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Everything posted by jrini

  1. jrini


    Yes, I have one scene for each Fan Light and four scenes for each fan motor. Because I do not work with the scenes very often, I saved the set of scenes that were working for the master bedroom fan before the catastrophe. After I finished rebuilding all of the scenes, I found one button, the C button for one fan that turned that fan off. All four of the A, B, C, & D buttons turned all of the LED back lights on and the A, B, & D buttons put the fan motor in what appears to be medium speed. On other key pads, the A, B, & D buttons all seem to put the fan motors in high speed and all result in what I have to call random lighting of the LED back lights. John Rini
  2. jrini


    My main concern is the five (5) FanLincs and six (6) 6 Button Key Pads for which none of the scenes involving the fan motors are working while all of the scenes for the fan lights are working. At the present time, I am only turning fans off and on with the attached pull chains. I provided the information about the eight button RemoteLinc2 in the hope that it could help someone more familiar with the technology get an idea about the problem. John Rini
  3. jrini


    Two weeks ago I installed a new PLM. I used the “Restore modem” command to re-initialize the PLM. Nothing I saw made any sense. Everything either had a green 1011 icon or a red exclamation mark on it. So I then used the “Restore devices” command. This eliminated all of the green icons and most of the exclamations. However all of the 6 button key pads and the RemoteLinc 2 8 button keypad did not work properly. I have since replaced every scene in my Admin console. As a result of deleting all of the scenes, shutting down the Admin console, then re-opening the Admin console and re-programming all of the scenes for the 6 button key pads, the lights associated with the FanLincs are now working properly. None of the four ABCD buttons are working properly. I have spent the last week trying to identify a pattern of failures for the buttons controlling the fan speeds but even the LED lights behind those buttons behave differently on each of the 6 button keypads. The RemoteLinc2 8 button key pad is only used via ISY programs and none of those buttons are recognized by the ISY programs. Only my Insteon thermostat that uses a combination of ISY programs and scenes is working exactly as it did before I replaced the PLM. The three RemoteLinc 2 Paddle switches are working properly. One of them is working in a Scene with the Kitchen Fan Light. However all three of these RemoteLinc 2 Paddle infrequently follow up their action with 10 flashes of the red led. I hope my conclusion is wrong but I am thinking that either my ISY or the new PLM is defective. Any advice will be appreciated. John Rini
  4. jrini


    I have not been responding to this issue because I was getting a lot of irreconcilable results. e.g. If I deleted a device from a scene, it disappeared from the admin console, if I then attempted to return that device to the scene, I would get a message that the device was already in the scene. The weirdest results was when I added a Mini Remote Switch to a scene and it appeared in the admin console represented by a light bulb icon. It was listed as a responder but acted as a controller. I did a screen scrape of the Mini Remote Switch represented by a light bulb icon. I attempted to attach that image but did not succeed. After some more testing it became obvious that all, save one, of the scenes implemented by the ISY 994IR pro were working but none of the programs involving ISY operations were working. I therefore assume that my PLM is inoperative. This is not the first project that I have worked on where we had to specify the brand names of all of the passive and active components. I have opened the PLM and do not see any deformation of capacitors. Without seeing any indication of failures, I have to ask, How are the newest generation of PLM's holding up? John Rini
  5. jrini


