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Everything posted by bmiller

  1. Thanks Lee. I made a couple of changes, and then back to 0/0, and the led's stay off, whether in the on or off position. Much nicer for sleeping.
  2. Thanks, I read that post earlier, and seeing as the brightness setting by default is 0/0, I thought they lights would be off. I changed the on setting to a one, and they appear to be less bright than my other 2 Kpl's. Changing it to a 2 made no further apparent change. A very confusing setup.
  3. I have a Kpl 2487s and fanlinc wired in a bedroom. it is set so that only one of the fan speed or off button is lit, depending on which one is pressed, and then the light off button is lit at night. It was so bright, that it was annoying while trying to sleep. The Led brightness is set to 0/0 which i thought was supposed to be off, but apparently not. I've been trying to get my head around the settings by reading posts, but it is confusing. Is 7/15 off/on full brightness and 0/0 the least bright, or am i way off base. I know any setting you make to the brightness level changes the level for all buttons on the Kpl which is ok, i just want them to be dim enough at night to not feel like someone has a small flashlight beaming in the room. Thanks, Brad
  4. bmiller

    KPL backlights

    Thanks, i got it working. Set a scene with Kpl buttons in it and added it to the program. It is working ok. Initially i wasn't sure if putting the Kpl button in a scene and adding it to the then command along with the light "on" command, would create a conflict, or in this case, 2 commands for the same light. One from the Kpl button, and a second for the light itself. You learn something new everyday. Thanks again. Brad
  5. bmiller

    KPL backlights

    I have a 6 button Kpl that controls kitchen lights with A, Living room with B and a plug with D. Kpl C is a vacation button that turns the kitchen lights and living room, plus a couple of other lights in the house. When C is pressed it is backlit, and all lights work according to the program i have setup. What i would like to do is have the Kpl A and B buttons backlit when the lights come on. Right now the lights are on, but neither button is lit for the kitchen and living room. If we come home before the program has turned the lights off, and depress the Kpl C to deactivate the vacation program, i have to double tap the Kpl buttons for the other 2 lights to turn them off. Not a big deal for me, but there are others in the house who don't get it. I was going to add set Kpl A to 15on/ 0off under "then" and then 0on/ 0off under "else" for the kitchen and the same for the other Kpl button for the living room. Not sure if this is the way to go about it though. Thanks for any input. Brad
  6. bmiller

    Timer idea

    I have a GFI in a bathroom that is used constantly for a curling iron and other various hair stuff. It is always a question as to whether it was unplugged when the house was vacated. I am looking for some way to put a timer on it whenever something is plugged into this particular outlet, to prevent the house burning down. Is there anything insteon that can have a timer started whenever something is plugged in to the outlet? Is the synchro linc power sensing module 2432A5 capable of this? Thanks Brad
  7. I have a fanlinc responding from a keypadlinc, and all works great locally. I can't turn the light on from the console, or mobilinc software on my phone. When i turn the light on from either one, the " on " light comes on the keypad, but the light will not come on. If i manually turn it on from the keypad it works ok. I'm missing a link somewhere. I think i may have found my error. If i go to the device it doesn't work, but it works from the scene i created for the light. I think Mobilinc requires a scene to properly operate devices, at least in this case. Brad
  8. I am replacing a dual band outletlinc dimmer with a standard on/off outletlinc. Too many problems with cfl's, and led bulbs on this device. It states it's for incandescent lamps, and it appears to be true to fact. Is there anything other than highlighting the device, and selecting remove? It sounds too simple, so i thought i better check first. It is in a two program folders, and also a scene. Thanks Brad
  9. bmiller


    Good idea. They are expensive, but i got a dimmable LED bulb. Saves me replacing the outlet, and having it sit around not being used. Cheaper this way also.
  10. bmiller


    Thanks for the info Lee. I'll replace it with an on/off outlet link. I was told by the salesman to just leave it at 100%, so even they are unaware the AC is modified. Brad
  11. bmiller


    Questions about this device. It only works with the key? Is it only for lamps? If that is the case it has limited uses. I have one installed for a lamp. I ordered it with the first group of insteon devices. I wanted it for the access point feature. Now that I have the rf coupler hooked up It isn't really needed, but it's still hooked up to a lamp with a cfl bulb and just set to 100% I didn't understand its limited uses then, and even now I'm not sure if it is really needed. One other question. The local load sense. Is that the feedback to the iSy and mobilinc indicating the lamp is on? I noticed with the outlet active, if I turn the lamp switch off and on, the feedback to mobilinc indicates the light turning on/off. Thanks Brad
  12. bmiller

    Wall switches

    Thanks. I'll look into that.
  13. bmiller

    Wall switches

    I want them all to be controlled separately, but the exit switch to shut off all 3 in the case where more than one switch is on. There has been many cases where someone has left the room, and switched off the lights on the way out, but the others have been left on by mistake. i just wanted the one switch to shut off the others if they are on, and the exit switch is turned off. I can run another 14/2 to an octagon box with a light and pick up a neutral. I was hoping the 2 wire dimmer might work with a cfl if it is set to 100%, but as Lee says, it won't. I'm going to get some more on/off switches and save the dual band switches for another day. My wife just shakes her head. What's wrong with a regular light switch. Nothing, but this is better. And so it goes.
  14. bmiller

    Wall switches

    There are 3 separate switches, on 3 separate circuits. 2 control 2 cfl's each and the 3rd controls a fluorescent light over my workbench. There are other outlets on all three of these circuits, but these are the ones of concern. They all come from the same 200 amp panel. 2 of them have neutrals, but the 3rd does not. One of the switches that controls 2 cfl's does not have a neutral. The easiest way may be to run another line to to the octagon box for one of the lights and pick up a neutral that way. I traced wiring, and that may be the least expensive way to do this. I was just hoping there would be a device for cfl's that would not require the neutral at the switch to operate.
  15. bmiller

