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Everything posted by SteveT

  1. Looks like the file message box does not show on the bottom when attempting to perform a backup on ios 16.1, resulting in the inability to perform a backup. I have confirmed my phone running 16.0.x is able to perform a backup though. Anyone else see this? thanks, Steve
  2. I have been using a combination of Homekit automation, and a Homebridge "flag" lightbulb to determine the status of my HB locks. (as I believe i cannot get the status directly into ISY? - my assumption so far.) Recently, I have seen the Apple Homekit automation fail, and therefore the flag not be set, and program trigger misses as a result. Is there a more direct way to get the status of a Homekit lock that I may be missing? I am running Homebridge on RPI, ISY-Maker, and Homebridge ISY - to get ISY devices created / sync'd. thank you- Steve
  3. Apologies if this has been answered (I did scan the posts), but is there a way to switch the iOS favorites screen back to the list w/folders vs the block icons? (Same as in the ios appstore snapshot f/the app). I remember starting out that way, and am not sure if i switched a setting i cannot find, or it was a design change. Nice work on the application btw- looking very good. Steve
  4. Related question - is there a message / variable set somewhere if a network resource call fails? I have built a few as well, and was now trying build some resiliency and alerting in if things fail - Steve
  5. I may have spoken too soon, got the stuttering back! Here is the response from Aeotec, maybe a timing issue on the Z-Wave commands being sent / retries? I added a delay between sending the 80 command, and the voice prompt.. Maybe its getting them too close .. Trying, and will revert! >> " Tech response: This has Doorbell Gen5 forward an update to your ISY994i saying that it is currently playing and when it stops playing. This likely acts as a confirmation keeping your ISY from sending a second command in response. Typically Z-Wave commands are send again (up to 2-3 times) if a acknowledge has not been sent, while i suspect this is the case, the instant status update helps keep this from happening. " Thoughts @Michael K ?
  6. Here was the response from Aeotec technical support - it looks like the param 80 =2 seems to have done the trick , although not sure why. >> QUOTE: Try moving the Doorbell Gen5 closer to your hub to see if that completely resolves that issue. Make sure that Parameter 80 [1 byte] = 2 You can also try lowering the repetitions to just once by setting: Parameter 2 [1 byte] = 1 (this is defaulted to 2 typically)
  7. Thanks @Bumbershoot, I agree Alexa is probably the easiest, google seems to be a dead-end unless i use a github relay server (I may try this - need to backup my RPI first!) unfortunately, stinks it cannot be done natively in Z-Wave! Aeon device is great in theory, and did work pre 5.0.11 well. Thank you- Steve
  8. No response from the company, i just submitted another request. So i will put it out there for others, anyone else using the doorbell gen 5, or i am open to other devices / procedures to get voice alerts? I am an Insteon, Z-Wave user. I did some searching on how to use Google devices, but was not able to find anything. Thank you!
  9. Hi all- I have been experiencing some annoying behavior with the Aeotec Doorbell 5 for a while now, where the alerts are randomly repeating / stuttering. I have recorded my own alerts - using Siri voice recordings - eg "Someone is at the front door", but when I play during an alert, it starts speaking, and stutters. "Someone, Someone, someone is at the front front door". I have the configuration cfg parameter set to play 1x, and am simply setting parameter 6 to the recording #. I have added delays, made sure the program is running only 1x, etc. Any ideas?
  10. Yes- looking at programs. Thank you - I will mess with it a bit as well.
  11. Does anyone know if the latest ISY s/w supports reporting of scenes kicked back from these switches? I have one of these, and 2 other Zen22 dimmers, and i cannot seem to get the scene to report back, and act on it. Specifically the 2x tap. Nothing seems to show in the UI when i enable the scenes at the switch, and trigger. In the debugger it shows 2x tap, etc. thank you- Steve
  12. @jec6613 -- How did you get to that screen from the admin console? I cannot seem to find it.. thanks.
  13. Same here - lots of googling!! I was eventually able to get this up and running, but had to start from scratch (new Rasbian OS). The original documentation is kind of dated, and there have been revisions to ISY-JS, ISY-Maker, etc. I still have a mess, but was able to logon to the site. Truthfully, its not really that helpful, but i didnt know what functionality it had. You can get the same information by just running homebridge from a terminal prompt (with regard to the homekit paring code). I think the only thing that has not changed is Homebridge!!
  14. Thank you @Scottmichaelj, still no dice on the HB website at :8080. Seems to load ok, and recognizes - "Administrator successfully logged in", but site doesn't get off the logon page. I updated with new pradeepmouli/homebridge-isy-js as indicated in the link above And also updated using the new isy-maker referenced in that post.. homebridge-isy-maker@0.2.0. Are there logs I can look at? Searching myself as a next step too.. thanks
  15. Got through most of this, thanks for the good step-by-step. I am still having problems getting into the HB web server though - after installing the- (Part 5: Setup Homebridge Maker) it shows the logon screen, i use the defaults admin/admin, and it just spins. I went through the system-d setup as well, but it didnt work before i did that either. Any ideas? Logs dont seem to show anything except ADMIN successfully logged on. Running from Chrome on a Mac, or the browser on the Rasb. pI. Thanks!
  16. Similar problem, I tried a lot of things, and finally gave-up / put this on hold. Creative solution needed!
  17. In reading through this topic, it looks like Homebridge allows you to present your Insteon / Wave ISY devices to HomeKit. But what about home kit devices --> ISY ? If i wanted to get a notification of a HomeKit light turning on for example, is that part of the functionality as well? thanks, Steve
  18. Thank you Brian for the info. This is very helpful. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Am I to assume that I need to take the voltage down from 12v to <5vdc for the sense relay on the iolinc? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. yes, Jon, I am familiar with the DSCLinc solution, it requires another module, and i was just looking for something very basic for now.. Thanks for the information though.
  21. I am attempting to connect my IOLINC to a DSC alarm, and was wondering if anyone had a step-by-step wiring diagram or explanation of what needs to be connected. There are previous posts, but they are a little vague on the exact wiring side- I have some experience with the DSC, and can program the PGM output, but need the wiring. I know a resistor is required, I assume due to the 12v vs. 5v on the IOLINC? Thanks in advance!
  22. I had the same problems and finally purchased a zwave tilt sensor and problem solved! Same price, a few brands out there ... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Thanks Brian , stusviews for the info. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I have the 2413s unit .. PLM green light went out, and software went into safe mode. Was wondering why a soft reboot would cause, perhaps just coincidental? Was working fine up to reboot... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Thank you all - BTW, the PLM seemed to short out after a normal reboot of the ISY from the console. I found that peculiar - I am running the ISY with a separate power supply, but the PLM can also provide POE. Am I not supposed to run this way?
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