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  1. Thanks for the replies. I took the advice and didn't hook up my old ISY. It turn out that this was a false alarm! While I was away I started having issues with the system and eventually opened a support ticket to which Michel Kohanim replied. I had sent him my error log and he replied that my PLM was dead. When I returned on Saturday I just assumed it was dead and that I needed a new one. However, just before I clicked on the purchase of a new one I decided to go look at the existing PLM. I saw that the LED on the side of the PLM was not lit! The PLM wasn't dead after all, my problem was that the PLM was not properly plugged into the outlet!
  2. I bought the EISY and the 2413U PLM in October and it recently (March) died. Of course, this had to happen when I was away for a few months! I just returned today and I am thinking of pulling out the old ISY994i and 2413S PLM to get the system up and running again while I order and receive a new PLM. Hopefully there is some sort of warranty. Will simply plugging in the old ISY cause any issues to my system?
  3. Interesting... I had not considered that. By the way, I am running on an EISY. So, I tried to a few things: - simply pulled the power cord out of the EISY to simulate a power outage; and - rebooted the EISY from the Admin Console a few times. Each time when the system came back up, the 'Home' node and sub-nodes were still populated with True or False. So, for whatever reason, it appears that I still do not need to use the variables.
  4. Your method definitely works as does the method I explained. What I like about having the nodes set up on the Admin Console, the way I explained, is that I do not have to create and update a variable for each phone. Nor do I have to update the init value. The UD Mobile geofence, using the command changes the status of the specific phone node which in turn affects the status of the 'Home' node. My program simply tests the status of 'Home' to determine what to do. I also found interesting that changing the status of the 'Home' node acts like a state variable in that it triggers a program without having to query the node. So this program works as soon as the status of the 'Home' node changes. I also have another use where this approach makes programming simpler... we have a vacation home and we have a lot of family members coming and going; by having each member setting up their phone this way (as a separate sub-node) a simple program like this example runs when any member triggers the entry geofence. So either method works but with slightly different approaches. Thanks again for your detailed explanation in the earlier post. That explanation helped me realize that I needed to use the geofence command, from the UD Mobile app, to change the value of the Occupancy node (True / False) in the Admin Console. I had thought that the node would be updated somehow using the Occupancy tool in the Portal, but that does not appear to be the case.
  5. Thanks for the clear explanation. However, if I understand correctly, your explanation does not actually set up a node on the ISY / EISY, it only allows you to trigger actions when you enter or leave the geofence. What I like about having occupancy nodes on the Admin Console is that I can have a geofence called 'Home' and geofences nested under 'Home' for my phone and another for my wife's phone ('Home/myiPhone' and 'Home/heriPhone'). This way I can have programs testing if 'Home' is True (when one of us is home) or False (when we are both away from home). I don't believe that simply following your instructions I can do that. Using the Portal Occupancy tool only, I could not figure out how to do change the status of the nodes. So, I first set up the nodes on the Admin Console with the Portal Occupancy V2.0 tool; then, using UD Mobile (your steps above) I created a Geofence on each phone; then, using the Geofence Commands in the UD Mobile app I set the action to turn ON the myiPhone node when I enter the geofence or OFF when I leave and the same for my wife's phone. Perhaps this is what was contemplated when using UD Mobile to trigger the geofences but, if so, it wasn't very clear. Anyway, thanks for your help as I can now do what I want.
  6. I recently upgraded from the ISDY to the Eisy and I am trying to setup some Geofencing for our mobile devices. I am confused by which Geofence I should be using, Occupancy or Occupancy v2.0? I chose Occupancy v2.0 because it looks like it should be the latest! However, in the online help link when setting up the Geofence I see that it refers to 'UDI Mobile' app which no longer exists! Despite this I tried to follow the instructions and did the following: - Added geofence 'Home'; - Added Mobile Device - myiPhone; (the node shows as 'Home/myiPhone') - Assigned Mobile Device to 'Home' and then Synchronized so that the nodes ('Home' and 'myiPhone') now show up on the Admin Console. Here is the part that I am struggling with... the help section states: In the Portal when I look at 'myiPhone' in Mobile Devices, I see that the Linked section shows as "No". So I click on the small icon and I am asked if I want to Generate a new 6-digit pin. However, reading the help text suggests to me that the pin is only to link the app UD Mobile to the Portal. But since I have been using the app for some time now I would assume that it is already linked to my Portal account. Furthermore, after I generate a pin I cannot see where in the UD Mobile app I can actually enter it! So, I would think that the Linked parameter for 'myiPhone' should say "Yes" but it doesn't. In the UD Mobile app, I also set up a Geofence 'Home' and set the location. I then added a command that sends me an email whenever I enter or leave the geofence. This geofence works in that I receive the emails. However, there does not seem to be any synchronization with the app and the EISY for the nodes I created in the Portal! Can someone point me in the right direction, because clearly I am doing something wrong.
