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Everything posted by DualBandAid

  1. I have an EISY. I was able to get my Hue bulbs into the system. All was well. Then things got a little weird with one Hue device. I tried to delete the offending Hue device but couldn't. THEN!!!!... I had a grand idea that if I UNGROUPED the Hue bulbs, I could delete the errant Hue device. That worked. But then I couldn't group the devices again. So like an idiot, I tried to delete everything from the system. I deleted the Hue from the EISY; I went into Polyglot and deleted Hue there. Then I tried to reinstall. So that worked. But it appears that the only thing showing in the EISY is the Hub. There is an option to Rediscover Bulbs in the EISY. That does nothing. Also, jumping back, when I install the Hue back into Polyglot, it told me to hit the hue hub buttong and restart within 30 seconds. I did that. Nothing worked. I have tried many combinations of deleting and reinstalling and vomitting in my mouth in despair. Any thoughts?
  2. So a few things. Opening the scene and changing the on level for the scene, like so to 39%... All that changed is what happened if I turned the scene itself on. But if I hit the pseudo "3-way" switch, the LEDs still shot to 100%. (NOTE: I changed both devices to 39% - and it didn't matter). The only way I could get LEDs level to change by hitting the switch is if I clicked on the actual device in the scene and changed it. Like so... I guess highlighting the scene itself, versus a device in the scene, gives one differnet behaviors. I actually know this (sorta kinda). But keep forgetting. So my problem is sorta half-solved. One, I would like program this change. And two, I would any idea how I can use variables in this situation? I have a program that uses variables to change all my switches on-levels throughout the day. I was hoping I could do that here. That's really what I'm after.
  3. That definitely helped with the second problem! Thx!
  4. There is another weird thing going on. Almost the opposite of the above. Back to the switch in the virtual 3-way that is wired directly to the light: Let's say it has an ON-LEVEL of 50%. When I toggle that switch on, yes, the light goes to 50% and the ISY STATUS says 50%. But when I double-tap the light to send it to 100%, yes, the light goes to 100% but the ISY STATUS still says it's at 50%. Thoughts?
  5. So this is weird. I have a switch in a 3-way with another switch. (Both KeyPadLincDimmer 5 buttons - but the problem occurs with two regular dimmers in another 3-way, as well) HERE IS THE SET-UP: At night, the ISY sets the Local On Level of the switch to 25%. Like so: Then I turn the physical switch on and the ISY says, "Yep, the light is only 25%" - as you can see here: HERE IS THE PROBLEM: The problem is, the light actually goes to 100%. This only occurs with the one switch the isn't wired directly to the light. The switch that is wired directly to the light doesn't have this problem (it has a different one - see next post). Thoughts?
  6. Ah. I see I maybe have misunderstood what you meant by: I thought you meant that if, say a light is on, you slowly would dim the light down to the lowered setting. I had a set-up like that. If, say, my living room lights were on, they would slowly dim over the course of 9 minutes to the evening light. I wouldn't even notice the dimming. In the case I was talking about (and thought you were talking about) whether the lights were on was important. Think of it this way. Light is on 100%. Program starts... 1) Ramp rate is changed to 9 minutes 2) Light is slowly dimmed down to 50% If my light is NOT on, I don't want this program to run at all. If it runs, the light will turn on and start dimming, right? The reason I used a scene for this was, if I changed the switch's ramp rate for this event, anyone trying to use the switch to override the current light change would have a ramp rate of 9 minutes. But lemme ask you something else. Let's say I don't worry about the ramp rate. Light is on 100%. Program starts... 1) Light is dimmed to 50% at 7:00 pm But I don't want that change to happen if the light is off, do I? Summarizing: I am already set on how to change the local on levels. Light is on or off, doesn't matter. It just changes what happens at the switch. But what if I want a light that is ON ALREADY to dim to a lower level, but if the light is NOT on, I don't want anything to happen. What then?
  7. I am trying to set a Hue brightness level so that, when a Hue light is turned on, it does to that particular brightness. I have four such programs throughout the day. However, when the Hue brightness level is changed, it turns the Hue light on. Thoughts?
  8. How do you do this? With a scene? A scene with a slow ramp rate that dims to a certain level? And do you need an if statement to verify the light is on the first place? And then you need one for every light?
  9. I had something like that set up at my old place but I had programmed it, like 9 years ago...and I wonder if A) I was doing it clunky to begin with and B ) if there is a more elegant way now. It sure is a lot easier to change the LOCAL ON level at the switch than it was a decade ago. The way I'm thinking, I need to determine if a light is on? And then, if so, change the ramp rate to the max (9 min?) and then ramp down from it's current level down to a lower level? Is that the right way to think of it? Or do I have make scenes for every light? And then adjust the scene?
