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Everything posted by ResIpsa

  1. I am running 2.6.6. I put a few programs in a folder with the following condition set: Folder Conditions for 'Family Room (Normal)' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Control 'KpL.Foyer.D.Away' is not switched On Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. An example program in the folder is: If Time is Sunset - 5 minutes Then Set Scene 'Scene.Family Room (80%)' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The next scheduled run for this program was at 8:16 PM tomorrow (five minutes before sunset). I then went and pressed the KpL button (toggle mode), and the next scheduled run time disappeared, again as expected. But when I pressed the KpL again, turning it off, the next scheduled run time remained blank. I tried refreshing the list, and it still remained blank. Am I doing something wrong?
  2. Same here. 99IR Pro.
  3. I thought it was pretty well established that Smarthome had not implemented KPL LED brightness yet, even though it's in the technical documents they provide to developers (like UD). http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=983&highlight=led+brightness Or are we talking apples and oranges? [/url]
  4. Not happening here with 2.6.4. I do get the progress bar, but it's usually gone within 8-10 seconds. I haven't seen it go more than once. Do you have Access Points in your network?
  5. And FYI, you do not need to air gap KPLs for the local ramp rate to take effect.
  6. Will you get a stand alone player, or just pony up for a PS3? As much as I love video games, I just don't have any interest in the PS3. And the fact that I can't control it with my Harmony 880 doesn't help, either. I'd rather pay for a stand alone Blu-Ray player than a PS3.
  7. From the Quick Setup Guide that came with my 99i: http://www.universal-devices.com/99i
  8. Just finished trying out my 99ir. Works great. Got a few switchlincs connected, and everything is working groovy. Now I'm trying to access via the internet. I have enabled UPnP on my PC (I have a Buffalo AirStation). When I try going to http://my.external.ip:ISYport#/0/x, I get a 404 Not Found error. Am I doing something wrong? Not sure if this is related, but when I try accessing my ISY via My Lighting through My Network Places, I get an error window which says that the device is offline.
  9. New member! And currently salivating over the arrival of my 99ir. Just had to comment. I have long shared your feelings about AOL. I walked away from the service in 2001 after throwing money at them for far too many years. You should know, though, that AOL's approach is not unique. I currently use AT&T DSL, while most of my family uses Comcast cable internet. Not one us has a static IP address. I believe I would have to get a business DSL account and pay ~$75/month in order to get a static IP address. Is it worth it? Absolutely not. I will shortly be setting up a dyndns account as suggested. My brother has been utilizing dyndns to host our family website and an internet voice chat server (TeamSpeak), for several years with absolutely no problems whatsoever. I highly recommend it!
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