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Everything posted by kzboray

  1. @JNaccarato If you can access the switch from the admin console, then you can see the Insteon address right in the console. I guess I don't understand the problem well enough. What version of ISY are you using? Is this on an ISY994i or IoP? What changed that you need the Insteon address of this device if it is working? What do you mean by, not sync'ing? Do you mean the switches status isn't updating when you use UD Mobile?
  2. @JNaccarato If you can't locate the device address from the label and auto discovery isn't working, the next thing to try is to factory reset the switch. Typically this can be done by pulling gently (I use a small screw driver) the small de-dented button in the center bottom of the switch, between the switch paddle and the rim. It will come out about 1/8" and you will see the switch indicator light go off. Wait 30seconds and press it back in and hold it in until the switch emits a steady beep. This will factory reset the switch. At this point you can try auto discovery again. It should be found. If it isn't then there is either a communications issue, noise on the AC line, or the switch is potentially bad. If you have another switch, you can try swapping locations to eliminate both problems. If it's noise, you will have the same issues with the working switch you use to test with, if it's a bad switch the test switch will work fine.
  3. @telljcl Try this. locate the small pin hole on the front of the Polisy and press it once, then sit back and wait at least 20 minutes. Try logging in again. I have a hunch the update didn't finish, this process may allow the update to finish properly.
  4. I am running a few TEST z-wave devices on a isolated Polisy. This is not real world testing and certainly has not past the wifey test. The most notable difference is a speed improvement of response from my Zooz ZEN32 switch. It's almost instant and I can toggle it on and off as fast as I can click my mouse. The Aeotec Smart Switch 7 is still a half second delay in response and takes a full second to toggle back and forth. No change from previous FW. So very limited testing seems to indicate better performance with Zooz products in the 700 family.
  5. Firmware update process changes. If you are going to install this version of Firmware and you have not recently updated Simplicity Studio, do that FIRST! After doing all updates there is a process change in updating the firmware. Previously you would select Tools/OTA to update the firmware, now you use Tools/OTW, then select the correct firmware file and the update should start automatically. It was NOT necessary to do NVM Backup/Restore. No data was lost during the firmware update. A simple reboot of the Polisy [admin@polisy ~]$ sudo shutdown -r now And everything was back working with the updated Zooz stick.
  6. Link to Firmware for Zooz ZST10 700 Stick ONLY https://github.com/SiliconLabs/gecko_sdk/blob/gsdk_4.0/protocol/z-wave/Apps/bin/gbl/ZW_SerialAPI_Controller_7_17_2_406_ZGM130S_REGION_US.gbl?raw=true
  7. @telljcl There is an excellent guide written by @dbwarner5 for migration from the ISY994i to the IoP (ISY on Polisy) here. I'd read this and then ask any questions you might have in the migration thread at: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/34617-migration-to-isy-on-polisy-an-attempt-to-collect-organize-and-share-simplified-directions/ Because of the age of your Polisy you may run into issues doing the initial Firmware update. You can try the instructions contained in the above guide, but I suspect you will need to do the following only for the first firmware update. After the first time you can use the update option in the web GUI.
  8. @jjc60631 OK Make sure to clear your java cache after that the only thing I can think of is antivirus or windows defender blocking the launcher. I've never heard of that, but there is always a first.
  9. @jjc60631 Here's a link to the correct Java. I'd uninstall what you have now and install this instead. Most of the time the problem is simply the incorrect version of Java. https://java.com/en/download/ Alternatively you may need to increase the available memory for Java applications. While it lists this as a fix for speed, it has also been shown to help with odd Java errors. Java runtime memory (when Admin Console is very slow to respond) - If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). - Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: o -Xmx512m or -Xmx1024m (Preferred) - Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes
  10. @Chris Jahn Chris, I played with this for about 30 minutes and there is no way that I can find from within IoP to do what you suggested. Once I put ZW6 into a scene as a controller, there is no option to select other z-wave devices. Right clicking presents me with this. Could you possibly show us with a step by step including screen shots of what we should be seeing? The three of us in this thread so far can't seem to figure it out.
  11. @Chris Jahn Thanks for the info Chris! But I'm still a little confused. I have 2 switches listed below and they do not support "Association" from IoP, or I can't figure out how to enable it with IoP. I did try the Basic Node setting as well. Aeotec Smart Switch 7 Zooz Zen32 As you can see they both support "Association" & "Multi Channel Association". They are both S2 security. That seems to meet your listed criteria, and yet I can't get them to work in a scene. Any advise?
  12. I sold a home with an ISY994i and about 60 Insteon devices installed. I spent two hours with the new owner getting a feel for them; very tech savvy; and explaining that the system needed regular maintenance. They sent me a certified letter a week later saying I was responsible in perpetuity to supply them with support at no cost. I called their realtor and point blank told them that if their client ever contacted me again I would sue them for harassment. I also reminded the realtor that the house was sold as is, please explain to your client what that means. The ISY has been offline since then. I suspect they pulled everything out and installed either something they understood or went back to a dumb house. In retrospect I would never sell a house again with any tech installed. It wasn't worth the hassle. Not to mention I could be making a killing on EBay with all those Insteon switches / dimmers / etc. ?
