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  1. I've had this problem with several X-10 chimes. The problem is tuning. Open the chime and you well see a small square tunable coil. It is in a shiny aluminum can. There is a threaded tuning slug in the can that you can access from the top of the can. Be very careful of the wires that connect to the piezo sounder; they are soldered to this sounder but will not take much flexing. Obviously you must have the chime plugged into your 120Volt house wiring to do this test with the CASE OPEN - MEANING 120 VOLTS are exposed and you could make contact with those exposed connections if you aren't careful or watchful of what you are doing. What I do is set up a X-10 trigger program in the ISY that I can trigger with a push button like a mini remote. (You can't use the power unplugging method to do this; it must be a real X-10 signal.) MARK the position of the slot in the tuning slug with a fine felt pen on the aluminum can so you can get back to your original position if necessary. Using a NON-METALLIC tool (the slug is magnetic, you can't use a metallic screwdriver with a iron or steel blade. a metallic tool drastically affects the magnetic properties of the slug. using a metal blade will render this testing useless.), having a plastic blade that fits in the tuning slug slot, rotate the tuning slug by very small amounts; TESTING the chime with every small rotation of the slug. You may find the chime starts to work again. You will likely have to try rotating the slug in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions. If this doesn't fix the problem, the part of the chime that detects the X-10 signal may have failed. In my case, I have found these chimes are quite sensitive to temperature, particularly the summer heat. They quit working when my house gets hot. Tuning them slightly has fixed the problem for me. It may take more than one turn of the slug. COUNT the TURNS!
  2. I don’t have a Policy yet; I haven’t decided if I need it. But if you have a Policy Pro, that already has two antennas, is there a place on the Policy Pro’s case for the two other antennas from this device?
  3. Yes, it is happening to me as well. GMail has changed to Oauth2. So far, I don’t have a solution either. Would changing the ISY’s authentication method to allow for Oauth2 work? I got an email from google some weeks ago that this change was in the works.
  4. I've tried all variations of sending an 200 OK status and there has been no change. I am still getting the exact same message. Incidentally I send network resources to other Python scripts and also get a similar message, only Rule: 65 ... It would be satisfying to be able to send an accepted response, but it actually doesn't seem to matter because the receiving device handles the content of the network resource exactly the way I intended, in all cases.
  5. Thanks MrBill, is there a list of the network module rules anywhere?
  6. I have an ESP32 device running micro-python to which I send a network resource as shown below. The IP address of the ESP32 is '' and the command is 'qry'. The resource is sent correctly by the ISY and received correctly by the ESP32. The ESP32 process the 'qry' command just the way it is supposed to. However, I get the following response from the ISY when I test this network resource: "TCP client read response failed. Net Module Rule: 68" MY question is: Does anyone know what is required to be sent back to the ISY such that it will form a valid response to receiving the network resource? I'd just like to get a 'clean' response. What I am currently sending back as a response to the ISY, using Python in the ESP32 is as follows: conn.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n') conn.send('Content-Type: text/html\n') conn.send('Connection: close\n\n') conn.send('<html><head>') conn.send('<link rel="icon" href="data:,">') # prevent browser from requesting favicon.ico conn.send('</head>\n\n') conn.close() I have tried removing the three lines about favicon, but I am getting the same error message: conn.send('<html><head>') conn.send('<link rel="icon" href="data:,">') # prevent browser from requesting favicon.ico conn.send('</head>\n\n') This response works fine when I send the network resource from a browser (Firefox). Thanks for any insight on this :). (I'm not sure resolving this is actually required because the ESP32 processes the command fine.)
  7. Initially I was looking for a method to shutdown a Windows PC by sending a 'something' to the PC using a network resource. This involved setting up a task on the Windows PC that could listen on a port and respond to a shutdown command set from the ISY. This task would have to be loaded when the PC was booted. When I had a closer look at this, I realized that I also wanted a task that would play an alarm after the PC was fully booted up. So in the end, I set up 3 python scripts to accomplish this; I am including them here in the event that someone else might find them useful. The first python script's purpose is to start the two other scripts independently and asynchronously. That is these two scripts run as if they were started one at a time with no dependencies associated between either script. They run and terminate independently of each other. So ... here are the three python scripts # First, RunProcesses.py import os from multiprocessing import Pool from time import sleep processes = ('C:\PythonScripts\PIII-10G-ShutDown.py', 'C:\PythonScripts\Pythonplaysound.py') def run_process(process): print('\nRunning process: ' + process) os.system('python {}'.format(process)) def main() : pool = Pool(processes=2) pool.map_async(run_process, processes) if __name__ == '__main__': print('Starting MAIN') main() print('Finishing MAIN') sleep(2) ---=== End of Script ===--- # Second, PIII-10G-ShutDown.py # I give credit to larryllix for the core of this script; I grabbed it from the forum many moons ago. import os import sys import time import datetime from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer # HTTPRequestHandler class (HTTP requests, either from a browser or the ISY994i are handled using this class. class myHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response_only(200) words = self.requestline.split() params = words[1].split("/",2) #debug stuff #print("\n\nNumber of parmameters in input string:", str(len(params))) #print("\nInput string passed into Python:", words) #print("\nParameters received: ", params) Arg1 = params[1] if Arg1 == "Shutdown" : print("\nShutdown received.") os.system('"C:\ShutDown.bat"') elif Arg1 == "StartXYZ" : print("\nStarting Program XYZ.") os.system('"C:\XYZ.bat"') else : print("\nUnanticipated command received: " + str(Arg1)) # Server settings def run(): #print('\nStarting server...') server_address = ('', 10738) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, myHTTPServer_RequestHandler) print('\n' * 2) print('Running server...') print('\n' * 2) httpd.serve_forever() run() ---=== End of Script ===--- ~~~~~~~~~ A quick note on the shutdown script above. I set up and used English words in my Network Resource PATH item. You could use variable substitution (numbers) instead which allow any number of functions (for the python script) to use one Network Resource. ~~~~~~~~~ # Third, Pythonplaysound.py from time import sleep from playsound import playsound print('\nBig Ben initiated.') sleep(210) # Note:- use of the FORWARD slash in the filename for playsound playsound('C:/PythonScripts/BigBenClockCV3.mp3') # print('\nBig Ben completed.') ---=== End of Script ===--- And finally, the ISY network resource: Protocol Information: http GET Host: Port: 10,738 Path: /Shutdown Timeout: 500