    Wall switches

    Ok, thanks. That's the end of that, unless i can get a neutral to the switch box.
  16. bmiller

    Wall switches

    I have 3 light switches in one area of my basement. I would like to have one switch shutoff all 3 sets of lights when exiting the room. The problem is one switch has no neutral. Can i use a dual band 2477s on one of the switches, and a 2474 dimmer on the switch without the neutral ? It states tat the 2474 is for incandescent lights only, but i assume i can set the switch for 100% on level for the cfl's that are on the circuit. The 3rd switch will be another switchlinc/ non dual band. Thanks Brad Miller
  17. Thanks Lee. I see what you mean by repeating the query. After more thought, i'm thinking that replacing the LED and plugging the lamp into an outletlinc. I thought the LED would be an easy solution, but in this case i'm sure an outletlinc will solve the problem. There will be no problem with the lamp turning on/off with the lamp switch. I'll find another place to use the LED. Thanks Brad
  18. I presently have one of the insteon LED bulbs in my daughters bedroom. She has a habit of falling asleep with the light on. I programed it to shut the lamp off at 11:00 pm, and turn on again at 7:00am the following day. If she happens to shut the lamp off with the lamp switch before 11:00, then the isy has a communication issue, but the bulb stays in the on position, and she can then turn it on when she wakes in the morning. An issue arose last night where the light would not turn on with the lamp switch, and was in the off position as shown in the isy. I couldn't turn it on from the isy. I assume the isy would not communicate with it until the next query at 3:00 am. I think the bulb shut off at 11:00 pm the night before as it should, but the lamp switch must have been turned off before 7:00 am for some reason, when the isy would have sent an on command. This meant the lamp would not turn on via the lamp switch until the next query, and then on command at 7:00 am the next day. If i set up a query between 7:00 am and 10:00am with an on command for the led, will the isy send out query after query continually for 3 hours? I'm trying to keep it as simple as i can for her, but it's not as easy from my end. I know interrupting power to the led with the lamp switch is not the best way to do things, but it has worked ok until this one incident yesterday. Maybe an outletlink for the lamp would be better? There would be no power interruption from a lamp switch. Which would work the best for this situation, the 2473S receptacle, the 2472D dimmer or the 2457D2 Lamplinc module. I'm thinking the LED bulb is more suited to lamps that will be left powered on all the time, and controlled by the isy, or KPL only. Thanks again for your assistance. Brad
  19. bmiller

    Light Control

    Yep, it was turning on and off at one point when the program started. I assume this is when i had it in the folder. This time i left it out. It may have been a combination of things. I'll keep an eye on the sync times next time i try anything. I sometimes get too hasty when the clock goes past the set time. Thanks for verifying it should work. Brad Miller
  20. bmiller

    Light Control

    I tried this yesterday, and it didn't appear to work. I found a minor glitch. The clock wasn't synced with my computer. It was out over 30 sec. and when i was sitting at the computer, i was watching the wrong clock. I thought it wasn't working, so i would start making adjustments before the time on the console reached the program time. I synchronized, and now all appears to be ok. Not sure why that would happen, as it is set to sync every 24 hrs. I left it out of the folder also. I remember yesterday when it was in the folder, the light was going on and off like a light show.
  21. bmiller

    Light Control

    I already have the vacation program for this light in a folder with other lights. The folder states when KPLC is turned on then run the program. If i set another program in the same folder telling the light to turn off when the kpl is turned on, along with the existing program to turn light on at the programed time, be a conflict? I guess i'll try and find out.
  22. bmiller

    Light Control

    I'm not sure if this is possible, but presently i have a light as part of a vacation program with 3 other lights. The program is activated via a KPL button. The lamp is plugged into a dual band receptacle. As it now stands i have the outletlinc active whenever the KPL is not pressed for vacation, so it can be used normally via the lamp on/ off switch. When i want to use it as part of the vacation program, i have to go downstairs, turn the lamp on, and press the kpl button to activate the vacation program. The light is then on, and won't shut off until the next off command later in the evening. Is it possible to have the lamp shutoff when the kpl is pushed and then turn on/off with the program? I did try a second program to turn the light off whenever the kpl was turned on, and then run program for the light, but the light would shutoff, and not turn on with the program start time. It just saves the step of going into the console, or mobilelinc to turn off the light. The only other solution i can think of is using a remotelinc2 switch, and mount it near the lamp, or use a tabletop bracket, and leave it near the lamp and reading chair. Use the remote switch to turn the lamp on/off as needed when the vacation mode is not on, and then when vacation is activated, i won't have to go through the other process. The programming would be cheaper, but i haven't found a way to do it. Thanks Brad
  23. bmiller

    New Led bulb

    The lamp switch is an inline thumb wheel. The only control other than this will be the iSy timer activating. I guess I'll leave it as is for now and see how it works.
  24. bmiller

    New Led bulb

    I'm going to try one of the new Led Dual Band bulbs in my daughters room. Being a teenager, she has a tendency to fall asleep at night with her light on. I installed one and set it up so it will go off at 11:00pm and then back on again at 7:00am the following day. She may on occasion actually shut the light off before going to sleep. Does operating the light switch mess up the operation of the bulb via the program. If she shuts it off with the light switch before 11:00 pm and doesn't switch it on until 8:00 am the next morning, will the light come on? I'm not sure if removing power to the bulb will cause it to lose it's mind. Thanks again Ladies and Gentleman. Brad
  25. bmiller

    wiring options

    I've never run across this method of wiring, but this switch is just what you need. The new bulblinc is another cool option.
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