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Community Answers

  1. I've not heard anyone else report the ""Error processing....due to high volume" issue. Please enable debug mode, restart the node server and if you see that error then "download log package" and PM that to me. Sorry you are so bothered by kasa user or email, your kasa login user is your email so use that. Yes, for new devices it requires authentication, that's part of the issue mentioned in the first paragraph of the README "This nodeserver relies on a mostly undocumented and unofficially supported local API which of course TP-Link could break at any time, and has in the past, but luckily others figure it out." For the beta, as mentioned in the beta thread Kasa Devices to support Please install Kasa plugin beta trial 3.2.2 in a new slot and test. I've only done minimal testing so let me know if you have any issues.
  2. For license errors, submit a ticket and include your UUID... Jesus...
  3. That looks correct. It's similar to my skunk example in the README What version of IoX are you running? There was a change in 5.9.1 related to this so hopefully it didn't break it. I'll setup a test on my system to confirm. Also you can watch the status in IoX for anything that may be detected and confirm the status changes.
  4. @bmercier please help Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. @Ross I can't control subscriptions, you'll need to submit a support ticket. For the error: No module named 'mashumaro' This means the install failed, please reinstall in the same slot then "Download Log Package" which will show the install error, and PM that to me. You likely have a problem that support will need to look into. Sorry for not responding previously, I try to monitor the forum but don't always get notifications. The beta fixes many issues and I'll try to release soon. Just remember, this is a side job for most developers so real work and life do take priority.
  6. Please install the beta release in a new slot and test. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  7. Please open a support ticket and send this in along with the uuid of your polisy Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  8. Yes, issue created https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-Airthings-Consumer/issues/24 Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  9. But that was the last notification it sent at 1:04pm in the log file you sent which correlates with your screenshot. Here are all the successful sends before you hit the limit, then the attempted sends which resulted in the error message being sent: 2025-01-30 11:23:19.438 Thread-15 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'system': True, 'title': 'eisy 00:21:b9:02:60:68 Notification Node Server Free Edition Startup.', 'body': 'Please upgrade to Standard version to get all features'} 2025-01-30 11:29:28.712 Thread-23 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 11:29:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 3876.55 Watts"} 2025-01-30 11:35:28.453 Thread-31 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 11:35:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 4357.345 Watts"} 2025-01-30 11:40:28.289 Thread-37 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 11:40:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 4511.804 Watts"} 2025-01-30 11:51:28.403 Thread-50 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 11:51:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 2437.53 Watts"} 2025-01-30 11:56:28.141 Thread-57 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 11:56:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 2337.535 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:04:28.319 Thread-67 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:04:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 1329.026 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:09:28.301 Thread-73 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:09:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 3542.016 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:14:28.609 Thread-80 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:14:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 4174.399 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:19:27.805 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:19:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 5469.98 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:19:28.681 Thread-86 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:24:27.309 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:24:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 5591.087 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:24:28.020 Thread-93 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:29:27.904 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:29:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 5645.919 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:29:28.680 Thread-99 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:34:27.294 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:34:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 5800.846 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:34:28.281 Thread-106 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:39:27.754 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:39:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 5803.815 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:39:28.489 Thread-112 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:44:27.403 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:44:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 5850.703 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:44:28.284 Thread-119 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:49:27.859 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:49:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 6020.411 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:49:28.565 Thread-125 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:54:27.863 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:54:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 6063.592 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:54:29.025 Thread-132 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 12:59:27.942 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 12:59:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 6090.358 Watts"} 2025-01-30 12:59:28.596 Thread-138 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '} 2025-01-30 13:04:27.825 Command udi_interface INFO UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 13:04:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 6161.4 Watts"} 2025-01-30 13:04:28.604 Thread-145 (send) udi_interface INFO UDMobile:send: Message Sent: {'title': 'Reached max daily message count, please upgrde to Standard Edition', 'body': ' '}
  10. It's trying to send message: UDMobile:do_send: params={'title': '6249 Southridge greens', 'body': "2025/01/30 13:04:27 Event '6249 Southridge greens' Status set to 6161.4 Watts"}
  11. I couldn't make it happen on my development machine. Please enable it again and download log package after it starts nagging you, and PM that file to me. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  12. Thanks I'll try to look at it today, in the meantime you can stop the plugin. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  13. Yes, odd. You don't have any programs sending messages? Sorry I didn't have time to review the code today. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  14. The short poll value always comes from the controller, not the PG UI. This is so it can be changed on the fly by IoX programs. Also disable auto set if you want to manually control it. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-Airthings-Consumer/blob/main/CONFIG.md Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  15. I don't think there's any timer in the plugin to send that notification, it only sends it if you have passed the limit and try to send a message, but I'll check the code and confirm. You can download log package from the plugin log page and PM that to me and I'll review. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
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