  10. I may be doing the same thing differently, or I'm missing some opportunity with what you are doing. My "If" section has a time frame on it:
  11. I def have been using ISY to control the level of dim at all my switches. I just find that it's a *constant* change. SUN-UP: 100% SUN-DOWN: 70% LATE EVENING (SUN DOWN +3 hours): 40% LATE NIGHT (after 11): 20% I have an ISY program that changes the on switches for all these. But this confused me: If I want to change my lights outside of my program, I just tell Alexa to change the lights directly "Alexa, set [group] to 45%". But my program is still running. But it sounds like you are telling Alexa to change the program itself that controls the lights? Are you finding the % that you set up in the program needs to be tweak that often?
  12. What’s the use case here with Alexa? By that, I mean, if I want my lights to be at 45%, I just tell Alexa to set the lights at 45% without any need for a program. Or are you saying that you use Alexa to change the value of a local press of the switch? What do you use that for? I generally just have my local value change as the time of day changes, on a consistent basis. With no need to use Alexa to change the local value of the on button. If I’m going to use Alexa with my mouth, to change the on value, I would just use my mouth Alexa combo to turn the light on to a desired value. The only time I could see this being valuable is if I am, for whatever reason, having to constantly change the value of the local switch on an unpredictable basis.
  13. Yep! That’s exactly what I want! I may have used the wrong term. I meant create. I was just trying to sound cool. And then just exposed my ignorance. I’m not at my computer now but I think I can figure it out from here. That variable section thingee in the interface. I had tried a few times to create a variable - but it never showed up anywhere. But I think I created an integer variable. Maybe that was the problem. You may have answered this already, but why exactly do you have that particular “if” condition? And why does the number go up to 1000? They aren’t in intervals of 1 to 100?
  14. Thank you for the response! I guess the problem I’m having, I get the concept. But it is the minutia details in the steps to get that concept to work that I don’t know or I’m not familiar with. For example, I know I need a variable name in the percentage box that comes after the “on” box. Youhave: '$s.KitchenLights %' But all that is there for me is the option to go from one percent to 100%. I don’t know how to declare this variable exists, and then I don’t know how to get it in that percentage box. If that makes sense
  15. Alright, I got the Hue up and running. Thank you! Now on to Somfy Shades. Well, actually NeoSmart shades...with a Somfy motor? This one might be a little more difficult.
  16. I'm new to variables. Is there any way I could substitute this 100% for a variable, so if I change my mind and want it to be 90%, I don't have to change each item individually? Thx!
  17. Thank you. I followed the Hue link. Got to this part: I'm not sure if there are three instructions in here or just one that you can do differnet ways. Do I have to install some zip executable (where? how? wha?!) AND THEN install a NodeServer from the Polyglot store? Or...manually huh?! Haha. And then this: Push the button on the Hue Bridge. That part is easy. But add NodeServer into Polyglot? I think if I knew how to do that I wouldn't need these instructions. Also, fwiw, when I select Polyglot, I get this:
  18. Thanks for the help. I did a ticket session with Michel Kohanim and aside from being totally awesome, he narrowed the problem down to an errant device that needed to be disabled. Presumably all is well now. Do I close the thread? Or does it just...fade...away...
  19. I am just using the off the shelf EISY. I have installed no additional hardware. Or is your suggestion not relevant to what I just said? No USB hub. Just an ethernet connection into a switch. Though now that I have done some research, I see that the box can be connected to my network via Wi-Fi. I wonder if that will speed things up. Though I would guess it would slow things down.
  20. Thank you! Exactly what I needed. One problem though - and it’s why I posted to begin with… I did click the “more information” on the node server store before I posted (for Hue). But it just seemed to take me to some generalized Hue Developer site. Am I missing something?
  21. I've been experimenting, going through the forums, etc...but I cannot seem to get a single node to work. What am I missing? I downloaded Hue and Somfy from the node store and...then what? All the things I'm reading assume a level of I don't have. I wrote this post back in the day: Can someone just give a little hint to this grandpa on how to do it now? (p.s. not a grandpa, but I have high hopes one day)
  22. Old ISY user here. Ten years plus. About 35 devices. I started over from scratch at a new house with an EISY. Every change I get the "Initializing System" - as usual. What is unusual is how long it takes - and how many times it happens. This occurred from the jump - with an EISY and just a few devices. Thoughts?
  23. And just like that...it's working. I wonder if it was a browser issue. That's the only thing I can think that was different.
  24. Thank you! Those instructions did the trick! Just curious the difference between these two: The explanation didn't quite land for me. As for your other suggestion, this is what I see: Looks good, right? Yet no devices show up for me,
  25. I will do all that and report back. I'm actually not home and tried to access my EISY remotely (like I used to do with ISY). And now I'm wondering if: a) Did I ever set that up? b) If I didn't, would that explain things. I don't really recall ever doing this... Also, slightly separate bonus question - is there ANY way I can get away from using this JAVA interface? I see there are other options. But they don't have 100% of the Admin Console's functonality, do they?
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