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Everything posted by Toddimus

  1. I bought my first ISY994 almost 14 years ago. Had a few Insteon modems die along the way (not UDI's fault), assumed it was just the cost of playing the geeky game. Somewhere along the line, I think I must have had an ISY994 die along the way because I have an extra. Can't really remember what happened there. Now I have a Polisy Pro that initially just ran Polyglot integrations which have since been deprecated (more on that later). About a year ago, I finally migrated my totally functional ISY994 system/programs/Z-wave network over to the Polisy. It was supposed to be the bee's knees. By the time I ended up migrating, there was a new and improved, bee's knees called the EISY. I get it, they had to change suppliers for their uber-cheap imported box that can run the Java backend to maintain compatibility. What initially pissed me off was that the recommended Zooz Z-stick was no longer supported on the "latest" version of ISY firmware on the now deprecated Polisy. You can still use it but you can't upgrade to the latest versions of firmware because it's not supported. Instead, you have to buy the MatterZ stick because that's the new thing and you just have to have it, or it won't work unless you stay on old firmware. Fast forward to now... My Polisy updated itself to v5.8.4 (I think) firmware apparently within the last few days/weeks. I didn't do it. Now, it needs rebooting every day. My old Polyglot 2 integrations are dead. I had a LOT of archaic ISY Java admin interface code programmed around those Polyglot integrations. And now, you need a subscription to maintain connectivity to the system from the smart phone. I get it. The company needs to make money and needs to monetize this thing. I totally get it. I'm just not willing to buy an EISY (~$300) and a Zmatter (~$125) to replace the stuff that worked just fine until the ecosystem I had been using is suddenly deprecated. I just did the subscription for the next year for the portal. I'm fine with a subscription. I'd probably pay $50/year if it just worked and I didn't have to deal with it all the time. But, alas it doesn't. I had hoped I didn't need to babysit it. But I do. Why does the Insteon light take so long to react to a motion sensor when the Z-wave reacts immediately? Why do I still occasionally get an all-on event? Why does the Polisy reboot when the living room motion sensors have a bunch of triggers (can't I have a party in my living room)?? I think I'm done with UDI unless there's a clear path to a stable system that I can rely upon for at least a few years. I wish it wasn't this way but I'm at my wit's end. I'll likely be migrating control to either Home Assistant or OpenHAB (both of which I have run in parallel for many years). I just find that I can't rely upon the Polisy and the ISY/Polyglot infrastructure anymore. To be honest, I'm bummed. I'm not one to be a complainer or squeaky wheel. I've tried to make the ISY work. And I have ~50 Insteon devices in my house. I have a ridiculous amount of time building ISY programs. And I made some really cool automation stuff over the years. But I realize this is the state of affairs. I think I have to begin the process of migrating away. It's just not stable anymore. As I said, I'm bummed, or you could even say, disappointed. Please tell me I'm wrong and pull me off the edge because I'd love to just have an update and fix everything. I just don't see it happening. Especially on "old" Polisy hardware with Zooz Zstick.
  2. FWIW, this worked for me as well. Thank you for this!!!!! I get the zwave menu instead of the Zmatter not responding. Now I just need to get the zwave devices added. That's proving to be a chore. I updated to v7.18 firmware on the Zooz, so maybe that's the problem. I'll try reverting to v7.17, which seems to have worked for others.
  3. I use an Autelis Bridge for Pentair Intellitouch connection, but apparently Autelis seems to be AWOL for the last year or so that's not an option. And that's a lot more involved than what you're asking to do. You could possibly use the GPIO pins of a RaspberryPi and to be on the safe side, have those outputs drive 4 small relays. The RPi's GPIO pins are only 3.3V so you get something like this to buffer between it and the Pentair relays: Raspberry Pi relay hat Then, use this Polyglot Node Server, which can probably run on the same Raspberry Pi. https://github.com/exking/udi-gpio-poly I haven't tried the GPIO node server, nor have I tried one of those relay hats but it seems like you could put something together for ~$50.
  4. Along these lines, I used the 10 days of forecast data. Similarly, the nodes are added in a strange order and also only some of them seem to be placed under the WeatherBit main heading, while others are on their own. To fix this, I right click on the WeatherBit main heading in the Admin console and select "ungroup devices", which separates them. Then, you group them again and they all fall under the main heading. Then, if you collapse the list on the left of the Admin Console using the button at the top, the next time they are in increasing numerical order (except that Forecast 10 is above Forecast 1. To fix this, I manually renamed them by adding a leading zero to each of the single digit forecast numbers. @bpwwer FEATURE REQUEST (super low priority!): Can you add a leading zero to the single digit forecast numbers? i.e. Forecast 01, Forecast 02 ... Forecast 10. That way, they will show up in a reasonable order (presumably after doing the ungroup/group and collapse method I described above). Cheers!
  5. It seems to have worked! I saw you remove then add the poly and now the nodeserver store shows uninstall as an option. I didn't do anything other than hit refresh on the store.
