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Everything posted by RatRanch

  1. Also unable to download either system or error log ("Subscriber didn't reply to event: 1 [27]"). I tried both the applet and application, ssl and no ssl. This is on a Mac running OS X Lion. -Jim
  2. RatRanch

    Remotelinc 2

    Received an 8 scene unit today. Big improvement over the clunky first generation RemoteLincs. Has anyone come up with a good way to label the buttons?
  3. Hi Michel, As others have already noted, I'm also seeing a lot of weatherbug errors with 3.1.5. FWIW, my ISY-99i completely locked up (unresponsive to events or pings) after the following sequence of errors: Wed 2011/08/03 12:44:41 AM System -140005 CLI-WBug Wed 2011/08/03 12:54:35 AM System -5012 n/a Wed 2011/08/03 01:17:12 AM System -5006 n/a Wed 2011/08/03 01:19:12 AM System -5012 n/a Wed 2011/08/03 01:49:02 AM System -5012 n/a Wed 2011/08/03 02:11:12 AM System -5006 n/a Wed 2011/08/03 02:13:02 AM System -5012 n/a Wed 2011/08/03 02:40:59 AM System -5006 n/a Cheers, -Jim
  4. Hi Michel, I'm also having a problem with notifications in 3.1.5. I'm seeing -50001 -13 and -50001 -16 errors in the log. When I click the test button from admin console, the error messages vary: "Data Timed Out", "Password Not Accepted", "Body Timed Out". This is using a gmail account that was previously stable (smtp.gmail.com, port 587, TLS, 5000 ms timeout). My network setup is similar to Candide's; the ISY is connected to a Verizon FiOS Actiontec router via a gigabit switch. However, notifications work fine if I use a .mac account instead (smtp.me.com, port 587, no TLS, 5000 ms timeout). Thanks, -Jim
  5. I'm observing the same behavior that wrj0 reports (and I wholeheartedly agree with his assessment of UDI's amazing responsiveness). The value displayed in programs is one tenth the value that is actually being evaluated. My system is also configured for Fahrenheit units. -Jim
  6. Michel,After upgrading to 3.1.4, my test values for Rain Today parameters changed by value/=10. For example my code in 3.1.3 was: If Module 'Climate' Rain Today >= 0.2 " And Module 'Climate' Rain Today < 0.5 " But after the upgrade to 3.1.4 the values were changed to 0.02 and 0.05 respectively. Yesterday, we finally had some rain, and Weatherbug was reporting 0.32†rain, which agreed with my weather station. However my code to test for 0.2†<= Rain Today < 0.5†evaluated false, but I found testing 0.02†<= Rain Today < 0.05†evaluated true with the actual Rain Today of 0.32â€. Please advise. Thanks. Michel: Same issue here after upgrading to 3.1.4. Irrigation module is also installed on this system. -Jim
  7. Michel: All three apply to my configuration, but the apparent culprit is #3 (I have an ActionTec router). I disabled Internet access and reinstalled 2.8.12. The system is stable now and works fine with MobiLinc and other REST applications. Thanks, -Jim
  8. Firmware 2.8.12 was also unstable for me. After upgrading, I got into the admin console once and attempted to query all devices. The console hung mid-query, reporting socket and xml parse errors. After that incident, the ISY was completely hosed. I could not telnet to it and any attempt to load the admin console (locally or from http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.12/admin.jnlp) caused the network interface to shut down, i.e., it stopped responding to pings. I reset the ISY several times, both with and without the PLM attached, but could never even telnet to it. The ISY accepted a connection but never got to requesting authentication. I rebooted the ISY several times and ran a continuous ping. It failed to return packets as soon as I tried to load admin console. After several more reset attempts (the successful one using the reset button instead of a power cycle), I finally got to the point where I could reload firmware 2.8.11 and the system is stable again. Note that I did NOT do a restore after reloading 2.8.11 to get the system stable again. -Jim
  9. Exactly the same outcome on a Mac; I had to apply the update twice.
  10. Rubin, Would you mind posting a link to the updated script? The inline code is somehow getting mangled when I copy/paste from your post. Thanks, -Jim
  11. Rubin, This is very cool! Thanks for contributing the very useful script. It also runs fine on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (however, the pQuery module, which is not not part of the OS X Perl distribution, also needs to be installed). One minor bug: the script won't work out of the box if the ISY username has been changed from the default of "admin" because there is no option to specify username on the command line. This is easily fixed by editing the #Defaults section of the script. Cheers, -Jim
  12. Hi Michel, Port 25 is not available to us FiOS users (Verizon blocks it). Here are my observations from testing me.com on port 587 and timeout of 5000 set: 1. Test button on configuration panel works 100% of the time 2. Notifications that are triggered by programs don't work reliably 3. No error is written to the system or error log I can't speak for all users, but this bug has very low priority for me since a free gmail account gets the job done just fine. And thanks again for adding custom notifications; this is a great feature. Cheers, -Jim
  13. One more issue in 2.8.7. Notifications are not working reliably on a mail server that does not require TLS encryption (smtp.me.com). Gmail, which requires TLS, works reliably. This is just the opposite of the bug we had in 2.8.6 The Test button on the configuration panel works every time with either server. Cheers, -Jim
  14. Customizable notifications is a fabulous new feature. Thanks! One minor bug: if the message body of custom notification is blank, the notification fails and logs a -50001 SMTP SERVER FAILURE error. Cheers, -Jim