  7. What do you mean by 'state files'? Do you mean the temporary internet files? I could not find anything in the Wiki related to 'state files'!
  8. Yes, that is the link I used. My laptop is new so this wasn't an update from Win 10. However, I will try deleting Java completely and start the process over again.
  9. In anticipation of moving from my ISY to my new EISY, I fairly recently upgraded my ISY to 5.3.4 from 5.0.16. All seemed to go well. I have not yet done the migration because I have too many other things on the go. My access to the ISY has been my PC which was running Windows 10. Subsequent to upgrading the ISY, I am now moved to a Windows 11 laptop. Today, using the IoX Launcher, I tried to log into the Admin Console but clicking on the Launcher brought up the UD logo for a second and then did nothing. Looking at the Task Manager I can see that the process is running but nothing is happening! (I'm not sure, but I thought that I had accessed the Admin Console on this new laptop before today and it worked properly) After clicking on the IoX Launcher many times, I went into the Control Panel => Java and deleted the files (all 3 options). Then I downloaded the admin.jnlp file again and tried to run it. It properly sets up the icon on my desktop but still every time I click on it I only see the UD logo for a few seconds and then nothing! Any ideas on what is happening? I fired up my old PC and it still runs the Launcher properly.
  10. @Javi Thank you! I had incorrectly assumed that the 'very long key' was part of the Host, whereas it should be part of the Path! That simple change has the NR working properly!
  11. @Javi I am still struggling with this! I tried the code in a browser as follows: https://my.isy.io/isy/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/rest/vars/set/1/30/5 Because I didn't know how to add the Portal credentials directly into the code (if that is even possible) I was asked to enter them separately. After that, the code worked and this line changed the integer variable 1.30 to the fixed value of 5. However, when I tried to do the same thing through the Network Resource it failed. Here is a screenshot of the Network Resource where I tried to change the variable value to 11. I consistently get a "TCP client DNS error" and the variable does not change! I have tried changing the timeout with different values but each one failed. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
  12. @larryllix Thanks for the reply. Both of my ISY's have the Portal Integration and I am trying to send the variable from ISY-1 to ISY-2, running the NR on ISY-1. I have tried using HTTP with port 80 but I am still getting the TCP client DNS error. Do you have any advice on the HOST question... what part of the string from the portal should I be using in the NR for the HOST? Similar question with respect to the AUTHORIZATION, should I use the Portal credentials or the Admin Console credentials? To provide a little context, ISY-1 is my home device, whereas ISY-2 is my vacation home device. Whenever there is a power outage at my vacation home (which happens too often!), my router resets several minutes before the Bell modem resets and as a result the router just sits there without internet access. What I am trying to do is send a variable (value of 9) daily from ISY-1 to ISY-2 at a specific time (at 5:00am), using a program; on ISY-2, I run one daily program (at 4:00am) to reset the variable to 0; then, also on ISY-2, I later run another program (at 5:30am) to check the value of the variable; If the variable = 0, it means that I do not have an internet connection because the value should have changed to 9, the THEN part of the program calls a program that turns off the Bell modem and the router and then restarts them in the proper order (note that I have Insteon On/Off switches attached to each); if the program finds that the variable = 9, ELSE does nothing. So, the programming is not complicated. As an aside, I already do this process with the Raspberry's using a script that I adapted from something you posted several years ago. It works well but I am trying to understand how I can accomplish the same thing without using the Raspberry's.
  13. I have been passing variables between my 2 ISY's (different locations) for several years using Raspberry pi's and python programs. I understand that it is possible to use the portal and eliminate the Raspberry but I'm having trouble finding the information to make this happen! Both of my ISY's are 994i/IP Pro versions running v.5.0.16C. I found one topic in the forum discussing this but the topic is now closed. I am trying to grab a variable from ISY-2, with a value in the integer variable location of 30 (1.30) and move that value to an integer variable on ISY-1 (1.63). Here is a description of how I have been filling in the Network Resource information in my attempts: - I understand that I need to be use https and GET, and to not check off either Encode URL or Use SNI. - Host box, I understand that I need to grab the value from the portal of ISY-2. However that value is "https://my.isy.io/isy/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" What part of that string am I supposed to put in the Host box? - port is 443, which is https port set up - path: based on what I saw in that closed thread, I tried "rest/vars/set/1/63/${var.1.30}" - Authorization: which User Name and Password should I be using... the credentials to log into the Admin Console or the credentials to log into the Portal? Here is one attempt I tried, using a variation of the host GET rest/vars/set/1/63/${var.1.30} HTTP/1.1 Host: /isy/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Connection: Close Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I have tried various attempts with host values using different parts of the string from the portal but each time I get a response, after running the NR, of TCP client DNS error! Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
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