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Everything posted by bfish

  1. Thank you! Great idea on the old router in bridge mode. I'll look into that first, since it would require no cash outlay for him at all!
  2. My dad lives in a senior community where they can offer him deeply discounted Wifi, but no physical (ethernet) connectivity. He uses an ISY994i for his basic Insteon needs (along with Alexa). Has anyone ever tried using any of the Wifi to Ethernet bridges that are available on Amazon and elsewhere? If so, any pros, cons, or pointers you can give me? TIA!
  3. I was away on vacation last week, and we had numerous storms that caused several power outages. We have a whole house generator, and I have my entire network (Including ISY994i but EXCLUDING PLM) on a UPS. I didn't change anything in ISY the week before vacation. Upon return one of the buttons in an 8 button box that usually turns on/off my LIFX desk lamp (via Polyglot v2 on an RPi) wasn't working, so I logged into the RPi/Polyglot and an upgrade was offered for Polyglot to 2.2.11 which I activated. That evening, none of my normal on/off programs for various lights ran. Finally, I can still turn everything on/off manually through Agave app on my phone and via Alexa. (So I'm assuming the PLM is OK.) Now, I can access Admin console ONLY through http, not https as I always had previously. Once in I can control lights manually from Admin Console BUT no programs run on schedule. I also tried to "Run Then" via Programs tab, but no luck. Each time I enter the admin console, it starts the "System Busy" "Please do not power off/unplug the system or make adjustments..." When it reaches part way through, it gives me a login screen and says the ISY has been rebooted. I'm not finding any forum entries that point me in any specific direction. I am on v. 5.0.16C Any help on what to explore would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance UPDATE 10 minutes later: For the first time the system busy finished. When I tried to run a "Run Then" I get this error:
  4. is shortpoll parameter in seconds or in minutes? (Guessing seconds, but thought I saw minutes somewhere but now can't find it) Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the feedback! A couple Polisy questions, if I may: 1. Does having the Polisy replace my existing ISY994i or do I need to keep it? 2. If it replaces ISY, does it have Z-wave onboard? 3. If it replaces ISY, does it need a separate PLM or is that onboard the Polisy? Thanks you!
  6. Just a quick update....I upgraded to 5.0.16C over the weekend without much trouble. A few program issues as most have described but all relatively easy to fix. Now z-wave (unrelated to this upgrade), now that's a whole other issue. I mainly wanted access to polyglot cloud but I was disappointed that none of the polys that I wanted are up there. So, I guess I'll be exploring a Rpi. I will probably wants polisy down the road, but I need to be sure it will do all that i want before spending that amount. Thanks to everyone and UDI!
  7. OK, just for giggles before going to bed, I decided to clear Java cache INCLUDING Applets and try upgrading again. This time, it succeed successfully and I am on 4.8.0. Should I have any concerns about upgrading to 5.0.16?
  8. I just attempted, twice, to upgrade from 4.7.5 to 4.8.0. Both times it failed. The second time I watched closely, and saw it failed at 95% with the attached error message. I am able to accept the error (OK), logout and log back in successfully but am still on 4.7.5. I have been working on the system quite a bit the past few days and have gotten a number of these java errors, but typically the action I was taking succeeded anyhow. I had all intentions of upgrading to 5.0.16C but now I am very nervous to try that if this simple upgrade won't proceed. I've always done automatic upgrades in the past with no issues. FWIW... I do have the -Xmx512m parameter to give Java more room. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
  9. Thanks, larryllix. Yes, i did already add that "catch all" off from one of your earlier posts.
  10. I tested this 2 program solution last evening and it worked beautifully. I added a Wait 5 seconds this morning to program 2 to allow us to "walk through the door" before the light goes out. Thanks again!