  15. Hi Michel, I reverted to firmware 2.8.3 and retested. These settings work in 2.8.3 but do not work in 2.8.6. Mail providers that do not require TLS encryption work with either version. Cheers, -Jim
  16. Not sure if this is an issue with 2.8.6 or Gmail, but email notifications via gmail completely stopped working. Test via ISY admin console returns a "Mail Server Failure [password not accepted]" error. I verified the password at the Gmail website and re-entered/re-saved details but no luck. This may be an issue with TLS encryption. Apple's "Mobile Me" smtp server (which requires authentication, but does not require TLS) works fine if the "use TLS" option is not selected but also generates a "password not accepted" error if a TLS connection is attempted. -Jim
  17. Hi Michel, The version 2.8.4 firmware I tested was built on Oct. 13. I don't see any newer builds available for download. For the time being, I reverted to 2.8.3 and have not experienced any more losses of network connectivity. -Jim
  18. Hi Team, I've experienced a loss of network connectivity twice since installing firmware 2.8.4. The ISY continues to run programs but cannot be accessed via http or telnet. Here is an error log excerpt. Immediately preceding this, a program that sends an email notification ran: Time User Code Message Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:06 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:06 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:07 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:22 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:27 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:27 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:49 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:49 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:53:49 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:54:33 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:54:33 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:54:34 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:54:48 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:54:49 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:54:52 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:55:58 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:55:58 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 01:55:58 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 02:40:33 PM System -140005 CLI-WBug Tue 2010/10/19 04:43:28 PM System -140002 CLI-WBug Tue 2010/10/19 04:45:28 PM System -140008 CLI-WBug:503 Tue 2010/10/19 04:55:27 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 04:55:27 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 04:55:27 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 06:03:56 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 06:03:57 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 06:03:57 PM System -5012 n/a Tue 2010/10/19 06:04:32 PM System -140005 CLI-WBug Tue 2010/10/19 07:19:27 PM System -140008 CLI-WBug:503 Tue 2010/10/19 08:04:58 PM System -140002 MOD-EM-BRULTECH Tue 2010/10/19 08:05:30 PM System -140000 datafeed.weatherbug.com Tue 2010/10/19 08:05:32 PM System -140002 MOD-EM-BRULTECH Tue 2010/10/19 08:05:58 PM System -140002 MOD-EM-BRULTECH Tue 2010/10/19 08:06:01 PM System -100 [DHCP] Router N/A Tue 2010/10/19 08:06:01 PM System -100 [Network] No Gateway. Stopping I haven't seen anything like this happen with any prior firmware versions. Cheers, -Jim
  19. Note that there is a free program on Global Cache's website that will convert widely available CCF format IR codes to GC native format. Extensive libraries of CCF codes can be downloaded from sites like http://www.remotecentral.com. -Jim
  20. Another bump for DynDNS. It works perfectly with the FiOS Actiontec router. -Jim
  21. Hi deg01004, These tasks could be accomplished using ISY-99i's REST interface. Take a look at the documentation on this wiki page. Pretty much. The url syntax would look like this: The reason I replaced "01.A1.9" with the placeholder "99999" is that ISY assigns a unique node ID to each object. You can get a list of all objects by calling /rest/nodes. The best way to accomplish this would be to call the desired program via REST: Again, this example uses the placeholder "9999" because programs are also referenced by their node IDs. Cheers, -Jim
  22. Check out this section of the forum for more info about interfacing ISY with the Brultech devices. The Brultech ECM-1240 should be fully supported very soon.
  23. And while they're at it, how about an Insteon version of the cheap and very loud X-10 Powerhouse Chime?
  24. RatRanch


    It's easy to figure out which phase each breaker is on by inspecting the distribution panel. In typical US and Canada installations, for example, 110V breakers are on alternating phases as you go from top to bottom. 220V breakers will have one leg sitting on each phase. See the diagram on your panel or see this Wikipedia article. -Jim
  25. Further to Brian's comments, if you don't need any of the EZX10RF's advanced capabilities, a simple X10 transceiver like this one would be considerably cheaper and easier to set up. It's trivial effort to create ISY programs that respond to X10 events. Range of both the X10 credit card and key fob controllers isn't great so you would need to locate the receiver close to the location where the controller is used. Note that some factory installed vehicle garage door openers--BMW and Chrysler, for example--can be trained to transmit X10 commands. The range of these built-in remotes is typically very good. One other option to consider would be an Insteon RemoteLinc wireless controller. Since your Insteon installation probably already includes a couple of access points, you wouldn't need to get any additional receivers. Range and security would be better than either X10 solution, but the RemoteLincs are a tad clunky, perhaps not meeting the requirement for a "small" remote. Cheers, -Jim
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