Trying to upgrade the beta solaredge_poly. @photogeek54 mentioned to copy @bpwwer.
Been having 2 issues.
Solaredge NS not sending child nodes to AC. Was on with Michel and he thinks that the issue is the space or something in the site name that comes from Solaredge. I think that is it the "/" messing it up.
Can't update to the 1.1.01 solaredge_poly non production nodeserver.
Focusing on number 2 as number 1 may go away when upgrading.
I have installed, uninstalled, deleted, restarted the node and PG3X and still the version indicates that the newer version is loaded, however, on refresh it reverts back to the previous revision. The update doesn't update as it reverts back.
Here is a video showing it reverting back.
Here are the PG3 debug log.
@photogeek54 identified this being strange.
6/20/2023, 13:44:30 [pg3] error: unhandledRejection REPORT THIS!: [object Promise], reason: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'status')
6/20/2023, 13:44:30 [pg3] error: IoX Response: [Try: 1] [00:21:b9:02:62:25] :: [404 - OK] :: 0.947786ms -
For backstory:
In order to get the nodes added to AC, I copied and pasted them into a browser with the name without the "/" in the URL. The "/" gets translated to %2F