  11. Thank you. Way too easy!
  12. Very interesting thread.. I thought it would answer my question, but sadly it didn't quite... I have a simple program for a door sensor that turns on an outside light when the door is opened after dark, then waits 10 minutes and turns off the light (for taking the dogs out at night). I am new to variables in ISY (having recently watched a YouTube video, I'm now "qualified" ). So what I'd like to do is have the light stay on only UNTIL i open the door again to come back in. I think i need a "State" variable for this, but I'm struggling with the exact logic and approach. Any programmers out there have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  13. I'm only seeing lights in my alexa app under "Lights" and the scenes are under "scenes" tab. Interestingly, I just noticed that I can't control (on/off/dim) scenes via the Alexa app.
  14. No, it was listed in the devices list under "Lights". Some of them were "spoken as" names within the portal (for use with Alexa). But I have the same thing in my app, and no errors.
  15. I recently updated my Alexa app and was very pleased to be able to turn my lights on/off/dim from the Alexa app (via ISY portal integration). I tried to do the same today to my dad's environment (VERY similar to mine but less devices). In his Alexa app, each device had a red dot and "Server Unresponsive" next to it. YET when I touched the device it did function on/off/dim, although it was quite slow (1-3 second delay). Everything works fine through Alexa voice commands and ISY portal and admin console. I did the standard first step of unlinking and relinking Alexa app to ISY portal. After that a few devices did NOT show the error message (Server Unresponsive) but many still did. Response was still slow. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any/all ideas.
  16. Worked perfectly. Thank you!
  17. My dad is moving and will have a new email address. We would like to use that new address as his ISY login. How do we most easily make that change?
  18. Just for fun I rediscover a moment ago (11 pm edt) and all is well again
  19. I also have the same thing.. and the same devices coming up. I rebooted my router tonight and initially blamed it on that, but now looking at these threads clearly something has gone badly wrong. Help!
  20. is it possible to have these sensors function where they respond when "closed" (magnet moves near sensor) vs. "Open) (responds when magnet is moved away from the sensor)? If so, how? Thanks!
  21. I setup a "Wake up" program that Sets a Scene to on (to ramp up some lamps), waits 4 minutes, then sets another scene to Fast On (turns on a radio). It works fine with Alexa!
  22. Oh, one more suggestion: It would be nice to have some quick way to print the Amazon Echo definitions from the ISY portal... so old guys and gals can remember how we defined 20 or 30 ior 40 devices/scenes until we learn them cold!
  23. AWESOME! Some feedback: 1. Discovery was flawless first time (usually took a few times with HUE emulator) 2. 7 commands issued and received successfully 3. I tried dimming: Alexa, "dim foyer 50% - she asked "which device" I repeated Foyer and it went on to 50% 4. I tried dimming - "Alexa, dim foyer to 50%" - she again asked which device. I repeated foyer and it worked again. So far, so great! A couple questions 1. Is there any limit to number of devices/scenes that can be defined in ISY portal? 2. What is the expected / proper syntax for dimming? Side note: I ordered a Chip computer (http://www.getchip.com/) to try to run Hue emulator. Guess I won't need that now! Oh, darn another toy to play with!!! Great work guys! Editing with one more eccentricity I just discovered: I have 3 lights in my kitchen, each in a separate scene. I also have a scene called "all kitchen" for all 3 at once. When I say Alexa, turn on all kitchen, she replies with "I found several devices with that name which do you want?" I repeat "all kitchen" and it works. This same behavior happened twice, even when I tried to articulate more clearly the second time. small potatoes, but still feedback nonetheless.
  24. Just a random question after poking around some other sections on the forum.... couldn't the ISY network module run the Hue emulator? I don't know much about the network module, but given that there hasn't been any suggestion of that from all the smart ISY people on this forum, I'm guessing the answer is no. I just don't know why it's no?
  25. Chuck, I've had that issue a few times. At first I deleted all the devices known to Alexa and re-discovered, but then a bit later I just tried again (was too lazy to go upstairs to do the whole sequence) and ti worked fine. Has only happened a few times to me, but I'm only 2 days in at this point. Brad
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