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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. With v4.2.21 I just added a spare Open/Closed Sensor Model 2843-222, inside label reads 3313 Rev 1.9. ISY Auto Discover named it a TriggerLinc v.40. Three nodes showed up: Opened, Closed, Heartbeat. ~Mike
  2. Hi Michel, I jumped into the Insteon world a little over two years ago. Since that time your team has released numerous software revisions that continually add new features, and Z-Wave. I am so happy I have an ISY! I also believe a huge part of my satisfaction with the ISY goes to the members in this forum who have provided so much knowledge and value to the product. Happy New Year! ~Mike
  3. Anything RF can be snooped. Is there anything already developed out there? Don't know, certainly not in the iOS world!
  4. I stand corrected. You CAN use the app to control the firmness setting through the app. Does not work very well as I keep getting a disconnected message, but I did manage to change the firmness level a few times. FWIW, I verified the controllers are not on the wifi network so I am positive the controllers are Bluetooth. My iPad is always connected to my internal router on 192.168.1.xxx network and the SleepIQ controller is on my external U-Verse router/gateway on 172.16.1.xxx network. I connected my iPad to that network and ran the Fing app to verify that there was only one select comfort device on that network. ~Mike
  5. You cannot control your sleep number over wifi, I believe the controller(s) you use with the bed communicate via Bluetooth. The iPad app can only view the history that is retrieved from the SleepIQ cloud service. ~Mike
  6. This is what I currently have in place. In addition I added a notification that the door was left open for more than 10 minutes. I also have a camera in the garage to visually verify the door is closed. ~Mike
  7. MikeD

