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Everything posted by jblackst5000

  1. Thanks so much for the feedback. Here is another example of a program that use to always work before I upgraded to 5.01.13C. I actually copied this program from Wiki. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn Kitchen Stove Light Off - [ID 0050][Parent 0055] If 'Kitchen-Motion-Sensor' Status is Off And 'Kitchen Stove Light Dimmer' Status is 99% Then Set 'Kitchen Stove Light Dimmer' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn Kitchen Stove Light On - [ID 004E][Parent 0055] If 'Kitchen-Motion-Sensor' Status is On And 'Kitchen Stove Light Dimmer' Status is Off Then Set 'Kitchen Stove Light Dimmer' On Level 99% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Jim
  2. I just upgraded to 5.01.13C and everything seems to be working alright with the exception of some programs I wrote. I remember when I first wrote most of my programs and there were instances when I purposely did not want to check the "Enabled" button on that program. I forgot now why but am having problems with my garage door open/close programs. When I executed the program to open the left door both doors opened and then closed and opened again. It is almost like it was in some kind of an infinite loop. I use an I/O Link ver 36 as a relay and sensor. Also, why does the icon on my of my programs now have a red left edge? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jim
  3. Thanks again for your help. Sorry...I am sort of new to this. Is this how you wrote your program? I also wrote one for "Smoke" and "Test". Do you know how to easily copy a program you wrote so I could attach it as a file for someone else to review. Someone told me how to do this years ago but I forgot. Thanks Again, Jim IF Control 'Smoke Bridge-CO' is switched On Then Send Notification to 'JimCellphone'
  4. Hi Paul, Thanks for the feedback. I just installed my Smoke Bridge today and linked it to the first FirstAlert One Link Fire alarm. Everything seems to work fine and I linked it to my ISY 994IR. I want to write a program to send me a text message when either any of my First Alerts senses "smoke" or "CO2". Would my program look something like this: If CO status is "ON" OR Smoke is "ON" Then send text message (to my setup cell phone number. Thanks again for your help. Jim
  5. I am just reviewing the forum regarding the Insteon Smoke Bridge. I just purchased the Smoke Bridge from Smarthome and two First Alert, One Link Smoke/CO2 alarms. I just read from this posting that once I link my Smoke Bridge to my ISY 994IR it will display 7 status. My question is does it distinguish which OneLink smoke alarm has a change in status or the status of all the OneLinks connected to the FirstAlert network. Thanks for all of the helpful advise.
  6. Thanks to everyone for all your help. The reason I am buying a new 2nd generation Echo is that I wanted to have two. I will put my older one in the bedroom and the new 2nd generation in our Great Room. Thanks again for all of the help. Jim
  7. This is probably a stupid question but I purchased an Amazon Echo over a year ago, I also purchased the ISY 994 portal and have successfully linked it so I can ask Alexa to turn on/off lights, lock/unlock front door and many other things that are devices in my ISY 994. I now have a 1st generation Echo and am thinking about purchasing a second one. The one I want to purchase is their 2nd generation model. My question is would I need to set up everything again on my new Echo like I did on the 1st one. I plan on putting my older model in our bedroom and place the new model in our Great Room. Thank You,
  8. I presently have my home automation devices on my UD ISY 994i. I also have an Elk M1 Gold as well as a HiKvision NVR series 7600. I also am using Amazon Alexa for voice activation of my home automation devices with the purchased ISY Portal. My question is can you install the MobiLinc Portal to my ISY 994i if I already have the ISY Portal installed. Would there be any conflicts if they are both installed. I have been thinking of purchasing the MobiLinc HD app for my iPad & iPhone to control my devices, security and cameras. From what I have read the app works great and it is easy to add my systems to it. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated or suggestions. Thanks,
  9. Hello, I just purchased and received my newly released Insteon Motion sensor Model 2844-222. I have two of the older 2842-222 and one of them went bad. I wanted to purchase the latest model since I was having a few issues with the older version. I am trying to enroll this Model 2844-222 in my ISY 994IR but not having any luck. This particular model is not listed in the pull down menu. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am using firmware 4.5.4. Thanks for your help. Jim
  10. I wrote a program to turn my Basement lights on when the motion sensor is on. The program listed below: Basement Laundry On - [iD 000F][Parent 0001] If Status 'Basement-Motion-Sensor' is On Then Set 'Basement Laundry SW' On Set 'Laundry Elliptical' 100% Set 'Laundry Wash Ma' 100% Else Set 'Basement Laundry SW' Off Set 'Laundry Elliptical' Off Set 'Laundry Wash Ma' Off There are times when I want those basement lights to stay on even if the motion sensor status is off. I would like to use one of the keys (a,b,c, or d) on my 6 button keypad link to activate a new program that will keep those lights on even when the motion sensor status is off. This happens when we are working in remote areas of our basement that the motion sensor does not pick us up and keeps turning the lights off when we are still down there. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. JIm
  11. Hello Stusviews, Thank you very much for your help. Your example worked for me. I am a little confused on using "Izzy". When you say Tell Izzy does that tell Alexa to look directly at your ISY devices, scenes and programs? I am amazed at this technology and what we will be seeing down the road. Thanks again for your help. It is greatly appreciated. Jim
  12. Hello, I was trying to connect my Venstar Thermostate, with a compatible Insteon wireless adapter that is connected to my ISY 994ir to Alexa. I logged into my ISY Portal and under devices found my "Thermostat1" and selected it. I then went to my Alexa app and ran :Discover Devices" and it did not find it. It would be nice if I could control my Venstar Thermostate with voice command to Alexa but not sure how to do it. It looks like there are many thermostat options that communicate directly with Alexa but I also want for it to be included in my ISY994ir so I can include in programs and control from my iPhone. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. Jim
  13. I just recently purchased my Amazon Echo and installed the ISY Portal successfully. I was able to log into my ISY Portal account and add devices and scenes and add them using the Amazon Alexa app. I am able to turn on/off any devices or scene but not able to execute a program using Echo. I am able to add the program using the pull down tab under "Spoken Nodes and Scenes" and then have Alexa discover them using the Amazon Alex App. However, When I try and execute a program nothing happens. I hear a sound from echo thinking it was executed but not work. I am not an experienced programmer so I am probably writing the program wrong. Here is an example of a program I want to be able to run using Amazon Alexa: Program Name: Elk Stay If "No Condition" Then Set Elk Area "Blackston" arm stay Else No Action When giving a command to Alexa I say " Alexa, Run program "Elk Stay" I get a tone like it worked but it does not arm my Elk Security in Stay Mode. I am thinking maybe I need to put in an "IF" statement. Oh by the way if someone can tell me how to copy a program from my ISY to paste into this forum it would also be great appreciated. Someone told me some time ago but I forgot how to do that. Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.
