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Everything posted by Exten

  1. Testing for a "NOT OFF" condition is a nice trick when one is using dimmers, where you want to test for a condition where the device can be at any level greater than zero. For relays such as appliancelincs, where there are only two conditions ON and OFF, I would expect that you could use: and status of coffee pot is on Okay, got it, thx.
  2. Good...it errs on the side of caution, in this case. Are state vars persistent across reboots of the isy ? There could be something that I would want to return to whatever state it was in b4 the power outage. Can I write a variable to the SD card or some other way to detect state before the power outage? Can I write anything at all to the SD card? I haven't seen any mention of write commands so I'm thinking not.
  3. Hi Michel...very kool...much much better than my half baked thinking. Well, how about this... Seems like it's best to assume that a power outage will occur when I have left the coffeepot on and I am already at work when the outage happens. Of course, all the insteon devices as well as Mr. ISY994 will lose power. Will the logic in your example not get fooled? If I'm reading it right it looks like your logic won't get fooled by a power outage. Any other tips about which logic conditions to shy away from? Seems like I should not use any logic that depends on power being present. Should I always test for NOT a condition as opposed to explicitly testing FOR a condition?
  4. My thinking is hosed and I don't know where, and I'm very new to programming on Mister ISY. I have my coffeepot plugged into an ApplianceLinc Outdoor 2456S3E. 5111 Rev 2.1 if it matters. It is 3 days old, it's brand new. When I turn on the coffeepot via MobiLinc I do get an email so that part works well. But I want an email as long as the coffeepot remains on. I want a reminder when I am at work if I accidentally left the coffeepot on. So do I need to place the program in a scene...or a folder...or what is the strategy to get a continual notification? Is there a link to a how-to? Gimme the boot in the right direction! After I get the continual notification part working I'll lock it down with a condition something like.... If it's betweem 8Am and 10AM Mon-Fri. then send the emails every minute. Thx gurus
  5. Very true that one should not static a device within DHCP address space. One device will step on the other if they try to both occupy the same ip addy. That's the "wherewithall" that may or may not reside within the average home user....the understanding of all this.
  6. There certainly are different views on the subject of static ip addys vs. DHCP assigned. I always prefer to have static addys on my homelan. It could depend on the wherewithall embodied in the end user. I have never had ip addy conflicts caused by anything but mine own inability to remember what static addys I have in use. And so now I always ping the proposed addy and prove that it is open before I assign it - one must keep in mind that a piece of equipment could be temporarily powered off or not on the network and thus it would appear that it's address is open for use. All of this could get messy depending on the end user's abilities and so I see the justification behind leaving everything DHCP, possibly with reservations. There is a reason that servers and critical infrastructure is usually assigned a static addy. I consider my home automation box and server to be critical infrastructure. I have seen many little ip addressable power boxes.....fire up a browser and go to it's ip addy and click the button - it cuts juice to the load, thusly rebooting the attached device. If you'd expect to do this remotely then you had better know what the ipaddy of the powerswitch is. Hence a static addy or pre-knowledge or remote access or something. Let me know if you're interested in killing the ISY power in a remote fashion and I'll google something up fer ya Ya know....I have yet to ever have a piece of hardware where power cycling is never actuially required - be it a lockup...or just for good measure...or upon the advice of the manufacturer's technical support. Preserving the capability to reboot remotely is always A Good Thing. Considering that my ISY will eventually live under the house I'll be putting it's wart on an ip addressable power strip. And it'll be static.
  7. Hi Michel and Lee...I'll go get on that firmware situation. Love the device and love what it does. Great work! I could sniff some packets and show unequivocally that the carriage returns do not arrive at my sendmail box but that really doesn't seem necessary given what I've seen. Keep up the good work and let's automate the whole world
  8. I can insert spaces after the 1st variable - they do not get stripped. Doing this resulted in better presentation for the user, but carriage returns are still stripped. (the variables are not squished together anymore.) How do I get on the beta firmware testing situation?
  9. The email does not pass through an ISP email system. ISY994i sends directly to a linux box running sendmail which is physically located right there in the same garage as the ISY. So it looks like the provider email system is not in this loop. Pic 2 - I added 2 blank lines twixt the variables. This made no difference. Pic 1 - Instead of popping the email, I logged into the linux box and ran mutt - this was so that I could look at the email before it passed through any email program on my local machine. It appears that the carriage returns and blank lines are being stripped before they reach my sendmail box. I think it's happening within the ISY. Either when the variables are being parsed, or in the ISY Mailer v1.0 as detailed in the screen shot. I tried inserting a blank variable but the state and int variables apparently cannot hold a blank - must be a number (int) or in the case of state vars - true/false (whatever...just can't be blank?) Thank you for your time!
  10. I have a custom email with 2 variables. They look like this: Day Light is ${mod.weather.light.level} Light Rate is ${mod.weather.light.rate} But when the email arrives it looks like this: Day Light is 44.4 %Light Rate is 7.3 % How do I get it to look like this: Day Light is 44.4 % Light Rate is 7.3 % I think the carriage return is getting ignored. Is there a way to put in some ALT-Shifted weird key combination to get the carriage return to work? Thx folks.
  11. Mobilinc HD gets my $. Great WAF too. Nicely polished interface with lots of eye candy. On a retina it's just plain gorgeous Seems to work plenty good but I don't have a whole lot of experience with it yet.
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