  13. @Michel Kohanim Always great to hear form you Michel! I know you guys are busy so I didn't want to bug you with this, but from what I've found, either the z-wave devices specifying support for "Association" are not, or possibly something isn't quit right in IoP. Here's the screen shot.
  14. I recently picked up a couple of z-wave devices for testing; a Zooz32 and an Aeotec Smart Switch 7. The Zooz32 manual says it supports Associations: But I can't find any way to access them from IoP. I suspect that the Z-wave specification for "Associations" is fluid and each manufacturer may put their own spin on exactly how it works making interoperability rare. Or it's possible there is still some work that can be done with z-wave functionality on IoP. But at this point I feel that "Associations" are the mythical unicorn. This is all my opinion and I have no official knowledge of any of what I said. It's just based upon my personal experience and others comments about their experiences with z-wave. Your results may vary. I miss the days of plug and play with Insteon.
  15. @brians try posing on this thread instead. it's specific to UD mobile. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/24-ud-mobile/
  16. @asbril I don't believe your update was successful. SSH into your Polisy and check the version of udx: [admin@polisy ~]$ pkg info udx udx-2.6.0 Name : udx Version : 2.6.0 Installed on : Tue Mar 1 00:11:40 2022 PST Origin : misc/udx Architecture : FreeBSD:13:amd64 Prefix : /usr/local Categories : misc Licenses : Maintainer : michel@universal-devices.com WWW : https://www.universal-devices.com/ Comment : Polisy Admin Service Annotations : FreeBSD_version: 1300139 repo_type : binary repository : udi Flat size : 13.3MiB Description : UDX HW/Admin Service for Universal Devices Polisy It should be 2.6 Also you can check your version of ISY installed: [admin@polisy ~]$ pkg info isy isy-5.4.0 Name : isy Version : 5.4.0 Installed on : Tue Mar 1 00:11:41 2022 PST Origin : misc/isy Architecture : FreeBSD:13:amd64 Prefix : /usr/local Categories : misc Licenses : Maintainer : michel@universal-devices.com WWW : https://www.universal-devices.com/ Comment : ISY Port to Polisy Annotations : FreeBSD_version: 1300139 repo_type : binary repository : udi Flat size : 14.1MiB Description : ISY Service for Universal Devices Polisy It should be 5.4 If one or both of these isn't correct do the following: sudo pkg update sudo pkg upgrade Now check your versions of udx and isy again. If they still show older versions do this: sudo service udx restart sudo service isy restart That should get you up to date, but you will probably still need to update to UEFI from BIOS. If the front panel left most light facing the front is flashing non-stop, push the front panel hidden button 6 times sequentially. Please give the system time to update, this can take 15-20 minutes. Now your all set!
  17. Updated, no issues with the update. Testing to follow.
  18. @lilyoyo1 Yes I updated to 7_17_1_344. These are real world tests, not open air. I'm sure I could get better distance if I moved the stick higher and away from all metal, but I prefer to be realistic about performance and test things in the way they would actually be used.
  19. @mmb The slow response time was due to the distance from the IoP z-wave stick and having no other z-wave devices to repeat the signal. I was surprised it worked at all given I only had 2 z-wave devices on the entire mesh.
  20. Just wanted to test out a ZEN32 (z-wave 700) for it's scene capabilities. While it doesn't support native z-wave scene control, it is very similar to, but not as flexible as a 6-button Insteon controller. Each of the five buttons is individually programmable. I used the word programmable because you can only access the 4 scene buttons through programs! Their functions are not available via the buttons themselves. The five buttons shown as controller buttons (top red box) 10,2,4,6,& 8 and can only be queried. The same is true of the group of the same buttons. Buttons 1,2,3,4, & 5 (bottom red box). Why they are split into two groups I don't know. You can't make any changes to any of them except through programs. Only the button labeled as binary switch (green box) can be controlled directly or added to a scene. The other four have to be controlled via programs. The larger button can control a load as well. There are a few parameters that you can change mostly dealing with the LED indicators on each button. You can set their color to red, green, blue, or white and change their intensity to high, medium, or low. You can also set them to come on when the switch is on, or on when the switch is off, always on, and always off. Range seems to be decent. I put it on my test Polisy which only has two devices on it atm. I was able to move it downstairs and it worked OK, response times could sometimes be in seconds, but it worked. 30' with one wall proved to work well, anything more than that and I would need a better mesh. With only 2 devices this is truly a test bench scenario. Each button allows you to capture double tap, triple tap, quadruple tap and even quintuple tap actions. Although I doubt anyone would remember all of that. You can also capture press and hold (fade up.) Overall it has possibilities, but without native scene support in my mind its limited. I only tested with IoP. I did no testing via Home Assistant or any other controller. Results might vary.
  21. kzboray

    LifX on PG3

    Not trying to rush anyone I know you are all working hard on PG3. I'm just curious if the LifX NS is on someone's radar to port from PG2 to PG3.
  22. @Jimbo & @DennisC you might have RP2 open as well. The Elk can only have one IP connection at a time. Make sure RP2 is closed and that may solve your connection issue.
  23. @someguy Ha sorry about that. I was giving you instructions for PG2. PG3 is a bit different. You will want to put your TOKEN.TXT file in /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/00:01:b9:xx:xx:xx_xx Where 00:01:b9:xx:xx:xx_xx is the address of your IoP and slot number for the NS.
  24. @Techman it should be port 22, port 22 by default is the telnet protocol. I'm not sure why you can't enter anything from the keyboard. Just for a test can you install Putty, link is above and see if that works?
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