  8. Thanks apostolakisl, I'll check eventghost out. Appreciate the suggestion.
  9. The network resource WOL works perfectly ... but I was wondering if anyone had cobbled together an ISY network resource plus something running on a local Windows PC that could initiate a Windows shutdown? TIA for any suggestions! Broyd.
  10. So I managed to add the Z-Stick to the ISY as a secondary controller. If you haven't already done so, you will need Zensys Tools. You can get it from the link at the bottom of this page: https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000226205 Now follow the steps on this page: https://www.activeautomation.co.nz/boards/topic/3/adding-aeotec-z-stick-as-a-second-controller-to-an-existing-z-wave-network When the Zensys Tools page comes up, the right side panel is the NODE panel. But there was NO title on it. There are two icons on that right panel, the lightning bolt and the X. X resets the Z-Stick. The lightning bolt puts the Z-Stick in learn mode. I've added the Z-Stick several times. If I DELETE the Z-Stick from the ISY, the only way I can remove the links from the ISY in the left panel of the Zensys Tools panel is to click the X button which resets the Z-Stick, removing the links. So ... 1. Z Tools: Click the lightning bolt. It will bring up a panel saying the controller is working in learning mode. (Maybe have to click twice if the panel does not come up). 2. ISY: Z-Wave Add device (to the Z-wane network). Now watch the ISY's 'add Z-Wave device info panel'; it should add the Z-Stick. The LEFT Zensys Tools panel should now show all of your Z-Wave devices and their link numbers that are in the ISY. I haven't taken the next step though ... to upgrade the MultiSensor 6's firmware. Not really sure what I do next as the MS's are members of the ISY device ... So ... if you delete the Z-Stick from the ISY, all I could do to remove it is right click on the z-wave controller and select delete. In the Zensys Tools window, all I could do to remove the 'ISY' links was select the X to reset the Z-Stick. A question for you: does resetting the Z-Wave dongle in the ISY reset all the node numbers? Or do you have to reset the whole ISY to accomplish this?
  11. I’m with you on this one and I’m in the exact same position. It seems that UDI has lost some stuff with their new dongle.
  12. Recently I was confused by the following message in the ISY994i error log: Sun 2021/06/20 10:26:10 AM System -140005 Net Module Rule: 29 specifically: Net Module Rule: 29. Net Module Rule??? It would make far more sense to me, and I’m sure others, to relabel this line as: Network Resource ID number: The Network Module Rule label (to me) has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Network Resource ID Number and labeling it properly so that it refers to something I deal with would have saved me time and effort. I was looking to try and find some sort of specific rule related to ‘29’ that would have allowed me to determine (for example) if I hadn’t left enough time for the HTTP read to complete … Thanks for your consideration.
  13. Thanks Mr. Bill, I have checked those numbers against my network resources and it seems very likely you are correct. They were the resources I was using at the time these error messages occurred. I'll have to watch carefully to see if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. Perhaps I need more delay between commands.
  14. Hi folks, My question is where or how do I find out the meaning of the numerical codes for the Net Module Rules shown in the collection of these codes I have taken from the ISY Error Log (the numbers at the end of the lines; 11, 27, 29, 38)? I am working with a bunch of Network Resources to control my home theatre system. And I am slowly working out most of the problems I've been having (such as getting working IR codes from a Global Cache IP2IR module). -140005 HTTP_CLIENT_READ_RESPONSE_FAILED Sun 2021/06/20 10:31:43 AM System -140005 Net Module Rule: 11 Sun 2021/06/20 10:26:09 AM System -140005 Net Module Rule: 27 Sun 2021/06/20 10:26:10 AM System -140005 Net Module Rule: 29 Sun 2021/06/20 10:32:15 AM System -140005 Net Module Rule: 38 I'm guessing these numerical codes are generated from the HTTP CLIENT in the ISY and that the ISY is just writing them to the error log. But in any case, is there a document explaining what the codes mean?
  15. Once again, thanks to all of you. I am sure now of how And - Or work. And based on all of your replies, I have done my own testing; nothing works better than seeing the results for yourself. And I know what to expect from the time within construct now. Appreciated
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