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OK. I thought the Pro series had serial access from this description.
Does it respond to telnet through the serial cable? If you can get that bit of control, then perhaps when Michel or someone else shows up here, they can suggest what you need to do to enable html and AC control. Edit: Also which firmware version is it running?
Does your ISY have a static private IP or is it issued its IP from your router? If the later, maybe while you were gone it's DHCP-issued IP was changed by a power outage and reboot. If that is a possibility, then you could use your serial cable to telnet into it and check its current IP.
I did this once, but I forget what worked to stop them. I think I used an erase/remove on one program. If that doesn't work could you disable one or both at the HTML inteface rather than in the AC?
You set it up on your router which becomes the device responsible for updating DynDNS with your current IP. Then also in your router you have to set up a port forward to your ISY IP. So if your ISY is at say then your router should forward port 443 to that private IP. An even safer way to do this is to forward a different port, say 40443 to port 443 on your ISY's private IP. If your router can do this, the reason for forwarding a different port is that port 443 is the standard port for SSL and has attracted a lot of hacking activity and malware traffic. By forwarding in a different port that only you will know, you reduce the chances that a hacker would be able to probe your ISY's password authentication screens. Once you do all this (and set up the self-signed certificate in the ISY), you will be able to access your ISY remotely by entering something like mysitename.dydndyns.org:40443.
to_lighter, I suspect that forwarding port 443 to port 80 on the ISY is only giving you unencrypted remote access to your ISY. This would be the same type of openly visible access as you have on your LAN. Unencrypted access is a security risk if a third party intercepts your transmissions and can record your ID/PW. Probably the lack of an SSL certificate is why you can't get 443 forwarded to 443 to work. Someone else will have to help you get through the certificate generation process, but once you get it, you might consider using a port forwards of a higher port number to 443, say something like xx443 to 443. There are frequent malware probes on 443 and if all those are passed through to the ISY, I can't say how it will react to what it might interpret as a lot of garbled access requests. Plus if a hacker happened to discover in a port scan of your IP that your 443 port led to something interesting, it might encourage them to attempt a break-in. By using another port forwarded to 443, you obfuscate this important port somewhat.
frustratednon-geek, I lost my original 3:00 AM Query program some time ago. I replaced it with this program: If Time is 3:00:00AM Then Set Scene 'My Lighting' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I don't know if it is exactly the same as the original query program, but it seems to do the job. You could do something similar to replace yours.
Eric, is the Copy to Clipboard function that you have in the right click on the program pop up at the Program Details tab not working for you? I think most people paste that info into their threads and then might do a little editing to adjust some of the formatting or comment details.
A general output of an http command is not supported at the present time. This feature along with the capability of the ISY to respond to an http command has been requested several times in the past and I believe there was a positive response to the request from UDI personnel at that time. An update on the progress or priority of this feature would be nice. I apologize in advance if I've missed or forgotten some recent mention of it in a soon to-be released firmware version (it's hard to keep up with everything going on here).
Bah! I was afraid of that possibility with your Linksys router. It will only allow one forward to operate on 443 and a port translation/forward is the same as a simple forward, but that was the easiest way to try this. So assuming you have a 2.6.x version on your ISY, then you have to change the https over SSL port on it: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... o_Your_ISY instead.
Can your wrt600n port translate/forward another port to 443? Use a port such as port 40443 forwarded to the ISY IP at 443. Then any external access to the ISY would be made using port 40443. Some routers can do this and others can't. On a Linksys the function might be located on the UPnP setting page, but this isn't the same as UPnP. It is just where Linksys likes to place the control for it.
MikeB, possibly to trigger a re-evaluation of the program's conditions as per this thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1757 , but if I understand the way the Then statements should operate, they should simply complete and then the program's conditions would be automatically re-evaluated without the need to be triggered by a Wait statement.
I use EagleEyes (BTW, they can be bought for only $10 ea from reputable dealers) with an EZX10RF to send the X10 signal to the ISY for relay to the activation device as long as I can tolerate the ~2 sec delay or if the device to be activated is an X10 device If I need a faster response (~1 sec.) or if an Insteon device is to be activated, the EagleEye house code is programmed into the EZX10RF with an EZBridge (a PLM can also be used to do this with the right software I think) and the EZX10RF sends the Insteon code to the ISY for relay to the device. There is less button tapping involved using the ISY as a relay and the EZBridge as a programmer. So my setup has no direct EZX10RF to device links, only relays through the ISY. Most of my indirect links have time, date, and/or on duration conditions that couldn't be accomodated by a simple direct link. If I ever decide that I need an even faster response time to motion and SmartHome has a fantastic sale and Smarthome offers a reduced price Insteon motion sensor and Access Point combination, I might add one. Frankly I love the EagleEyes, because they are so cheap and so I'm not afraid to modify them to be more versatile. I've added external power connections to all mine so that external battery packs can be added when necessary. I've standardized on an inexpensive kitchen cabinet door hinge that is used for a one-axis mount. I've experimented with optical-mechanical means to reduce the sensitivity of the EagleEyes and also have modified them as light sensors without motion sensing. I also think they could be wired to be activated by an external contact switch.
