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Everything posted by djones1415

  1. Was this ever resolved? Same problem after replacing PLM!
  2. Thank you IndyMiike for such a complete, idiot-proof response. Clearly you knew your audience even though we haven't met. I don't know how to mark the answer as the solution or I would, in case that helps in some forum way. Your instructions worked like a charm. Thanks so much. You too, apostolakisi.
  3. A ToggleLinc #2466SW just failed. I have a new one and have removed the old switch and replaced it with the new one. New switch controls the light just fine. Now I would like to transfer all of the programming that went with the old switch to the new one. Is there any way to do that simply? I looked on this forum and found a post that said to add the new switch to the ISY, then right click on the old one and select "Replace Device", but there is no such selection when I right click on old device. I have not yet added the new switch to the ISY, and would appreciate any guidance before I try it. Started to do so, but confronted with: >Link Management>New INSTEON Device: asking for Address, Name, Device Type (Auto Discover), and then a choice of Remove existing links, Add devices found in links and remove existing links, or Add devices found in links and keep existing links. I don't know. I am hoping this is easy if I knew what I was doing...but I don't, and I don't want to do something that makes it harder to fix later. Can anyone point me to instructions somewhere else on this forum if already there, or let me know how easily to have the ISY transfer all of the programming/scenes from the old device to the new one? Thanks
  4. Thanks. Yes I have several battery powered devices (those magnetic window sensors) that I haven't changed the batteries for years - so I get several 'cannot communicate' messages every time I fire up the admin console (including a couple of those light switches that don't have the ground wire - wifi only control). I'll try disabling all those with communication errors and see if the ISY speeds up. Not sure why this would have started happening with a software upgrade, but I'll try it. Thanks
  5. Long time user. Everything worked fine until recent upgrade to v.4.6.2. (First upgrade in several years - from a version 4.0.5.) Now it takes a very long time for several programs to run. (Actually watching the admin console program summary page shows the program runs and completes instantaneously but the device doesn't respond to the program for several minutes.) Example: I have the following program that turns off the backlight for a Keypad 7. Takes several minutes before the backlight goes off, and occasionally it never does and have to re-run the program: If Control 'LEDs / Master BR-KPL-5' is switched OFF Then Set 'LEDs / Master BR-KPL-5' on 7 / Off 0 (Backlight Level) Else No Actions Previously (version 4.0.5) the backlight would respond in a matter of a few seconds - was never instantaneous, but it never took 5 or 6 minutes like it does now. Also, I've noticed that when I use the MobilLinc App from iPad, it takes *forever* when I manually sync the controller...the device message that shows during each update used to flash by very fast, now each one shows for a second or more. Not sure this problem is related to above, but it sure seems that everything slowed down with v.4.6.2. Thanks for any ideas.
  6. Thanks, Lee. The outlet has been on for months, just randomly went off for some reason. Anyway...the Query All should check if that ever happens again.
  7. Yes it does...I missed it. I'll change the Query All program to query that scene. Thanks. Yes, I see that it's a responder only. Will the program-initiated Query to the outlet make the ISY aware of the outlet's proper status? In other words, if the outlet again goes off somehow, will the Query All force the STATUS to OFF and thus trigger a notification that is programed to go out when the status changes to off?
  8. Mine is labelled simply "ISY". Are you saying that the THEN section in my Query All program should say "Set ISY Query" instead of what is says now "Set Query"? If so, how do I change it to do so? The drop down box in the Action block of the Program Details screen does not list "ISY" as an option; it lists only every device in my system. It is an OutletLinc Relay. Are you saying that the ISY can't pick up a status change of an Outlet Linc relay? My program checks "IF STATUS outlet IS OFF THEN SEND NOTIFICATION TO phone." The ISY showed the outlet was ON until I queried it. Then it changed to OFF. I was able to turn it back on with the ISY, but I have no idea why it went off to begin with. It just has a washing machine plugged in to it.
  9. Is this program supposed to do something? Does the entry mean something's missing from my system? https://www.dropbox.com/s/h23hxgs5bn1xy ... %20All.PNG I had occasion to notice that an outlet that should always remain on had actually gone off, but the ISY didn't notify me. The Admin Console in fact said it was ON until I queried the device - then it showed off. I assumed this 3:00 AM 'factory query program' would have triggered the status change, which makes me think the query program isn't running. Before I write a manual daily query program for this outlet, just thought I'd check on what this 'factory query program' is supposed to do. I don't see anything in the wiki about "Query All". Thanks
  10. Original poster here: No I never determined the cause of this problem. The switch I was having trouble worked for several weeks in a row before it failed again. I reset using the air gap, and it worked again for a long time. Recently, I have again begun experiencing problems similar to this with other switches...but without the 3 day regularity I had when this first started. Please keep us posted if you get any information from Smarthome.
