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About Toddimus

  • Birthday March 19

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  • Location
    : Monterey Bay Area
  • Occupation
    Engineer / Consultant

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  1. FWIW, this worked for me as well. Thank you for this!!!!! I get the zwave menu instead of the Zmatter not responding. Now I just need to get the zwave devices added. That's proving to be a chore. I updated to v7.18 firmware on the Zooz, so maybe that's the problem. I'll try reverting to v7.17, which seems to have worked for others.
  2. Along these lines, I used the 10 days of forecast data. Similarly, the nodes are added in a strange order and also only some of them seem to be placed under the WeatherBit main heading, while others are on their own. To fix this, I right click on the WeatherBit main heading in the Admin console and select "ungroup devices", which separates them. Then, you group them again and they all fall under the main heading. Then, if you collapse the list on the left of the Admin Console using the button at the top, the next time they are in increasing numerical order (except that Forecast 10 is above Forecast 1. To fix this, I manually renamed them by adding a leading zero to each of the single digit forecast numbers. @bpwwer FEATURE REQUEST (super low priority!): Can you add a leading zero to the single digit forecast numbers? i.e. Forecast 01, Forecast 02 ... Forecast 10. That way, they will show up in a reasonable order (presumably after doing the ungroup/group and collapse method I described above). Cheers!
  3. It seems to have worked! I saw you remove then add the poly and now the nodeserver store shows uninstall as an option. I didn't do anything other than hit refresh on the store.
  4. Thanks Bob. I see you updated the version to 1.0.1 in the Polyglot store. I tried to install it (still says install instead of upgrade). I deleted the poly on the Dashboard page and then did the install from the store and added it to a poly slot. After entering the config data and restarting the poly, it still shows v1.0.0 on the dashboard and the units are still wrong on the ISY. My suspicion is that the name change is causing this, as you suggested. I then deleted the poly again from the Dashboard and SSH'ed into the Polisy and deleted the WeatherBit.io folder from the /var/polyglot/nodeservers folder. Went back to the Polyglot Store and installed v1.0.1 successfully, loaded the config data and it showed up correctly in the ISY admin console with the units fixed. Thanks!! Curiously though, the Polyglot store still shows "install" next to the WeatherBit.io poly. I would expect it to say "Uninstall" after I've installed it. No big deal though, it works now. THANKS!!
  5. @bpwwer I loaded up the Weatherbit poly on my Polisy. Seems to work well once I changed the poll rates to 600 short and 3600 long. The defaults ended up using too many queries and quickly pushed me over the 500 calls/day as you mentioned in an earlier post. One note that doesn't seem right is that the current weather value for Solar Radiation is shown with watts/sq. meter, which is what I'd expect but when I try to use that value in a program, it has a label of UV Index. And for some reason, if I compare the value against a constant value (i.e. Solar Radiation < 40), it never goes true. I'm on v5.0.16A firmware in the ISY, which I think added the units of watts/sq meter. And something else that's weird is that the Polisy Nodeserver store still shows "install" next to the weatherbit poly, when I already have it installed. Probably a Polyglot issue, rather than an issue with your Poly specifically. Thanks for the work on these weather polys!!
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