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Everything posted by hyounker
I'm not sure if this would work, but I found this webpage: http://websiteipaddress.com/Site/smtpauth.earthlink.net And tried these IP addresses, one at a time, instead of the "smtpauth.earthlink.net". Same problem, timed out. H
tgutwin, That was a fat finger mistake. I set up email accounts constantly and am very confident with the smtp server for my email account. Unfortunately, that's one of my many hats at work!! However, I have long since abandoned my particular account settings in hopes that the default will eventually work. Once I get the default to work, I'll move onto my "real" email account settings. Your google snippet is accurate, other than the pop server. I actually use our company domain incoming mail server. Thanks, hyounker
Sorry Guys, I'm still having trouble. I set the ISY to DHCP, but still could not get the "Default" settings or my known good settings to pass the email test. Also, I unchecked the 3 boxes as Xathros advised. I also checked the Access Restrictions tab. I only have one access restriction (keeping my kids off Facebook on my laptop!). I even disabled it and nothing changed. Same errors. Someone sent me a PM asking if I had enabled internet access. When I click on "Enable Internet Access", I get the following error: "Failed Enabling Internet Access" Any other ideas? Thanks for all the help. hyounker
Thanks for the reply. I cannot get past the "Test", so I'm not even sure how to put something in the Subject or Body yet. I am using the same DNS server on the ISY as my laptop and other static IP devices in my house (including a home server) and I am not having any trouble negotiating to any websites or the smtp server in Outlook. Just minutes ago, using the default, the "Test" fails. Here's the only thing in the error log with today's date: Mon 2013/01/28 04:36:37 PM System -5012 81 After opening the admin console, the first time I hit the "Test" button, I get these errors: Subscriber didn't reply to event:1 [26] Mail server failure [to timed out] Subsequent attempts to test, result in just the second "mail server" error. My ISY is setup with IP address My router is My DHCP range is - My DNS server setting is I have also tried,, and The latter are ISP provided. The router is a WRT54GL with DD-WRT installed. Any help appreciated. hyounker
I get email on my phone and with Outlook to my laptop. Neither is set up with any type of encrytion. Nonetheless, I cannot get the default to work either. I'm assuming that the default should still work. ?? Hyounker
Thank you, tgutwin. I didn't get very far! I copied my smtp server settings directly from Outlook, which I use successfully everyday. Our smtp server is as follows: smthauth.earthlink.net Port 587 I have double and triple checked the username and password. I have also increased the timeout to 10,000, incrementally, to no avail. I continue to get the same error when I test: Mail Server Failure [from timed out] I get the same error when I check the "default" box and test. I've turned Windows Firewall off, but get the same error. I have been very careful to hit the "Save" button after changes. Can anyone help? Thanks, hyounker
Can anyone point me in the right direction for some documentation on this matter? I've searched around, but cannot find anything helpful. Also, are there any minimum requirements within the ISY? FYI, here's my project. I came home from an extended holiday vacation to find several hundred dollars worth of frozen food thawed and rotting in our large freezer. I'd like to set up a circuit that will email and text me when the temp in our freezer reaches a certain point, in the event of another failure. I have access to a thermocouple and a PID temp controller that will close and/or open contacts when the temperature reaches a predetermined threshold. I'm thinking of connecting the PID to an I/OLinc that will in turn trigger email and text notifications from the ISY. I'm sure I'll need some sort of delay to prevent emails and texts everytime we open the door. I have an ISY-99i currently. Thanks, hyounker
Does anyone have any experience with using SwitchLincs outdoors? Here's what Smarthome says: The box I am intending to use is an outdoor box and is currently used to house a non-Insteon dimmer, which worked great, until I replaced the entire circuit with an InLineLinc and plan to repurpose the switch wires for use with a SwitchLinc, if possible. I live in Georgia and it gets pretty hot out there! hyounker
Clarence, I cannot even get to that point with my lights. As soon as I turn the breaker on, the 2-wire switch apparently cycles on, and the fuses blow. I can't be sure how long it takes because when I return from the breaker box, the lights are already out and the fuses blown. Brian, I had the circuit on a non-Insteon dimmer and have since returned to that dimmer to make sure the circuit is okay. While I appreciate all the concern about the fuses, we're all big boys here and a little testing seems to be the real purpose of this forum. Let others make mistakes for you!!! LOL!!! So, here's what I've found. The wiring is absolutely correct. I've checked, double-checked, and triple-checked. The original 3 amp fuses blow instantaneously, as far as I can tell. Again, they are smoked when I return from the breaker box. I upped the amperage in only one light to 4 amp, leaving the other light without a fuse. Again, the fuse was blown when I returned from the breaker box. I went one step farther to 5 amps in one light, again leaving the other light without a fuse. This time, the light came on, but I had no dimming capability. I left the light on long enough to test and determine what functionality I had (maybe 3 minutes). No smoke, no explosions, no burned to ground house. About a half hour later, I decided to try both lights with 5 amp fuses. I got the same results as with one light with a 5 amp fuse. Again, I only left it on for about 3 minutes. Maybe this information is helpful to somebody. Maybe not. I've moved on to using an InLineLinc and a SwitchLinc (repurposing the wires to the switch box). Lights work perfectly with the InLineLinc. Dimming and all. New question coming! Thanks to all, hyounker