  6. Thanks Bob. I see you updated the version to 1.0.1 in the Polyglot store. I tried to install it (still says install instead of upgrade). I deleted the poly on the Dashboard page and then did the install from the store and added it to a poly slot. After entering the config data and restarting the poly, it still shows v1.0.0 on the dashboard and the units are still wrong on the ISY. My suspicion is that the name change is causing this, as you suggested. I then deleted the poly again from the Dashboard and SSH'ed into the Polisy and deleted the WeatherBit.io folder from the /var/polyglot/nodeservers folder. Went back to the Polyglot Store and installed v1.0.1 successfully, loaded the config data and it showed up correctly in the ISY admin console with the units fixed. Thanks!! Curiously though, the Polyglot store still shows "install" next to the WeatherBit.io poly. I would expect it to say "Uninstall" after I've installed it. No big deal though, it works now. THANKS!!
  7. @bpwwer I loaded up the Weatherbit poly on my Polisy. Seems to work well once I changed the poll rates to 600 short and 3600 long. The defaults ended up using too many queries and quickly pushed me over the 500 calls/day as you mentioned in an earlier post. One note that doesn't seem right is that the current weather value for Solar Radiation is shown with watts/sq. meter, which is what I'd expect but when I try to use that value in a program, it has a label of UV Index. And for some reason, if I compare the value against a constant value (i.e. Solar Radiation < 40), it never goes true. I'm on v5.0.16A firmware in the ISY, which I think added the units of watts/sq meter. And something else that's weird is that the Polisy Nodeserver store still shows "install" next to the weatherbit poly, when I already have it installed. Probably a Polyglot issue, rather than an issue with your Poly specifically. Thanks for the work on these weather polys!!
  8. Yeah, it did work with precision set to 0 or 1. When the precision is set to 0, I think it just drops whatever "mantissa" there is, rather than rounding. So 99.9 would equal 99. EDIT: I stand corrected. See the second set of variables below: Precision set to 0 does seem to do rounding:
  9. Because of the post by @kclenden I had to test it out myself too. One weird thing is that when you manually change a variable on the variables tab, you need to hit enter or it doesn't "stick". Here's programs that works both ways:
  10. @mmb On the variables page where you have your Temp_Current defined, right click on the row and select "Change Precision". I'm pretty sure that's how you change it from "Integer" to a "Floating Point" (even if it's defined on the "Integer" tab! ) You can select from 0 up to 8 digits of precision. I think that should fix your problem.
  11. I'll second the motion! That's my go-to text editor when it's available.
  12. It works!! I didn't have the database issue that @Bumbershoot had because I didn't have any nodes on the new Polisy. I successfully added the Darksky node on the new Polisy and it showed up in the ISY. Questions on migration from a Raspberry Pi based Polyglot install: Is the version 2.2.4 that's available using the "beta" tag in Polyglot settings stable enough to use for its Backup feature to be used in migration? (I'm currently on v2.2.3 on the RPi) Would you recommend waiting a bit to fully migrate all my nodeservers over to the new Polisy, or just go for it? Thanks for all of your work on this everyone! Very cool stuff!
  13. I just got back from an errand. I'm assuming @Bumbershoot got you the info you need? Also, I looked and didn't see a .env file in the /var/polyglot folder. I tried vi .env but it was blank. Is that how I would do it? I didn't have any polyglot nodes installed so I have a pretty blank slate.
  14. [admin@polisy ~]$ pkg info polyglot polyglot-2.2.5_4 Name : polyglot Version : 2.2.5_4 Installed on : Wed Oct 30 11:12:00 2019 PDT Origin : misc/polyglot Architecture : FreeBSD:12:amd64 Prefix : /usr/local Categories : misc Licenses : MIT Maintainer : andrey@xkinghome.net WWW : https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2 Comment : Polyglot v2 for UDI ISY 5.x.x Annotations : FreeBSD_version: 1200086 repo_type : binary repository : udi Flat size : 88.8MiB Description : Polyglot v2 server for Universal Devices ISY994 version 5.x.x WWW: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2 [admin@polisy ~]$
  15. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo killall daemon Password: [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot stop polyglot not running? (check /var/polyglot/polyglot_daemon.pid). [admin@polisy ~]$ mongo polyglot --eval "db.dropDatabase()" MongoDB shell version v3.4.23 connecting to: mongodb:// MongoDB server version: 3.4.23 { "dropped" : "polyglot", "ok" : 1 } [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo reboot login as: admin Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server: | Password for admin@polisy: End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server Last login: Wed Oct 30 15:00:09 2019 from FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p10 r351358 POLISY Welcome to Polisy! [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1066 0.0 0.1 10768 2188 - Ss 15:04 0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1198] (daemon) polyglot 1198 0.0 0.7 571920 29356 - R 15:04 0:00.08 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot admin 1200 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 15:04 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1066 0.0 0.1 10768 2188 - Ss 15:04 0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1198] (daemon) admin 1204 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 15:05 0:00.00 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1205 59.9 2.9 689432 119284 - R 15:05 0:03.68 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot polyglot 1066 0.0 0.1 10768 2188 - Ss 15:04 0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1205] (daemon) admin 1207 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 15:05 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$
