    Variable Variables

    That's exactly the bug I'm trying to solve now! I get duplicate messages saying the machine was turned off. What causes it to fire twice?
  6. j0dan

    Variable Variables

    Answered my own question: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=6063 o Changes to the value do not cause an event to be sent
  7. j0dan

    Variable Variables

    As a follow up to this. Why doesn't this code work correctly? It runs 3 times, but then does not run Else when $EspressoReminder is not <3. If I manually right click and choose Run If, it works. If $EspressoReminder < 3 And Status 'Living Room / . / Espresso Machine' is On Then Repeat 3 times $EspressoReminder += 1 Wait 20 seconds Send Notification to 'Dan Mobile' content 'Espresso Still On' Else $EspressoReminder = 0 Set Scene 'Living Room / Espresso Machine' Off Send Notification to 'Dan Mobile' content 'Espresso Turned Off'
  8. Will this be added in future versions? Even if it's by syslog. Some type of detailed logging needs to be added. Troubleshooting manually is quite a chore and will only get worse as my system gets more complex.
  9. How can I view what programs are running in the logs? The logs just say "Program".
  10. Here is my "wakeup" program. If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Time is 7:45:00AM Then Set Scene 'Master Bedroom / Wakeup' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') But the lights don't turn on at that time. This is all the log has around that time period. Scene:Master Bedroom / Wakeup On 255 Tue 2011/03/22 07:45:00 AM Program Log Master Bedroom / Dan's Lamp Status 100% Tue 2011/03/22 07:45:00 AM System Log Master Bedroom / Dan's Lamp Off 0 Tue 2011/03/22 07:45:10 AM Program Log Is there any way to increase the detail of the logs so I can see what's turning it off?
  11. j0dan

    Variable Variables

    I just bought my first ISY yesterday. Was shocked to find out variables were just invented. Here is one of my uses. Notifying me about a device left on and then turning it off if left on too far. If Status 'Espresso Machine' is On And $EspressoReminder < 3 Then $EspressoReminder += 1 Wait 20 minutes Send Notification to 'Dan Mobile' content 'Espresso Still On' Run Program 'Espresso On' (If) Else $EspressoReminder = 0 Set 'Espresso Machine' Off Send Notification to 'Dan Mobile' content 'Espresso Turned Off' Stop program 'Espresso On'
  12. I just got my ISY yesterday and LOVE it. Never could figure out Girder and just 1 day in with ISY I even have it networked to my home entertainment system to dim lights automatically when a movie starts playing. I want the light switches in my house to only control certain lights/set certain brightness levels based on the time of day. I tried having scenes with the switches as controllers and then setting the scene parameters using programs. But whenever I pressed any controller switch it turned on ALL devices in the scene, even ones that are set to be off or dimmed. Right now I have a program that based on a schedule that sets the various scene parameters to on/off/dim: If Program 'Is It Bright' is True Then In Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Lights' Set 'Living Room / Lamp A' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Lights' Set 'Living Room / Switch East' 0% (On Level) In Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Lights' Set 'Living Room / White Lamp' 0% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Lights' Set 'Living Room / Lamp A' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Lights' Set 'Living Room / Switch East' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Lights' Set 'Living Room / White Lamp' 100% (On Level) And then two additional ON/OFF programs that are triggered by lights: ex: If Control 'Living Room / LivingRoom.Keypad1' is switched On Or Control 'Living Room / Switch East' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') It works, but it seems clumsy. Is there a better way to do it? Bonus questions: Is there any way to stop a SwitchLinc from controlling its local load? What is the best way to determine brightness? Right now I'm using sunset times, but what about a cloudy or rainy day?
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