    Replacing a PLM

    Did you reboot the ISY after replacing the PLM?
  8. Jim, The Init of a variable is only referenced when the ISY boots. ~Mike
  9. I also did not add the Wait to my VC3 programs and have not had a problem although I just should add the Wait since it could not hurt. With 5 leak sensors around the house everything has been running great. Heartbeats have been received so I know all the sensors are talking. I also can vouch for how this set of programs keep you informed of a leak. I have an area that is prone to get wet due to a small crack in the foundation wall and with all the rain we had this past Saturday the leak programs came into play. During the night one of my leak sensors triggered and I was notified via email of the wet condition. I received a follow-up email the next morning at 9 AM. Everything was back to normal once the area dried up. This was the first time I received a 'real world' notification since implementing these programs a year ago. Thank you again Brian for sharing. ~Mike
  10. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    The bolt is somewhat wedge shaped to help it enter the door frame. I attached a few pictures to give you an idea of what it looks like.
  11. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    I just had my first weird experience with the BE469 lock. As I mentioned in an earlier post it has been flawless since install back in April. This morning I was receiving Prowl 'Not Responding' messages while I was out and about. When I returned home I found the lock was no longer communicating with the ISY, it had a red ! next to it in the Admin Console. Querying the lock did not correct the issue. I removed the battery cover, disconnected the batteries, manually operated the lock a few times, then reconnected the batteries and the inside Schlage button flashed red once then went out. The lock was back in communication with the ISY after doing this. Do not know what caused the lock to stop Z-Wave communications but thought I would mention this in case someone else experienced a similar hiccup. ~Mike
  12. Hi Mike, This will send a text when your garage door closes. If Control 'Ashley_Garage_Door-Sensor' is switched On Then Send Notification to 'Text' content 'GarageClosed' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ~Mike
  13. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    Hi Waketech, This will be somewhat lengthy however I hope it will be beneficial to others. I basically use two integer variables, $iSchlageLockedBy and $iSchlageUnlockedBy to track everything. The variables are change whenever an action is reported by the lock. Here is one of my user programs that sets the variables, turns on a Scene (button on a few KeypadLincs) and sends a Notification via Prowl. If Status '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' is Access Code 1 And Control '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' is switched Unlocked by Keypad Then $iSchlageLockedBy = 0 $iSchlageUnLockedBy = 1 Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageButton-A' On Resource 'SchlageMary' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 'SchlageButtonA' program that controls the lock from a KeypadLinc button. If Control 'Living Room Wall / A-Schlage Lock' is switched On And Control 'Living Room Wall / A-Schlage Lock' is not switched Off Or ( Control 'Mike Bedside KPL / A-Schlage Lock' is switched On And Control 'Mike Bedside KPL / A-Schlage Lock' is not switched Off ) Then Set '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' Unlock $iSchlageLockedBy = 0 $iSchlageUnLockedBy = 55 Resource 'SchlageKPLUnLock' Else Set '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' Lock $iSchlageLockedBy = 3 Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageUnlock' Off Stop program 'SchlageTimeout' Resource 'SchlageKPLLock' 'SchlageTimeout' (Disabled) program that locks the front door with exceptions noted. If Status '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' is Unlocked Then Wait 10 minutes Set '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' Lock $iSchlageLockedBy = 555 Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageButton-A' Off Resource 'SchlageTimeout' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') NOTES: *Must Remain DISABLED otherwise 10 minute time period starts as soon as door is unlocked.* Called by SchlageTimeoutEnable If LRWallKPL-B is Off. Stopped by FrontDoor program and resets upon every door closure. Stopped by SchlageLockedInside and SchlageLockedOutside programs. 'SchlageTimeoutEnable' program. I use a State variable called $sSchalgeTimeoutEnabled. (Another program is triggered when the state of this variable changes and Notifies me via Prowl.) If Status 'Living Room Wall / B-Disable Lock' is Off Then $sSchlageTimeoutEnabled = 1 Wait 5 seconds Run Program 'SchlageTimeout' (If) Else $sSchlageTimeoutEnabled = 0 Stop program 'SchlageTimeout' NOTES: Called by FrontDoor program. LRWallKPL-B Status: On: Prevents FrontDoor from locking after 10 minutes. Off: Calls SchlageTimeout(If) program, that will lock the FrontDoor unless reopened within 10 minutes. 'FrontDoor' program. If Status 'z-Door Sensors / Front Door' is 100% Then Resource 'FrontDrSensorOpen' Stop program 'SchlageTimeout' Else Resource 'FrontDrSensorClosed' Run Program 'SchlageTimeoutEnable' (If) NOTES: Stops SchlageTimeout when evaluated True and Runs SchlageTimeoutEnable when evaluated False. Front Door will automatically re-lock after closure when parameters if LRWallKPL-B is Off. LRWallKPL-B disables SchlageTimeout if On in SchlageTimeoutEnable program. 'SchlageLockedInside' program. If Control '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' is switched Key/Manually Locked Then $iSchlageLockedBy = 1 Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageButton-A' Off Wait 1 second Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageUnlock' Off Stop program 'SchlageTimeout' Resource 'SchlageLockedInside' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 'SchlageLockedOutside' program. If Control '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' is switched Locked by Keypad Then $iSchlageLockedBy = 2 Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageButton-A' Off Wait 1 second Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageUnlock' Off Stop program 'SchlageTimeout' Resource 'SchlageLockedOutside' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 'SchlageManualUnlocked' program. If Control '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' is switched Key/Manually Unlocked Then $iSchlageUnLockedBy = 0 $iSchlageLockedBy = 0 Set Scene 'Scenes / SchlageButton-A' On Resource 'SchlageManualUnLocked' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 'SchlageTamper' program. If Control '.Z-Wave / ZW 006 Schlage Door Lock' is switched Tamper Code Entry Limit Then $iSchlageLockedBy = 999 $iSchlageUnLockedBy = 999 Resource 'SchlageTamper' Send Notification to 'Michael' content 'SchlageTamper' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here are my variable definitions. iSchlageUnLockedBy --------------------- 999 = Tamper Alarm 55 = Insteon Keypad 0 = Manually UNLOCKED 1 = Mary 2 = Michael 3 = Janet 4 = Tina 5 = Joe 6 = Alice iSchlageLockedBy ------------------------------------ 999 = Tamper Alarm 0 = Reset when UNLOCKed by Keypad or Manually UNLOCKED 1 = Manually LOCKED from inside 2 = LOCKED by Outside Schlage button 3 = LOCKED by Insteon Keypad 4 = LOCKED by KPLAllOffButton Program 555 = LOCKED by SchlageTimeout Program I also have two other programs to send a notification if the lock is Not Responding or Jammed. ~Mike
  14. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    Hi Teken, I installed this lock on my front door back in April and am very happy with it's operation. I did change the batteries after 6 months. The battery level reported was at 86% as I recall. At 86% the internal motor does 'sound' just a bit slower as it moves the bolt. I was leaving for a week and did not want any issues since my family did not accompany me on the trip. With new batteries installed on October 16 and an average of 15 motorized lock/unlock actions per day the battery level is 99% today. I use ISYLogger to record the date/time/user-number that unlocks via keypad. Other actions such as manually locking/unlocking from inside, locking from outside with the Schlage button, locking/unlocking from a KeypadLinc button, and locking after a timeout via program are also logged. I also use Prowl via the Network Module to notify me in real time of the above actions. The only negative I can think of is the number pad is a little difficult to read in direct sunlight but other than that it is perfect! ~Mike
  15. MikeD

