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  1. Techman's post in Can't set "On" level in a switch was marked as the answer   
    In the admin console, after setting the on value you need to click the "on" to the left of the level setting
  2. Techman's post in New Insteon Outlet WR01 was marked as the answer   
    Being that's it's a brand new product it's possible that the current controller firmware isn't programmed to recognize it.
    You should submit a support ticket:  https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  3. Techman's post in Garage door opens unexpectedly was marked as the answer   
    It was most likely the low battery in your motion sensors that caused devices to turn on. I've had that happen..
  4. Techman's post in Read the firmware version of a Z-Wave device? was marked as the answer   
    It's the same display for Aeotec.  In this screen shot the Aeotec firmware version is 1.10

  5. Techman's post in Zwave Motion Sensor Nodes - 155 vs 380? was marked as the answer   
    You can just ignore the Binary sensor node. Sometimes extra nodes are created depending on the device and the Zwave controller.
    I created a folder and move unused nodes into that folder which unclutters the device table.
  6. Techman's post in Adding ZMatter - power supply needed? was marked as the answer   
    The Zmatter dongle is powered by the eisy, you don't need an additional power supply
  7. Techman's post in Clear a mystery Off command? was marked as the answer   
    Try doing a factory reset on the switch, then a restore device.
    It's also possible that there's a program that has a link to the switch. Take a look at your log to see what's happening at 3:59am
  8. Techman's post in Program Bug? was marked as the answer   
    Try deleting the program, then recreating it.
    Also verify that the time is set correctly in the admin console
  9. Techman's post in Package upgrade (5.7.1_7) was marked as the answer   
    Powercycle didn't help, ticket submitted
    UPDATE:  Just heard back from UDI, it's a known bug. They expect a fix by the end of the week.
  10. Techman's post in Query All disappeared with migration to Polisy and other Program Warning Meanings was marked as the answer   
    You can recreate the query all program.  Apparently, it doesn't migrate over.
        Time is 3:00AM
         Set ISY Query
    Some programs don't migrate over completely, so you'll have a line of code that needs to be manually updated. If you're still having issues with a particular program post a copy of it the forum and we'll try to debug it for you.
  11. Techman's post in Upgraded java now the console will not launch was marked as the answer   
    The IoX Launcher supports Java 8. It may not support OpenJava (OpenJDK)
    You can try clearing your java cache and downloading the IoX Launcher again
  12. Techman's post in Insteon 2486DWH6 Replacement with 2334-222 problem was marked as the answer   
    The information you're looking for is towards the bottom of this manual.
    2334-2222 Keypad Dimmer manual.pdf
  13. Techman's post in Help Needed Getting Basic Program to Work was marked as the answer   
    Your program will only run if the time is exactly 9:00 pm and the light is switched on at exactly that time.
    Change the first line to  Basement Lights STATUS IS ON
  14. Techman's post in Insteon open/close sensors was marked as the answer   
    There's no option to make that change. Maybe in a future firmware update.
  15. Techman's post in Difference Between Control and Status was marked as the answer   
    This is how it should be written..  An else statement will only run if the IF statement is false.
       Status 'Second Floor / Bathroom Fan' is On
       Wait 5 minutes
        Set 'Second Floor / Bathroom Fan' Off
  16. Techman's post in Can a Insteon Motion Sensor II Turn On and "Off" a Insteon Light Bulb without a Scene was marked as the answer   
    You could do it with a program
          Motion sensor is switched on
          Turn on light
           Wait xx minutes
           Turn off light
  17. Techman's post in PG3 Store was marked as the answer   
    When you open the IoX Launcher, the PG3 option should be listed under the Admin options
    Once you log into PG3x you will see the drop down menu for the Node store
  18. Techman's post in ioX finder finds a device that reports "not found" was marked as the answer   
    Try clearing your java cache, including checking the box "installed applications, then download the IoX Launcher
  19. Techman's post in 5.6.4 OTA firmware update file types was marked as the answer   
    UD is working on support for GBL. It should be supported in the next firmware update.
  20. Techman's post in All un-edited scenes fail "Scene Test", and all un-edited devices do not respond to All On or Off after migration was marked as the answer   
    Try doing a restore device on all the devices in your scene, then do a scene test. Did that resolve the error?
    Most newer devices will not respond to an all on as that function has been removed.
    Are you using the same PLM that you had installed on the ISY?
    Your issues are not typical, and may be related to an incomplete migration.
  21. Techman's post in Lights on level keep resetting to 0 was marked as the answer   
    If you click on the device, and assuming that you're not using scenes, or programs to adjust the on level, you can set the on level and ramp rate. When a program turns on the light it will be to the level set in the device window. When the light is turned on, the "on" will change from "0" to the level set in the "on level"

  22. Techman's post in After migration to eisy, newly replaced KPL in permanent state of needing updates written was marked as the answer   
    Your device link tables are corrupted. Did you try doing a restore device?
    Also do a show device link tables for the eisy. If the eisy link tables for the KPL are corrupted, then you you'll have to delete the KPL from the eisy and re-link it.
  23. Techman's post in New eero router and now I can't login to Polyglot v3 was marked as the answer   
    Are you able to access your programs and devices via the admin console?, If so, then power cycle the eisy. 
  24. Techman's post in New eisy - blank admin console was marked as the answer   
    Are you on a PC or MAC?
    Clear your java cache including checking the box "all installed applications", then download the IoX Launcher from here:
    Let me know if that resolved the issue.
  25. Techman's post in SynchroLinc Dissapointment. was marked as the answer   
    I just ran some more tests on the Smart Switch 7 Switch 7. 
    By changing Param 21 (Watt report Threshold) to 10, the switch reported the on/off load change within 2 to 3 seconds. So it will most likely work for your application.
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