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Everything posted by jblackst5000

  1. Hi, I am fairly new to using the ISY-99. I have been thinking about changing internet providers from At&T Uverse to Time Warner Cable Roadrunner. My question is it just a matter of changing the Network Settings tab under configuration (IP address, Subset Mask, Gateway and DNS to the new settings provided by Time Warner. Also should I use the Automatic DHCP function. I am hoping that all of the individual I am hoping that all of the individual device addresses under my lighting will not need to be changed. Thanks so much for all the help I have received on this forum and as a newbie I am getting pretty comfortable adding devices and writing simple programs. Thanks again, Jim
  2. What is the role of the "HTML Role" under system in the ISY 99 Configuration tab? The options are "Advanced, Basic, Read-Only and Admin" Thank You
  3. I see where SmartHome will begin shipping their new RemoteLinc 2 tomorrow. I have made it a habit to never linc anything manually since I want to do it using my ISY-99ir. I create all my scenes and programs in the ISY-99. I know that their is a special feature in the admin console under "Linc Management" for linking a RemoteLinc but not sure if that feature would work on the new "RemoteLinc 2" since they are brand new. Thanks for all the wonderful support I have received on this forum. I am a newbi but learning with everyone's help.
  4. When linking a RemoteLinc and a 6button DimmerLinc to the ISY-99, do I need to put those devices in the linking mode while I add them using the ISY-99 Admin Console? I tried adding the 6 Button KeyPadLinc by using the "add new device" pull down in admin console and entering the device address and it seems to work alright. Since the RemoteLinc is a battery powered device, can I use the "add RemoteLinc" feature in the admin console to add the RemoteLinc as well. Thank You, Jim Blackston
  5. WOW.......It worked. Thank you very much for your help on this. I am sort of a "newbe" and not a programer. Your instructions were easy to follow. Thanks you again. Jim Blackston
  6. I have a kitchen light controlled by an Insteon relay switch. I have this linked to an Insteon In-Line Linc with Sense in a motion sensor floodlight. How can I write a program to make the kitchen table light "Blink" when the status of the In-Line Linc is on. I heard that it requires a program to call another program for this to work. Thanks,
  7. I have a Home Theater in our finished basement and would like to create a scene initiated by my 6 button RemoteLinc. The theater has two sets of lights. There are 6 cam lights controlled by an Insteon SwitchLinc Dimmer and 2 Sconses controlled by an Insteon 6 button dimmer. I would like to use the RemoteLinc because before a movie starts I want the lights to slowly ramp down and finally turning off the cam lights and leaving the sconses at 15%. When the movie is over I would then like to use the remoteLinc to slowly turn on both lights. I had a dealer program one of the buttons on the 6 button dimmer to do what I would like the RemoteLinc to do. He wrote a program that is called when button "A" is one or off. I have a ISY99/ir controller. I have not looked into the IR capabilities built into the ISY99/ir. Maybe I could create my desired scene by using either the remote to the Denon AVR receiver or the Epson 1080P Projector. Thank You,
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