  11. I have read through the instructions. I'm not crazy about opening up the router to "anonymous Internet requests" as the instructions say. If I understand correctly, however, I should be able to access remotely as long as I make sure to reboot the ISY any time the router reboots. Right? (By the way, I've had no trouble accessing remotely for a few weeks now. The router hasn't rebooted.)
  12. Michel: Internet Access: https://xx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ where the x's are the IP address of my router
  13. 1) Tried rebooting the router first. Couldn't get to the ISY through the Internet. 2) Rebooted the ISY. Can now get to the ISY through the Internet. ----- Router is Linksys WRT54G I don't see the UPnP function anywhere in the router or any settings for UPnP, and I don't know what that is. -------- Is working now...and I predict will work for a while, then will stop until I reboot the ISY again. Do you still think it's a router issue?
  14. Thanks...I'll try it.
  15. It works over the internet as well. It just stops until a reboot of the ISY - with no change to the router. That doesn't sound like a router issue. 1) Static IP. 2) Not MAC reserved 3) Linksys 4) Yes But, like I said, it works fine until it doesn't...then an ISY reboot fixes for a while, then another ISY reboot required.
  16. Once again...same problem. The above problem resolved itself after I rebooted the ISY. Have been able to access over the internet for weeks. Then it stopped again. Came home, able to come in over the local network - just not from external. Rebooted ISY. Worked fine again for weeks. Now it has happened again. I'll reboot tonight. It's just very frustrating that something in the ISY stops allowing access from the internet. Rebooting fixes. By the way, when this happens (can't access from a browser) I also can't get the ISY's attention with MobiLinc. Just times out. Any ideas, Michel? Tks
  17. Yup. Took it out and put it back, and that fixed things. Not sure how, but it was all screwed up. Having read the manual, I suspect at some point I pressed two (or more) buttons at the same time - that explains how the beeps got going. Anyway, all fixed now. Thanks.
  18. I am successfully using several KPL8's, but having trouble with my first KPL6, and I suspect it's me rather than a faulty switch. 1) I've set all buttons to toggle mode. The top (labelled "ON") button turns on the load and turns off the load, as expected. What does the bottom (labelled "OFF") do? It doesn't control the load, one way or the other. I was going to write a program to see if the ISY was picking up when it was pressed, but there is no listing for that button. The 1, A, B, C, and D buttons are listed, but no entry for the bottom "OFF" button. Q: How do I define what the bottom OFF button should do? 2) The top ("ON") button does not control the load if I touch the right side of the button. I hear a slight beep, so I know the (underlying KPL8's) right hand top button is being pressed, but apparently only the left hand top button is controlling the load. It's as if the switch is behaving as KPL8 with a cover across the top two buttons, but pressing that top cover doesn't really work..you have to be sure to press the left hand button. Q: Is this behavior normal for a KPL6? 3) What's up with the little beeps? None of my KPL8's beep upon button presses. I can't find anywhere to change a beep setting. 4) When I first installed the KPL6, the buttons were lit when off. I changed that to have level 0 for off, 15 for on. Now when I change the backlight level for off back to 7, they stay off. I can't get them back on. ------------ Something tells me I'm going to need to remove the switch completely from the ISY and put it back in. I just thought I'd try to understand what normal behavior is of these 6's.