I don't know if this will help, but I was just curious. Do you do an automatic Query of every thing following a reboot or power loss?
Michel, My PLM is a 10 month old, firmware 52 version. I don't have a thermostat and only have eight Insteon devices and a couple of scenes. Everything seems to be working fine now! I checked the logs and the ISY regularly reported the 3 AM query. So I don't know what the problem was that the 3 AM Query didn't clear it. Is there a way to test the 3 AM Query to check if it is actually querying the PLM as it is supposed to be, e.g. maybe some way to set a link that should be repaired by the query at 3 AM if it is really working? I'll certainly be watching for a recurrence of this problem on the next firmware upgrade. Thanks,
Michel, I had power cycled the PLM without effect before posting, but did so again. This alone did not help. I also have a "3 AM Query the ISY" program that should have run several times in the mornings after my original PLM power cycle and again in the mornings after the power cycle you recommended. Apparently this "3 AM Query the ISY" program didn't fix anything. So after giving the automatic query program a chance to work, I manually queried all my Insteon devices individually and that seems to have corrected the "On" button failure. I think all programs and devices are functioning as they were with 2.6.6. Thank you. So the question is why didn't the "3 AM Query the ISY" work to fix this problem? Has some bug been introduced in that function in 2.6.7?
I finally got around upgrading my ISY26 from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 and had numerous programs fail. After clearing the Java cache; power cycling both the ISY26 and the PLM; and turning off and on the daylight savings check box (the sunset/sunrise times were not incorrect, I think most of the programs now work (I've not tested each and every one under all conditions). The upgrade changed the ramp rate on my two LampLincs from 30 secs to 9 minutes. I wasn't expecting that! None of the Insteon Device "On" buttons work from either the web page or the AC. Pressing an "On" button causes RX and PLM LED blinks, but no Events are recorded in the viewer on level 1. The other buttons, Fast On, Off, etc. seem to work fine. The "On" button works for scenes, but I only have two so I almost missed this. Note on Level 2, an "On" button press only gives: 2008/09/22 10:18:15 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 04.88.1E 0F 11 00 06 LTONRR (00) 2008/09/22 10:18:16 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 04.88.1E 05.E8.F8 2B 11 00 LTONRR (00)
Michel, is that a flash memory or RAM memory or both limit on the ISY26? Thanks, Dave
Yeah, X10 (and Insteon too sometimes) can give quirky results.
I think the cause of the original email glitch has probably been fixed on their host servers by now. What I was suggesting was that maybe Universal Devices had hit their monthly quota of SMTP relays earlier this month due to the success of the ISY, e.g. more units sending more notifications filling the purchased quota limit even earlier in the month of August.
John, I think email notification could be temporarily non-functional. The next beta release is supposed to have an intermediate fix to be followed by a more premanent fix in a later release. Please see: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... hp?p=10983.
John, is it missing X10 traffic from specific modules or are the missing commands randomly distributed across all your units?
OK, thanks Michel. I'll just override the warning box whenever I have to access over line 2.
I have a dual WAN router that doesn't have fail-over or load balancing capability for incoming trafffic so each DSL line is accessed independently of the other, e.g. by DDNSaccessline1.net or by DDNSaccessline2.net. Whenever I remotely access through the second line, DDNSaccessline2.net, which I would have to do if line1 was down, I get domain name mismatch complaints from my browser that I'm trying to access DDNSaccessline2.net, but the security certificate belongs to DDNSaccessline1.net. Although I can override the certificate warning window, I'm not even sure if the SSL encryption works properly when using the certificate for the first web address to access through the second web address. I'd like to install a second certificate to cover the second line's access. Before I attempt to just do it, I thought I should check in here and see if it is possible. Is it? Thanks.
Great! Glad that it was an easy to fix once you had the cable in hand. I guess you could have always resorted to http://www.angryziber.com/w/Home, the Angry IP Scanner, to have found the ISY's IP by brute force scanning, but the ISY shell is soooo much easier.