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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. Brian, Sorry, I do not have the p/n for a 100uF/35V cap. I used all the replacement caps specified in the original post. Only difference was I needed two of the 100uF/25V caps, Mouser p/n 647-UTT1E101MPD for C7 & C11 instead of the two 10uF/50V (as specified in the first post) for C7 & C13. ~Mike
  2. Hi Brian, I purchased all my caps from Mouser over a year ago using the OP's recommendations. Got a few of each and am sure glad I did. Was a little confused when I opened the PLM and found different values. I elected to keep the same values as originally installed, just with upgraded voltage ratings. As a result I have several extra 10uf / 50v caps. No biggie since they were inexpensive. I wanted to make others aware of the changes and to be prepared when they attempt the repair. Would have been extremely dissapointed if I was unable to complete the repair due to a lack of parts. ~Mike
  3. Purchased in December 2012, my PLM finally died at a little over 3 years old. Because of the helpful information here I was prepared for this inevitable event. PLM V1.7 For those who have not opened their PLM here is what it looks like after removing the serial board. Here is a picture of the reverse side. Original capacitor values were as follows. C3: 6.8uf, 250v C7 + C11: 100uf, 25v C8: 10uf, 16v C13: 10uf, 35v I also discovered one of the antenna wires had a bad solder joint. After performing a 'Restore Modem (PLM)' it is back in operation. Many thanks to the OP and everyone who contributed. ~Mike
  4. Hi oberkc, I misspelled your username in my first response. My apologies! You and many other forum members endeavor to be very precise in explaining the logic of ISY programming and it is very much appreciated. I know it can be frustrating to someone new. ~Mike
  5. Hi obertec, I guess it is just how you look at it. True that as you stated 'triggers' themselves have no logical condition. I mentioned the 'trigger' as an evaluation for the TIME and CONTROL condition. Thus running the THEN or ELSE clause as appropriate. I was just trying to say the same thing as you did a different way. Hope that makes sense! ~Mike
  6. Hi Amigo, If From Sunset To Sunrise + 30 minutes (next day) And Control 'Outside / Front Door Motion Sensor-Sens' is switched On The trigger for TIME conditions are only evaluated for those two specific moments in time and not for the whole time period in between. Therefore would evaluate FALSE unless a 'Control On' is sent from the Motion Sensor at those two moments in time. -- Which would be highly unlikely to occur. The trigger for the CONTROL condition is valid during the whole TIME period. A 'Control On' sent from the Motion Sensor evaluates TRUE during this period and FALSE outside this period. ~Mike
  7. Thanks for the motivational information. I have been thinking about replacing the IOLinc that controls my garage door with a Z-Wave controller for a while. I just ordered this Z-Wave garage door controller http://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/1298 from Amazon and will be replacing the IOLinc. According to the documentation it has the 'Z-Wave Plus' or 'Gen 5' chipset. Should be here on Friday for installation this weekend. ~Mike
  8. After converting from several X-10 devices around the house back in 2012 I can honestly say I am very happy with Insteon (and Z-Wave). All the helpful information on this forum allowed me to do things I did not think was even possible. I am sure that the guidance provided on this forum also has kept me out of trouble. For instance there are a half dozen FilterLincs around my house, all put in place based on comments made here. ~Mike
  9. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    Hi Mitch, I am sure you will quickly get everything configured and running this weekend. Glad I could help. ~Mike
  10. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    I record the values as soon as they change and do not use the variables as a condition to trigger any programs so I just decided to use Integer variables. That said, State variables could be used in these programs as written and everything would still work the same way. ~Mike
  11. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    Hi Mitch, Here it is. ~Mike
  12. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    Hi Mitch, Glad to hear you got it working. As for the Variables, I am not sure what you are asking for. The 'init' values of each are set to '0' and the values are changed according to which program is run. I use io_guy's ISYLogger to record the daily history of lock events. ~Mike