    Schlage BE469

    It can be controlled by the iOS version of MobiLinc, do not know about android version.
  16. Hi Brian, I have their 3801HGV Gateway and it serves as the DSL interface with built-in router and 802.11g wifi. I had my own ASUS router with operational dual-band 802.11n wifi networks when I switched over from Comcast in August 2013 and just placed the ASUS behind the AT&T Gateway. I always usd and for primary and secondary DNS server addresses in the ASUS so maybe that is why I did not experience any downtime during this transition to Frontier. I just checked the 3801 and they have primary DNS set to and secondary at Don't know if they are valid and they are not changable by the user. My suggestion would be to place your own router behind their equipment. In the 3801 they have a setting to add a 'Cascaded Router' however I did not enable that and used what they called 'pinholes' to port-forward the ports I needed. ~Mike
  17. Hi smokegub, To write updates to the door sensor it has to be in linking mode. Here is the Hidden Door Sensor linking procedure I follow. When you press and hold the Set button the first time the LED starts flashing. While in this mode you can link it to your ISY, write changes to the Door Sensor, include it in Scenes and Programs, and Query it. To exit linking mode you do not have to wait for the LED to stop flashing, it is a two step process. 1. Press the Set button again and the LED will continue to flash but at a different rate. I believe this is referred to as the unlinking mode, this mode is not used in the setup with your ISY and can be ignored. 2. Press the Set button one more time to exit. The LED should be completely off at this point. Once the Door Sensor is out of linking mode it is a one way communicating device, sending Open/Close, Heartbeat, and Battery Status information to your ISY. It cannot receive any changes until it is placed in linking mode again. Hope this helps clarify linking mode for you. ~Mike
  18. Hi Michel, Email sent with Query results and Topology attachments. Thank you, ~Mike
  19. MikeD

    KPL help needed

    Hi Eric, Try If Control 'Sitting Room / Sitting KPL (DB) Lights' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'Sitting Room / Sitting Room Dim KPL' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ~Mike
  20. That is the way it should be. Bug? ~Mike
  21. Hi Michel, Unfortunately if I clicked the + button you would not be able to see all my devices on one screen. I did check on my last ISY restart and there were no devices with green 1011 icons. Can you explain why my Hidden Door Sensors are queried during the '3 AM Query All' given the information in the last few posts? Are they so different than a Leak Sensor that is not included in the Query All? Thank you, ~Mike
  22. Hi Xathros, Query at startup produces the same System Busy and Event Viewer results. I have a Hidden Door Sensor startup program configured to run at ISY startup. It is very similar to the Leak Sensor startup program that many here are running. If $iDoorSensorStartup is 0 Then Run Program 'FrontDoorHeartbeat' (Then Path) Run Program 'InsideGarageDrHeartbeat' (Then Path) Run Program 'UpperPatioDrHeartbeat' (Then Path) Run Program 'LowerPatioDrHeartbeat' (Then Path) Wait 2 seconds $iDoorSensorStartup = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Each Heartbeat program is similar to this one below and is a status of 'Running Then' after ISY restart. If Control 'z-Door Sensors / Front Door / Front Door - Heartbeat' is switched On Or Control 'z-Door Sensors / Front Door / Front Door - Heartbeat' is switched Off Then $iFrontDoorMissedHB = 0 Wait 48 hours Resource 'FrontDrSensorNotResponding' $iFrontDoorMissedHB = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') None of the programs associated with my Hidden Door Sensors, including the one that checks the Status (Post #6) changed the time displayed in the 'Last Run Time' column on the Programs / Summary tab when I ran Query All (Then Path) a few minutes ago. ~Mike
  23. Hi Xathros, Thanks for the suggestions. Query at Restart and Wait while busy reading were the only ones that were checked. I first unchecked Wait while busy reading and rebooted - that did not help. Unchecking Query at Restart did solve the System Busy problem on boot up however I think that is a questionable solution. My next question I have (for Michel) is why don't the Leak Sensors exhibit the same symptoms on ISY restart, since I also check the Status of their Wet node in an If statement? ~Mike
  24. Yes, and that must be why the Query at Restart? If Status 'z-Door Sensors / Front Door' is On Then Resource 'FrontDrSensorOpen' Else Resource 'FrontDrSensorClosed' ~Mike
  25. Hi Michel, I rebooted the ISY again just to make sure, no green icons. 2B.0D.E1 is the Inside Garage Door sensor 2B.0F.03 is the Front Door sensor Attached is a screen shot of the System Busy in progress. ~Mike
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