Well, it didn't work. I hooked the 2-wire switch up and nothing happened. The lights would not come on at all. I looked around and found that the fuses (3amp) on both chandeliers was blown. Thinking that I may have done something wrong, I set off for the big orange box to get some fuses. I took another look over the wiring to make sure everything was correct. I turned off power, replaced the fuses and tried again. Fuses blown again. I am assuming that because the 2-wire Insteon switch is stealing power from the load, that the current draw across the fuses has increased and thus the problem. I'm wondering if I should try to up the amperage on the fuses a bit. Hmmm? hyounker
My wife found some "chandeliers" that she really liked. Each chandelier has ten 10W, 12V halogen bulbs. Here's some of the crazy details of this installation (pushed on by the insistance of my wife to have these lights). She wanted the chandeliers to be mounted under our deck where we have a poured concrete outdoor bar area. No problem, I sprayed them with liquid rubber-like sealant (even around the "seal" area where the small glass shades meet the fixture). I was careful not to block any vent holes. At the very top of the light, there is a transformer housed in the upper canopy, which is protected. Currently, the two chandeliers are connected to a regular, Home Depot style dimmer switch. The dimmer works perfectly and the wife is happy. Well.....until she found out that she might be able to control these lights with her phone, similar to other lights in the house!!!! So, my question is: What is the probability that the 2-wire insteon dimmer will work in this scenario? There is a dual band device on the other side of the wall from where this switch will be mounted, literally, inches away. There is no neutral wire in the switch box. Will the reliability of the switch vary with the dimming? Or, is it my turn to be the guinea pig!? Thanks for any help, H
TJF1960, I appreciate your effort! This is probably the next step for me: understanding the use of variables. Your program(s) will help me apply some real scenarios to the learning process. I will try to create the programs as you have outlined, if for no other reason than to take another spin on the learning curve. Thanks again, hyounker
I know that this is a couple weeks old, but I ran across it when I was troubleshooting my own garage door woes. After digging around in my ISY, I could not get the reverse trigger to help at all. My MobiLinc kept showing the door open, when it was closed. After pulling my hair for a few hours, I ran across another setting. In MobiLinc, if you go to the advanced options for the garage door sensor, there is an option to reverse the icons. The default setting will show "On" as an open garage door. You can reverse it so that "On" shows a closed garage door. hyounker
bmiller, I'm probably not the best to give advice, but because I have recently made the same mistakes that you are making, I thought I'd chime in. Your program would stop at the first line, if the " Light Living Room" is already "On". This may or may not be what you want. Because you said that you just wanted a "basic timer", I'll assume that you do not care what the status is at 12:40pm. You want the program to run regardless of the status. If From 12:40:00PM For 5 minutes Then Set 'Light Living Room' On Else Set 'Light Living Room' Off I am very new to ISY programming also, and although very frustrating, it is very rewarding when you finally figure it out! hyounker
This works to turn the LED back off after an accidental "one press". Do you see any problems elsewhere with this? hyounker
Okay, I changed it to "Fast On", but now I have another problem with the accidental pressing of the button. If I press the button just once, it turns the LED on, indicating (falsely) that the "Night Time" scene is active and that all the conditions are met. I have some ideas about how I can fix this, but your input will be helpful and appreciated. Thanks, hyounker
The scene is not going off, the lights are. We are accidentally pressing the button, turning the scene on, which turns the lights off. hyounker
TJF1960, I just changed my "Night Time" program as follows (changed from "Status" to "Control"): If Control 'Good Night' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Night Time' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Everything works exactly as described in my very last post for the ISY, MobiLinc, and the KPL button. hyounker