  19. Afraid of that. But, Lee, you usually have a way...so I was hoping.... Thanks
  20. I really have a simple question: Can the LED indicator on a ToggleLinc Dimmer switch be programed to indicate (only temporarily) the opposite of what the load actual state is? If there's an easy answer to that, the rest of this is post is unnecessary, so don't bother. But I'll include it in case the answer depends on what I'm doing... I have programmed a ToggleLinc that carries the load to control two devices: 1) overhead lights, its load, automatically controlled of course, and 2) upon 2nd press a lamp. There are two other switches that do exactly the same thing, and I have the programs that handle this setup just fine, except I can't get the LED on the load switch to indicate "on" (desired because the lamp is still on after the load goes off). -------------------------------------------------------- 4 programs: **1: 2FL O1 Lamp OFF: if any of 3 switches that manage both the overhead lights and the lamp is switched off when the overhead lights are already off, the user wants to turn the lamp off: (In other words, the second press of the switch off talks to the lamp - turns the second device (lamp) off If Status 'Loads / 2Fl S2-2FL Overheads' is Off And ( Control 'Loads / 2Fl S2-2FL Overheads' is switched Off Or Control 'LEDs / 2FL S1-(2FL Overheads)' is switched Off Or Control 'LEDs / 1FL S5-(2FL Overheads)' is switched Off ) Then Set Scene 'Single Devices (Scenes) / 2FL Hall Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------------- **2: 2FL O1 Lamp ON: if any of the three switches that manage the overhead lights and the lamp is switched ON when the overheads are already on, the user wants to turn the lamp on; in other words, the second press talks to the lamp - turns it on If Status 'Loads / 2Fl S2-2FL Overheads' is not Off And ( Control 'Loads / 2Fl S2-2FL Overheads' is switched On Or Control 'LEDs / 2FL S1-(2FL Overheads)' is switched On Or Control 'LEDs / 1FL S5-(2FL Overheads)' is switched On ) Then Set Scene 'Single Devices (Scenes) / 2FL Hall Lamp' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') --------------------------------------------------- **3: 2FL O1 Lamp Remains On: when any of the three switches that manage the overheads and the lamp is switched off when the overheads are on, the user wants to turn the overheads off (first press goes to the overheads). The overheads will go off without a program (the switches are all controllers) but the switch LEDs will also indicate OFF. This program catches that and runs a program that will adjust the LEDs if the lamp is on: If Status 'Loads / 2Fl S2-2FL Overheads' is not Off And ( Control 'Loads / 2Fl S2-2FL Overheads' is switched Off Or Control 'LEDs / 2FL S1-(2FL Overheads)' is switched Off Or Control 'LEDs / 1FL S5-(2FL Overheads)' is switched Off ) Then Run Program 'OCO-2FL O1 Lamp Is On' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') -------------------------------------------------------- **4: OCO-2FL O1 Lamp Is On: Check and see if the lamp is on; if so reset the switch LEDs to show something (the lamp) is still on: If Status 'Loads / 2FL O1-Lamp' is not Off Then Set 'LEDs / 1FL S5-(2FL Overheads)' On Set 'LEDs / 2FL S1-(2FL Overheads)' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ---------------------------------------------------------- It's the THEN of the 4th program that I would like another line to Set the LED for the Load switch to ON --- without switching the load on. So, again, the simple question is this: is there a way to set the LED for a Load connected ToggleLinc Dimmer to indicate ON when the load is actually OFF? Thanks.
  21. PS Guys...and I'm talking to myself here - and posting just so anyone in the future has the same question. What I wanted to do was use all of the same devices in an existing scene, but have them each come on dimmer than is in the scene using a different button. For example, I have a couple of scenes controlled by KPL buttons 1 & 2 ("House Normal" and "House Formal", and I wanted a dimmer version for each controlled by the buttons right under them - 3 & 4. In my original post, I didn't state the ultimate goal clearly in that I didn't specifically say I wanted to control the new dim scene with different control buttons. Of course, the easiest way to accomplish what I want was simply to add a new control button to each (same) scene, but put dimmer values on each device in the scene (for that control button only). Just added KPL 3 to House Normal scene and set new on levels for that control button; ditto KPL 4 to House Formal scene. Didn't need to make new scenes at all. Much simpler than I was making it...
  22. Yes, thanks X.
  23. djones1415

    Dim Scene?

    Three questions: I'd like to run an existing scene at a level dimmer than called for in the scene. (1) Is that possible? (Set Scene doesn't offer a % level at which to set the scene.) (2) If not possible, is there an easier way to do this other than just making another scene with different on levels? I tried setting the scene to level "Brighten" and repeated that 5 times, but that seems to overwhelm the ISY - sometimes it takes a very long time to come up. (3) The obvious way appears to me to be just to make another scene with the different on levels. There are a LOT of devices in each scene I want to do this with - is there an easy way to copy a scene to a new scene? Tks
  24. Michel I checked, and the port forwarding rules are still there. As far as I know, nothing changed in the router. I've looked through all of the pages and see nothing unusual. I also verified that the external IP address hasn't changed. This was working fine: I was able to get in to the ISY from external address for many days. Then I couldn't. I am now getting a different error message: "XML Parse Error https://.... and "Socket Open Failed java.net.Socket TimeoutException" Wondering if maybe something had happened to the Java cache, I cleared the cache, and reinstalled the admin console shortcut (using the admin.jnlp file). It installed fine. When I fire up the admin console, I get the ISY Finder screen that lists both the local IP address and the external IP address, both addresses appended by "/desc" ... all as it should be. I can click on the local address and get into the ISY. Clicking on the external address gives me the above error messages after a pause. Thanks for any suggestions.
  25. Thanks. This all worked fine. Was able to come in over the internet. And used the shortcut created by the procedure above (instead of using a browser). Everything worked fine for a few days. Now I again can't come in over the internet. Slightly different message: "XML Parse Error https://..... as well as another error message: "Socket Open Failed java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information" I can come in fine inside the network, just not over the internet. I made no changes to the router or modem. It just stopped allowing me in for some reason. Any ideas? Thanks
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