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Everything posted by bfish

  1. bfish

    KPL question

    Hi all, I installed an 8 button KPL and button B is for a set of under counter LCDs on an Appliancelinc. Button B is set as a controller of and responder to the Appliancelinc. When the lights go off by timer or manually by Mobilinc Pro, the B button stays lighted. I was under the impression that the light on the button should go off. Do I need to edit something in the ISY99i programming or is this normal. Thanks in advance!
  2. Lee, I ran the event viewer as you described, and in fact only got 1 alert, despite several signals being sent When I returned home and disarmed the system, I got no alerts, although previously I did. So I gather the event viewer is somehow "trapping" the alerts. Do I have that right? Also, is there anything I can do without the Event Viewer running 7x24 to program around the multiple alerts. Thank you very much for your insights thus far and anything you can add! Bfish
  3. Hi there, I am a newB coming to ISY99i from 25 years of X-10 use. So far in my first week I'm thrilled with the capability and reliability! In my learning, one of the first things I wanted to do was send an email alert to myself whenever my alarm system was armed (or disarmed). The alarm system sends X-10 commands when this happens. My log viewer shows that this happened: INSTEON Device Control Value Time User Log Type X10 I All Lights On (5) Tue 2012/01/31 06:42:21 PM System Log X10 I All Lights On (5) Tue 2012/01/31 06:42:21 PM System Log X10 I All Lights On (5) Tue 2012/01/31 06:42:19 PM System Log X10 I All Lights On (5) Tue 2012/01/31 06:42:18 PM System Log But, I only wanted 1 email alert, not the 4 I actually received. Here is my ISY programming which I thougth would avert the redudant emails with the "Wait" but it has not. If X10 'I/All Lights On (5)' is Received Then Send Notification to 'Default' conent 'Alarm turned on' Wait 10 seconds Else - No Actions - (To Add one, press 'Action') Any suggestions as to what I should be doing would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, BFish
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