  16. I thought you might want that. I had just done it anyways. Still restarting and increasing the PID value [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot start Starting polyglot. [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1271 68.1 2.9 690060 118932 - R 14:36 0:03.92 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot polyglot 1270 0.5 0.1 10768 2332 - Ss 14:36 0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1271] (daemon) admin 1273 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 14:36 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1270 0.4 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 14:36 0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1271] (daemon) admin 1275 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 14:36 0:00.00 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1276 60.2 2.0 650544 81504 - R 14:36 0:01.78 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot polyglot 1270 0.2 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 14:36 0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1276] (daemon) admin 1278 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 14:36 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo killall daemon [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot stop polyglot not running? (check /var/polyglot/polyglot_daemon.pid). [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly admin 1292 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 14:37 0:00.00 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$
  17. I think you meant sudo service polyglot stop. Here's what I get. Looks like it's stopped. [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo killall daemon Password: [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo polyglot stop sudo: polyglot: command not found [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot stop polyglot not running? (check /var/polyglot/polyglot_daemon.pid). [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly admin 1252 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 14:33 0:00.00 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly admin 1254 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 14:33 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly admin 1256 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 14:33 0:00.00 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$
  18. More info... FWIW, I did the crypto updates you mentioned a few posts back. Don't know if that's part of the problem. I also for grins, ran the grep line a few times and found that the PID seems to be changing. Doesn't that mean the process is continually restarting?? [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1559 0.0 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 12:23 0:00.21 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1734] (daemon) admin 1736 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 12:38 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1737 68.4 3.3 706424 135960 - R 12:38 0:05.20 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot polyglot 1559 0.0 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 12:23 0:00.21 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1737] (daemon) admin 1739 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 12:38 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1740 53.1 2.3 679328 95832 - R 12:38 0:02.44 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot polyglot 1559 0.0 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 12:23 0:00.21 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1740] (daemon) admin 1742 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 12:38 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1559 0.0 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 12:23 0:00.21 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1743] (daemon) polyglot 1743 0.0 1.4 604688 56488 - R 12:38 0:00.66 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot admin 1745 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 12:38 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1559 0.0 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 12:23 0:00.21 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1746] (daemon) polyglot 1746 0.0 1.3 602092 53956 - R 12:38 0:00.60 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot admin 1748 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 12:38 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$
  19. you mean ifconfig? Yes, it does show the same address as I had reserved on the DHCP server.
  20. [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1507 54.7 2.1 656816 87268 - R 12:21 0:01.96 /usr/local/bin/ polyglot 1091 0.0 0.1 10768 2188 - Ss 11:56 0:00.36 daemon: /usr/lo admin 1509 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 12:21 0:00.01 grep poly EDIT: I had also tried the killall and stop/start polyglot you mentioned a few posts above. It did seem to make the second polyglot instance go away but still wasn't able to access the web page. Here's what I get after running those commands: [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo killall daemon Password: [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot stop polyglot not running? (check /var/polyglot/polyglot_daemon.pid). [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot start Starting polyglot. [admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly polyglot 1559 0.0 0.1 10768 2336 - Ss 12:23 0:00.02 daemon: /usr/lo admin 1572 0.0 0.1 11248 2696 0 S+ 12:24 0:00.01 grep poly [admin@polisy ~]$
  21. Just received my Polisy as well. Seems like fires and power outages delayed its journey a bit. FWIW, my box had a rattle as well. It was the WiFi card. I opened it up and re-installed the card easily. No big deal there. I'm having the same issue. Before I did the updates, I could reach the Polisy at https://<ipaddress>:3000 (where <ipaddress> is a reserved address set up in my router's DHCP). Now, after the update and a few reboots from PuTTY, I don't get any response at https://<ipaddress> or https://<ipaddress>:3000 or anything else I can think of. I can ping the Polisy though from a windows CMD prompt.
  22. FWIW... I saw issues with Alexa earlier today too. Seems to work now.
  23. I have the same question/issue with my Velux skylights, which are driven by a pair of Insteon I/O modules. To open them, I have a program that makes one I/O turn "ON" and the other "OFF" (and the opposite polarities for closing). It just so happens that this is the way the Velux "home automation bridge" works. It actually has been a good thing to combat the dreaded Insteon "ALL ON" bug. When that happens, both I/O modules go high (i.e. ON), and that would actually stop any movement that's currently in progress, though I've never had an ALL ON event while the skylights were in transit. I've just gotten used to saying "Alexa, turn the skylights on (or off)". It's weird and non-intuitive for anyone other than me. It would be very cool if it were to be fixed so I could use the words "open" and "close", but in the mean time, I'll keep using "ON" and "OFF".
  24. I've been keeping an eye on this thread. I plan to check it out soon, maybe this week. Been too busy to get deep into loading/testing it out. Thanks for your work on it!!
  25. That valve might be a good tool to use for an automatic pool filling system, if I ever get around to automating my pool.
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