TJF1960, Yeah, I'm sort of getting confused as well. My lack of knowledge and inability to follow your thinking is obviously hurting our progress here. My apologies. Let's sort of start over. As it stands now, I have 5 lights involved in this scene. Using programs, I have also involved one KPL button and it's associated LED. The goal is for the KPL button LED to alert the status of our "Night Time" scene. The LED should be on when the conditions of the scene are met. The LED goes out when any of the conditions of the scene are not met. When the scene is on, four lights go out and one is dimmed to 40%. When the LED is off, and we want to go into "Night Time", we push the button, turning on the scene, and subsequently the LED on the button. The scene is set to control the lights in a fashion as detailed in the "Night Time Indicator" program. I'm not sure how to post the contents of a scene. The KPL button is labeled "Good Night". The scene is controlled by the KPL with the following "Night Time" program: If Status 'Good Night' is On Then Set Scene 'Night Time' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The LED behind the KPL button is controlled with the following "Night Time Indicator" program: If Status 'Antler Chandelier' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen KPL Kitchen Lights' is not Off Or Status 'Brkfst Table Lights' is not 40% Or Status 'Mstr Bedroom Fan Lights' is not Off Or Status 'Patio Door Lights' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Night Time Indicator' Off Else Set Scene 'Night Time Indicator' On So, if the KPL Button LED is off, pressing it initiates the "Night Time" scene and all the lights respond correctly. Then, the KPL button LED is turned on by the above program. This all works properly. If the KPL button LED is on, indicating that we are already in the "Night Time" scene, and the button is pressed, then, the only light that is dimmed by the scene, is turned off. The KPL button LED is also turned off. In the ISY Contol, if any of the devices are in a state other their "Night Time" state, I can press either "On" or "Fast On" and the scene is immediately initiated and all lights respond correctly. In MobiLinc, if any of the devices are in a state other than their "Night Time" state, I can click the scene symbol and the scene is immediately initiated and all lights respond correctly. Occasionally, when a light in the scene is dimmed, the scene will report the level (for example, 19%) of the light that is dimmed. Clicking on the scene symbol then also initializes the scene and all lights respond correctly. If MobiLinc is reporting that the scene is "On", clicking on the scene symbol will then turn the dimmed light off (just as it does with the KPL button and the ISY control). All this seems to work in an acceptable way and we've great success with it. However, occasionally, we will accidentally press the KPL button for the scene, turning it on at undesirable times. My goal for this post is to find a way to require more than on press of the button, so that the requirements for initiating the scene are more defined, hopefully elimimating turning this scene on accidentally. Hopefully this clears something up! Sorry, again, I'm still learning and I hope my past responses didn't lead you astray. Thanks again, hyounker
Nothing has changed with the programs as posted above. As is, I can switch into night time mode from MobiLinc using the scene. MobiLinc reports the KPL button as "Status Only Device" and there is no means to turn it on or off. There is really no "Off" to the scene, as we are using it. We simply push the button to turn most lights off and dim one. If I push the button to turn the scene on, all the lights respond correctly and the button illuminates. If I push it again, turning it off, the light that was dimmed by the scene goes off and the others remain off. hyounker
Oberkc, the problem is that we are accidently pressing the button. I am looking for a "safety" of sorts, to keep this from happening. TJF1960, I started with "Control", rather than "Status", but I was unable to use MobiLinc to control the scene. Is there a way to maintain my MobiLinc control of the scene (I really don't need the "safety" in MobiLinc), while using the Fast On command, rather than On, at the KPL? Thanks for the help, hyounker
If needed, here's the original post: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=9006 We have accidentally pushed the "Good Night" button and all the lights in the scene go out. Is there a way to set it up so that you have to push the button twice in a predetermined amount of time? The scene is titled "Night Time". The button is labeled "Good Night". This controls the scene: If Status 'Good Night' is On Then Set Scene 'Night Time' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This controls the indicator: If Status 'Antler Chandelier' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen KPL Kitchen Lights' is not Off Or Status 'Brkfst Table Lights' is not 40% Or Status 'Mstr Bedroom Fan Lights' is not Off Or Status 'Patio Door Lights' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Night Time Indicator' Off Else Set Scene 'Night Time Indicator' On The light behind the "Good Night" button indicates if the house is in "Night Time" mode (with all the above conditions met). If the conditions are met, the light turns on. So, at night, if the light is off, we push it to turn the "Night Time" scene on and the light behind the button turns on when all conditions have been met. Thanks, H
Looks like this thread has been hijacked. I'll do some further testing and post a new thread with new questions. hyounker
I did have the kpl as control because I thought I was going to use the button differently. I changed it to status and it seems to be working now. Thanks. I'm working on adding another kpl so my son can turn lights off from his room. I'll be back with more issues, I'm sure! hyounker
Sorry, my mistake. I meant to say: The system seems to be working the way I like locally, but when I was testing again with the dimmers, I noticed that I have no control of the "Night Time" via the ISY and subsequently via Mobilinc. In other words, I cannot control the scene from any where other than the local kpl. It's working so well now, that I hesitate to monkey with it, so I'm gonna ask before I try to fix this. Any suggestions? Thanks, hyounker