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Everything posted by SteveT

  1. Yikes ! Thank you @MrBill for some ideas. Its all about the programs you miss- honestly. The node servers can be deleted from the Polisy side as well I assume - and I assume restored via a regular backup if we think PG2 is a less reliable method.. What about this? - Perform a backup of Polyglot on rpi -and- document settings. - Perform a backup of IOP (Polisy). - Turn off RPI Node servers. - Delete 1,2,3 node servers from the IOP (Polisy). - Try restore from PG2 to Polisy performed on RPI. ?? thanks, Steve
  2. Reading through the posts, was unable to find a specific procedure to migrate my rpi hosted Polyglot to Polisy. I figured i would backup in the PG2 web interface (BACKUP) on the rpi (running on the typical :3000), and restore the created .ZIP on the PG2 on Polisy, and restart via the web UID. No go. Not even an indication the backup "took". On the Polisy PG2, even before the RESTORE, it seems to have detected unmanaged node servers in slots 1, 2,3 where my backup would restore to. What procedure have others followed? What am i missing? thanks, Steve
  3. So I am back up and running on Polisy, but still no luck with the Ecolink tilt device, still only see Assoc only, Wakeup, and a node with Battery. Hopefully an update in the future to solve..
  4. To clarify @johnnyt- this is when saving . Loading the console up is not bad for me- I am sure they will ID and fix.
  5. @MrBill - yes, java is configured w/the config above. I have the problem on Windows and on my Mac as well. @vbphil - agreed - ISY994 is faster! Everything else in the console is pretty decent, I don't notice any delays except when saving or deleting programs. I did a few tests, and it definitely seems slower if a ZWave device is in the program! 😮
  6. Has anyone experienced saving programs on 5.5.4 is slow? Its between 3-5 seconds per program for me - something new, it has been really quick in the past. Running on Polisy w/Insteon + ZMatter. Steve
  7. After doing the restore, my Polisy w/Zwave ran for a while, and then I received a similar error. Looking further into it, the Zwave ZMatter board was no longer recognized. I powered down, rebooted, nothing. Perhaps the same happed with your h/w. You should open a ticket, I am waiting for their response. Steve
  8. Back to square 1 - looks like some h/w issue with the Zwave Matter board surfaced. Polisy doesn't detect it anymore! As part of my backout, I had to re-add the Ecolink back to ISY994, and it was flawless. It adds the initial device, and then continues the interview process almost immediately to discover the additional nodes. Stick with what works! I am going to open a ticket w/UDI - h/w problem most likely - at least I was able to boot up the ISY994 and revert. Positive note. Steve
  9. Thanks all - still no dice, sitting next to the polisy, and only 3 nodes. The only difference I can think of is I have an older model, the exact model # on the back is TILT-ZWAVE2 on the back - Trying a policy power down, maybe the zwave board is "remembering" something - no idea.
  10. @Mr. B - thanks for the info - glad you have it working! Do you know the Ecolink model # you have, I tried the exclude / include, but only get Wake up and Association nodes in addition to Binary sensor. I came from ISY994/500 board. The model on the back seems to be Model: TILT-ZWAVE2 . No button for association on the board, just a tamper switch that is pushed down by the cover. thanks, Steve
  11. Has anyone had success getting the correct zwave nodes to display w/the ZMatter board for the ecolink tilt sensor? I recently migrated from ISY994/ZW500 board where all was good. Seems like its not being detected properly. The odd thing is the sensor shows an ON event when I select basic in the zwave button/sensor detect, but not OFF. There is also no status node for inclusion in programs either. I have the sensor without the association button, you have to pull the battery for include. thanks, Steve
  12. Great to see this Chris. Any special handling of battery devices or all transparent? thanks, Steve
  13. SteveT

    Error 404

    Same for a few hours.
  14. Same for me. I am surprised to see that option as i thought it was something still being worked on.
  15. @TriLife- Seems like parameter is #64 on the Aeotech multisensor 6 (undocumented - found on another site). And while the value is set to "2" for F when queried, I was playing around a bit, and changed to "1" for a bit, and then back to "2", and its now working in Fahrenheit. Go figure. Make sure the sensor is awake, mine is USB powered for now, so i was able to play around. Steve
  16. Thanks - hopefully you can leverage what is already working on the ISY zwave board (500)? Happy Holidays.
  17. Curious, @greensuit, how are you going to revert from the ZMatter board back to ZWave USB stick? Have been searching for the procedure. Thanks.
  18. yup- Also an issue with the node discovery. I remember this in the early 300/700 Zwave days - was hoping it was not the same pain w/new h/w - oh well. My other sensor is an aeotec water sensor - so its definitely C vs F across the board.
  19. Same here - @Chris Jahn - motion triggered, but did not go back to OFF on motion. I have the benefit of having a few of these Aeotec sensors, and added 1 to new Polsy + Zmatter, and ISY + ZW700 (current production). Looks like discovered nodes are also pretty different. One is battery, the other USB - not sure that matters. Also the ZMatter reporting in Celsius - (so far I have 2 devices associated) - cannot find a parameter to change that ... (shrug). ISY+ZW700 (battery powered) Polisy+ZMatter (usb powered)
  20. Similar deal when attempting to upgrade my Polisy - basically click the upgrade button in the UI, Java app closes, and nothing happens. Let it sit for >1 hour, not a beep out of the unit. I can open a ticket, or grab logs that will help troubleshooting @Michel Kohanim . Steve
  21. Same / similar error on iOS FYI. Basically the app is slow and you cannot do anything. Dialog something like : ERROR, Error Domain = NSURLErrorDomainCode=1005 "The network connection was lost"... @Javi - is this the same or something else?
  22. yes- I have had a Schlage HomeKit lock for a few years now. You can create any automation on lock/unlock you like with the ISY, based on the variable change or Homebridge accessory. I turn on a light - when unlocking as an example.
  23. You can use HomeKit automations . But I am not sure about locking / unlocking. I use the apple app for that, and trigger ISY scenes / actions starting at the lock. There is the ability to send a web post to change an ISY variable indicating lock close / lock open. This is done by creating a NEW Homekit automation in the Apple Home App. Select NEW Automation, next, when an accessory is controlled, select the lock, selecting LOCK/UNLOCK. Scroll down to the bottom, and select Convert to Shortcut. Select 'search for apps and actions", and select WEB. There is an HTTP post that you can create to set a state or static variable in ISY (you can find this in the forum/wiki). You will have to include a userid/password (downside). I personally use HomeBridge, and use automations to turn a light on/off to indicate lock status, and create routines using these triggers. Steve
  24. @Javi Just did a quick test and looks like this was fixed in ios 16 beta 4. Backup and restore worked fine.
  25. Just checked with the ios 16 beta 2, unfortunately, same problem..
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