  13. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    Hi Mitch, Just checked all my programs and verified I have made no changes since posting these. I also did not change any settings on the lock. Are you running the latest Z-Wave firmware version? (v4.55) You can display the version by clicking Z-Wave - Advanced - Z-Wave Version. Also, I am currently running ISY Firmware/UI v4.2.21 but am not sure when support for the Schlage lock first appeared. The right side of your Admin Console should look like this when the Schlage lock is selected. Status is sent from the lock upon each action without the need to query. Do you see any activity in the Event Viewer when you operate the lock? (Tools - Diagnostics - Event Viewer) You should see activity in Event Viewer set to Level 1. ~Mike
  14. I attached my reed switch to the overhead rail assembly and associated magnet to the trolley inside the rail using double sided tape. Not sure if this is possible in your installation. Here is a picture with the door closed. ~Mike
  15. Hi Blackbird, I have been using an Insteon I/O Linc to control my Garage Door for well over a year with no issues. I also have never experience an All-On or All-Off. One of the suggestions to help prevent this from happening was posted by LeeG earlier here. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/15636-considering-disabling-isy-due-to-all-on-bug-process-to-remove-it/?p=133909 Other suggestions can be found here. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/10516-random-all-on-event/?p=133991 ~Mike
  16. Hi Joe, I currently have the Z-wave module and have downloaded your app therefore I also would like to see Iggy Remote support Z-Wave. ~Mike
  17. Pick a port up in the Dynamic Port Range of 49152 to 65535 and use that port on the external side of your router. The camera uses HTTP port 88. Once your router is configured you would connect to your camera using the external IP:port and your router will point it to the correct IP:port you configured. Say you use port 61500 for the external port, once configured it would look like this. http://extIPaddress:61500> Router > http://intIPaddress:88 ~Mike
  18. Hi Jimbo, The Trane TZ400BB3VZNNSL thermostat does show up as a Repeater along with the Aeotec Multisensor (USB powered) and the Aeotec Repeater. ~Mike
  19. Teken, It does take a lot of time experimenting with different sizes, shapes and background colors. I must have printed five sheets of 4x6 photo paper so far, filling each square with different icons and fonts. Ha! I had cut little squares all over the place trying to decide which looked best! ~Mike
  20. Hi Teken, Yes, I know what you are saying. I am not shooting for a professional looking appearance. If my objective was to create something for display in a formal or professional environment then I would not go this route. Since my homestead is not quite the formal setting I am going more for the cool factor. The different color buttons are somewhat of a key advantage to function. I have other KPLs with the same Icons so they are easy to spot what they do. I'll admit it is not the most appealing look with different style Icons. Just having fun and throwing it out here. ~Mike
  21. Here is what I have for one of my KeypadLincs. I used a paper cutter to trim the photo paper to size. Trying Icons instead of wording for the Z-Wave Schlage lock and Garage door buttons. Not quite sure if I am satisfied with the top and bottom button color scheme, they might change. ~Mike
  22. I have my PLM and ISY behind a UPS and FilterLinc however this was not done because I had issues with COMs. I did this in order to eliminate the possibility of power sags/surges/spikes/brown-outs from damaging the PLM since it is such a critical piece of the system. Been configured this way since I read about PLM failures here on the forum, probably a good 18 months. Now I know the PLM failures were due to faulty capacitors and not utility issues. My system is working without issues so I am reluctant to move the PLM off the UPS! ~Mike
  23. Hi Lee, Your post on labeling finally got me motivated to label my KeypadLincs. I only been using them for two years with the non-descript keys, really I knew what they did. I had added some clear buttons to one of my orders way back with the intention on doing this so I had everything needed. I originally tried a Brother labeler with 1/2 inch black on white tape. The buttons looked good but rather plain compared to what you have done. So I just had to try your idea which is something that I would have never thought of myself. I used a table set to the approximate dimensions of the buttons in Microsoft Word for the formatting. I'm still playing around with different colored backgrounds and my spouse really likes the idea of color coding the buttons by function. Now she will stop asking what 'that' button does. Thanks for sharing. ~Mike
  24. Fuzzy math? Sorry, I was trying to wrap my head around this and I think I had too much caffein this morning. ~Mike
  25. Hi Jimbo, Exactly, should have fully described it as (2421) TriggerlLinc v.40. ~Mike
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