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Everything posted by Kentinada

  1. I went into the admin console today of my ISY-99i and it said there was a new version of the software available. 3.3.x I think. I was running 3.2.6 so I said automatically upgrade it. I said yes to the backup but the backup failed. I think if flagged something almost at the end of the backup process that said something like can't write 45.COND maybe? Anyway the system upgrade process didn't stop when the backup failed. And then the upgrade failed. I could no longer connect to it through the browser. So I went to check the device and all the lights were out. I unplugged it and plugged it back in. Now the Rx and Tx lights are on solid and the red Error light is blinking. What do I do now?
  2. I may have been when I first installed the ISY99i, but now want to change it.
  3. I've looked around but can't find a way to change the location of where the log files and backup files are stored on my Mac. I don't want them in the top level Documents folder. I'd like to put them in a subfolder under Documents. Is there a way to do that?
  4. Thanks for the replies. It didn't make any sense to me why it wasn't working. The program summary page showed my S3 body program was in a true state but my S0 cond program had no status listed - totally blank. For grins I changed the time from 12:00:00AM to 11:30:00PM and everything worked fine. I'll let it run a couple more nights to be sure it's working and then try changing it back to 12:00:00AM to see what happens.
  5. Why does this condition never fire? When I look at the Program Summary tab, OUTLIGHTS.S3.BODY is True. But this condition won't fire at midnight. I have other conditions that based on time similar to this that work. What am I doing wrong? IF Program 'OUTLIGHTS.S3.BODY' is True And Time is 12:00:00AM Then Run Program 'OUTLIGHTS.S0.BODY' (Then Path) Else - No Actions
  6. 1. Does that mean that I can cross link any two Switchlincs I have installed and make them into a quasi 3-way circuit? 2. Are they cross linked through the ISY admin console only? In other words, they cannot be cross-linked outside of the ISY console? 3. If I cross link switch A and switch B, when I press either switch, do lights A and B both come on? 4. Do I understand you correctly that I cannot put a dimmer Switchlinc in if it is controlling a normal outlet? It has to be a simple on/off switch? 5. When you say some of the traveler wires have to "retasked", what does that mean exactly? Is there a primer you can point me to? Again, many thanks for the great information.
  7. Kentinada

    More on 3-way

    I have been reading several threads on 3-way switches but still have questions. My specific situation I would like to address is this. In my family room, I have two 3-way switches that control the bottom plug of the outlets in the room. (bought the house this way) I have lamps plugged into two of those outlets so either switch will turn them on or off. A. If I want to use a Switchlinc here, do I have to replace both old switches with Switchlincs or just one of them and leave one old switch installed? B. Can one of these switches be replaced with a Keypadlinc? C. Does it make any sense or is it easier if I leave the switches alone and replace the outlets with Outletlincs?
  8. Kentinada

    On Level?

    LeeG, you have provided a wealth of information to me today. Thank you! I have been doing X10 for years but am only recently moving on to INSTEON. There is an incredible amount of flexibility between the devices, various controllers, and the ISY itself. There is a learning curve here but with help like yours, it will be much shorter. Again, many thanks.
  9. Kentinada

    On Level?

    When I look at a specific device defined through the admin console, I see 3 components: 1. Current State 2. On Level (Applied Locally) 3. Ramp Rate (Applied Locally) What is the On Level used for? In my scene definition, I see Current State and Ramp Rate only.
  10. If I have a traditional sprinkler system today with its own stand-alone controller but want to integrate the system with my ISY-99i, I think I need to add an EZFlora device. But I can't tell how connect it. I assume my stand-alone controller would have to come out. Does anyone know of a good setup guide/tutorial somewhere I can read?
  11. Can I program my scene buttons on my RemoteLinc through the ISY-99i admin console? I see all 6 buttons listed in the admin console but don't see a wy to program them from there.
  12. Kentinada

    Scenes help

    I am a little new at this scene stuff. Do I create a scene so that I can activate that single scene to control multiple devices at once thus simplifying my programming? If I have that right, I am still notmsure why you would add a controller device (remotelinc or keypadlinc) to a scene. If I have a program in the ISY-99i that fires based on a condition which runs a scene and that scene has a controller device in it, will the controller button (whichever is identified) act as if I had manually pressed that button?
  13. One of the things I was looking forward to with my new ISY-99i was using my iPad 2 as an automation controller. But when I saw the price tag of Mobilinc HD of $50, I almost choked. The most I have ever spent on an iPad app was $17 and I thought that was outrageous. Is there no reasonable priced iPad alternative?
  14. Thanks! I appreciate the answer.
  15. I just got my ISY99i today. I have added all INSTEON devices except my 2443 Access Points and my 2413S PowerLinc modem. I have the ISY-99i in link mode but when I press the set button on either access point or the Powerlinc, the ISY doesn't see them. This process worked fine for switches and plugs. 1. Do I need these devices in the ISY database? 2. If so, what am I doing wrong? Thanks.
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