  14. After researching my problem and with the help of the UDI Wiki I was able to solve my problem related to setting up my Amazon Echo with my ISY. I tried to delete this topic but could not find how to do that. Thanks for all the help I have received over the years on this forum. Thanks, Jim Blackston
  15. I have an Amazon Fire TV (Ethernet connected to my network) that I am able to give commands to Alexa and also works with Amazon's new Alexa app. I also have the ISY 994ir and have been thinking about purchasing the ISY Portal. Since Amazon Fire TV is very similar to Echo would I be able to configure my Amazon Fire TV to communicate with my ISY 994ir. I know I am probably out in left field on this but just wondering if this is possible or possible be available at a later date. I could purchase Amazon's Echo but since my Amazon Fire TV does about the same thing it would be great if I could control my lights ect using the Fire TV. Thanks as always on the terrific support I receive on this forum. Jim
  16. Hello, I downloaded the Weatherbug module a few days ago and have already written a few programs to send outside temp, wind speed and wind direction to my Elk M1 Gold keypad. I was going to write a program to send me an alert when there is a severe weather warning issued but I did not see anything like that with the available variables. Please let me know if there are alerts that trigger when the National Weather Services issues alerts. Thanks again for all of the help I receive from this forum.
  17. Thanks for your help on this. It was added to the ISY-99 available devices. Thanks,
  18. I had to replace batteries in my RemoteLinc and ended up deleting the device from my available devices in the ISY. Does anyone know how to re-enroll or Link the RemoteLinc to my IsY99. I tried going to Link Management and then selected Link a RemoteLinc. When the window When the add new device window appeared I then put in the address: 14.1D.3D and I called it RemoteLinc. It worked for a few minutes and then stopped but did not add my RemoteLinc. I even tried holding the A button down for 10 seconds for it to start blinking and then tried it again and again it did not add my RemoteLinc. I read the RemoteLinc's owners manual and it just talked about linking a particular button to a LampLinc or other device locally but not how to enroll it in the ISY99. Maybe there is another button on the LampLinc that i need to hold while tring to Link it in the ISY admin console. Thanks for your help on this. Jim Blackston
  19. I have an ISY-99 and have written programs to send a txt message to my iPhone when certain insteon devices change status. Is there a way to actually create custom text messages depending on what even occured. For instance when the I/O Link in our motion sensor sun room flood lights turn on I would like to create a message saying "Sun Room Motion Lights On" Here is an example of a line item in my program. Send Notification to ‘JimCellphone’
  20. My email/notifications are no longer working using gmail. I am getting a SMTP DNS Server error. I believe the problem is due to changing to a different Internet Provider. Under configuration in network settings, how can I find the correct DNS to enter in my ISY99? My settings are as following on the notifications configuration. SMTP Server smtp.gmail.com User I.D. jimblackston@gmail.com From I left this blank SMTP Port I have tried both "465" and "587" Password I entered my correct gmail password timeout 1,000 Use TLS I checked this box Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jim Blackston
  21. Michel, I unchecked the use default box and manually configured my gmail SMTP Server. That solved the problem. For some reason the default worked before the firmware update but now that I took your advise, everything works fine now. Thanks again for all your help. Jim Blackston
  22. Michel, Thanks for getting back to me. I do not have my own mail server. I have aT&T Uverse and have several .sbcglobal.net accounts and one yahoo account but I do not believe they belong to me. Would you please help me set one up using gmail. Thanks, Jim Blackston
  23. Hi Michel, I tried the test again and it still failed but I also got a message from the ISY99 saying "SSL Authenication failed" . I also got the same message as before "Mail server failure" from timed out. Thanks, Jim Blackston
  24. Hi Michel, Thanks for your response. Yes..I mean firmware 3.1.17. I am not sure what you mean by leaving the from field "blank" This is what I have on the emails/notifications tab under configurations. Groups Name Receipents ID JimCellphone 6147960926@txt.att.net 1 JimEmail jimblackston@yahoo.com 2 Under SMTP Settings the default is checked and the timeouts is 1,000ms Thanks, Jim Blackston
  25. Hello, I just updated my firmware to the new 3.1.14 v and everything works fine with the exception of my e-mails/notifications function. When I go to tht tab on the Admin Console and perform a test I now get "Mail Server Failed" from timed out. It worked fine before I did the firmware update. I see there is a button on the bottom of that page that says "Reload", should I do that. Thanks so much for everyone that has helped me solve problems with my ISY99 on this forum. I have received very good help and advise since I am a newbie. Thanks Again, Jim
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