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  1. Here is an update from UDI on the original topic of this post... "That is currently the defined behavior for everything but 'raw text'. Find/Replace looks at the content of the programs (i.e. references to the program) not the name of the program itself. This is the same as if you are searching for a node, etc." Many thanks to the UD support folks for clarification on this item! @Chris Jahn
  2. I’ve had no error in AC the past 72 hours. This morning, I received this error after opening the AC. The node tree also displayed about a dozen or so “waiting rewrites” icons . Apparently, I had closed the AC with both “Automatic Writes to Devices” and “Automatic Writes to Battery Powered Devices” buttons in the ribbon turned off. I understand IoX remembers changes but should AC be displaying this error message? I turned both buttons back on, waited for the writes to complete, then closed the AC, reopened IoX logged into AC and immediately received these 3 popups… After logging in to the "Authenticate EISY" popup I cleared the 2 error popups closed AC, opened IoX and again signed into AC. At this point I did not receive any arrors and AC/isy appeared stable. This may not be the appropriate place to document this issue and perhaps I should open a new topic but this is a continuation of “things” experienced after migrating from 994 to eisy. I'm open to any suggestions.
  3. I know what the acronyms are and what they stand for I’m just questing the “simple functions”. On this site there is a forum: “eisy for Hardware related discussions…” an “IoX Support for ISY on Anything (IoX) - support for the ISY system running on all platforms” a “Polyglot v3 (PG3x) for All things Polyglot v3 (PG3/PG3x) on either…”. I opened this topic in this (IoX Support) because to me it’s software related not hardware (eisy) and not (Polyglot v3). I’ve been using a UD 994 for a little over a decade. When posting a topic I always wonder if I’m posting in the correct forum. That is why I’m questing what the simple functions are. To me IoX works somewhat like a “browser/search engine” (a “finder”). AC is like a Java GUI for the isy (ie; software), but there is no AC or software forum as such. Polyglot is… well polyglot… it’s kind of self-explanatory… a library of different language translators/converters for the Java GUI (AC). Your thoughts?
  4. You've lost me here. What 3 (PG3, IoX and AC)? I'm a bit confused about the new IoX and its function beyond the old ISY Finder. AC has not really changed (for eisy) much as far as I see and I'm a novice regarding PG# but very interested in diving in once I get the basics stable. I.m open to any suggestions and/or help with PG3 as I have several other devices which are IFTTT and just waiting for me to add them into the mix (PG3, IoX, eisy, AC... what ever). Should I look at IoX as bridge between Java and the AC GUI? Or am I totally off-base? Or maybe a better (simple minded) way to look at IoX is as a "browser" and AC is the Java GUI. Is that a KISS view?
  5. Always local. Not certain if I understand your meaning of "device" in this question and I was not using portal but may have been connected to PG3 through IoX AC.
  6. Did the program it went to (found) a program which called for the program you were searching for?
  7. Hi @Geddy, yes I too use Find for troubleshooting. The Find functions I use most are Your Devices, Program, Scene, X10 and Variable,,, pretty much in that order. Find has always found every iteration of the type (Device, Program, etc.) for me whether being called for inside another program(s) or the actually program even if that program exists in multiple folders (which I do not advise). Here is an example of the Find Program failure I sent UD regarding this issue... In this example Find was run from the top of the tree... it found the first instance of the program (which is being called in the yellow highlighted program) but it stopped there and did not find the (actual/prime) program 6 lines down the tree (in red rectangle). There;s more to this but I leave it here for now. I have used this hundreds of times on my 994 with never a problem.
  8. Quick up date: No "XML Pares Errors" for the past 36-48 hours. This issue may have been resolved. The "Find/Replace" ticket is now in process with UD. I'll update as info regarding this topic is provided.
  9. Thanks to all for your thoughts and ideas. Here’s a brief update and link to the migration process. I may have resolves the XML Parse Errors, Socket Open Failed java.net.SocketTimeoutExceptions and system crashes (for the past 36-48 hours anyway). This was achieved through a combination of suggestions provided through this forum, program edits, rewrites, disabling entire program folders and reboots (and more). At some point I will need to go through those folders and files to see if I can troubleshoot the actual culprit(s). In the process of troubleshooting these errors another anomaly was found in the program “Find/Replace” feature. That item has resulted in a ticket being opened with UD. Below is a link to that topic if you have any interest… Unable to "Find/Replace" many programs after migrating from 994i to eisy with Matters+ dongle Thank you all again for your support and input on this topic. I'm currently running on the new eisy although with some program challenges which will require some time to resolve. My Insteon nodes migrated over from the 994 and only a few Z-Wave devices needing to be reinstalled.
  10. I don't use Alexa or GH and pretty much use the IoX "locally" no PG servers other than the "Notification Controller". Where I'm seeing the anomalies is in programs but I'm currently unable to better identify where or what may be causing the issues. It's possible the isy backups (I tried 3 different ones) could have been corrupt. I've was battling and to a lessor extent errors crashing my 994 prior to the migration and (I believe) after the release of the IoX finder. After the migration to the eisy I'm still getting these errors but at a much lower frequency. To date I've been unsuccessful at identifying what may be causing them and it appears I have (maybe) eliminated this problem. But wait, there's more. I've opened a ticket with UDI regarding another anomaly in the program area with the "Find/Replace" function and apparently I'm not the only one experiencing this. If you're interested please check out the forum link below. Unable to "Find/Replace" many programs after migrating from 994i to eisy with Matters+ dongle Really like your profile image! My nickname is "Duckie"
  11. @IndyMike thanks for the input. I already looked for the error on the wiki site but the forum link provided some info on the 170001 error... which is not an error... confusing?
  12. I have more questions than answers for you but in reviewing your error log, are you seeing any “-170001” errors? example… :Envelope> Sat 2024/03/23 07:25:19 PM 0 -170001 I recently updated from a 994i to the eisy and had, and am having, issues with this error. I cannot say for certain but this may have started with the upgrade from the old ISY finder to the new IoX finder. Just curious so if you do not have time to reply I’ll understand but I may have an idea or 2. AH yes, and upon expanding your error log I'm seeing a lot of "-170001" errors. Do others have any comments on this?
  13. I've gone well beyond that... tried renaming programs and deleting and rebuilding them.
  14. I'm also having a lot of IoX crashes with a reported "XML Parse Error".
  15. I'm experiencing numerous issues with my migration from 994i to eisy (IoX v5.8.0. w/ZMatter USB dongle and an Insteon serial PLM 2413s v2.2) It appears all nodes and scenes are functional but programs are funky. Most are running but some appear to be intermittent or not running correctly. I don't think I'm seeing all of what should be showing in the Diagnostics/Event Viewer/#3 window. At this point I am considering 3 options, 1) a factory reset of the eisy, 2) purchasing a USB PLM and/or 3) deleting most all migrated programs and rewriting what would be some 200+ programs to eliminate the bugs I'm experiencing. I currently have a ticket open with UD to see if they may be able to address an anomaly which I'm hopeing might be at the bottom of my problems.
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