    First to answer Stu's comment. I did perform an automatic update to my ISY Firmware today. The results after the update were the same. I attempted to find an update for the user interface. I obviously did not find such an update. If someone can tell me where to find a user interface update I will be appreciative. Second to address Teken's and Techsman's comments. Normally the ISY Admin Console puts a small window up for each device that is being added to a scene. That window NORMALLY WAITS for a user to confirm that the device is being added as a Responder or as a controller. Each time I attempt to add a RemoteLinc 2 to a scene, that window DOES NOT ALLOW THE STATUS of the battery powered RemoteLinc 2 to be changed from Responder. Techman's statement "The Remotelinc can only be added to a scene as a controller, it is never a responder" is describing the necessary condition for the RemoteLinc 2 to be useful. My Admin console is always adding RemoteLinc 2s to scenes as responders. To repeat: My problem is that I cannot change the status of a RemoteLinc 2 in any scene to "controller". John Rini
  6. I recently bought three Mini Remotes, Model 2342-2. I planned to use them in what the electricians call a three-way switch configuration. I then perform the following steps: 1) I do a factory reset. 2) I use the "Link Management" drop down menu on the admin console 3) "Link a RemoteLinc 2. 4) Switch. At this point I assign the address and name. The proper model number appears to be assigned. However the ISY then shows the device as an "Unsupported Device 0.28". I can move the Switch to the correct folder and add it to the scene I want it in. The problem -- the Switch is always added to the scene as a "Responder". There is no opportunity to change the status. This makes the Switch useless. I have tried this with all three switches. I have also tried the procedure on the "Quick Start Guide" to verify that the Switches are functioning properly. FWIW My ISY Firmware is v.4.4.6 My ISY UI is v.4.2.2 John Rini
  7. jrini

    ISY/PLM problem

    I followed the directions from Paul. Seconds later everything was restored. Thanx John Rini
  8. jrini

    ISY/PLM problem

    I recently had multiple power interruptions while an electrician was working on a problem in my house. When the work was finished, I tried to restart my ISY 994/IR Pro admin console. I got a message saying the ISY was in safe mode. I tried executing the “Restore Modem(PLM)”. The result has been red exclamation marks on all of my insteon devices. 1) All of the previous scenes appear to be working. 2) None of the ISY programs appear to be working. 3) I have been able to mechanically link devices. 4) I have tried to restore the ISY from the most recently archived firmware load with no effect. What can /should I do next? John Rini
  9. This evening I printed the various suggestions and started to work through them. The first thing I did was read the page "Why are Java...with the latest Java?". I then tried to restart the admin console, IT WORKED PERFECTLY. I am of the opinion that our dear benefactor had screwed something up in the previous update and corrected it with last nights update. Not long ago they had left my machines boot code set to boot from the LAN and that was corrected last night. The best they have done was post the Microsoft 800 number in Bing with a single digit changed so that I actually contacted a Phishing site. John Rini
  10. 1) The ISY is running correctly. 2) The 64 bit computer running Windows 7 had no problem connecting to the ISY. This verified the router connection. 3) I use the URL on the UDI web site to reload the Admin Console. 4) There has been no change in the 64 bit Surface Pro 3 protection software for over a year. 5) The ISY finder opens a window on the Surface Pro 3's screen. That window contains only column headings. 6) New development that I had failed to include in the original post. The following data is displayed in a separate window on the Surface Pro 3. "Java Web Start Using JRE version 1.8.0_73-b02 Java HotSpot Client VM User home directory = C:\Users\John ---------------------------------------------------- c: clear console window f: finalize objects on finalization queue g: garbage collect h: display this help message m: print memory usage o: trigger logging p: reload proxy configuration q: hide console r: reload policy configuration s: dump system and deployment properties t: dump thread list v: dump thread stack 0-5: set trace level to <n> ---------------------------------------------------- Missing Application-Name manifest attribute for: http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.3.26/insteon.jar"
  11. I have two computers on my LAN. One computer is an old Notebook computer running Windows 7 64 bit the other is the Surface Pro 3 running Windows 10 64 bit. Last week some event occurred such that neither machine could access the admin console. All attempts to restore access to the ISY from the Surface Pro 3 fail. The Notebook computer connected to the ISY as soon as I reloaded Jave and made sure that the cache was empty. What can I do to get the Windows 10 machine talking to the ISY again?
  12. Following up on Paul Bates questions: I did not see the mini remote changing states, so I rewrote updates to it. The mini remote does now change states in the Admin Console. It also does now turn off the X-10 A7 switch. I do not see the X-10 switch in the “Main” page of the Admin Console and am not sure of how to change the state of the switch except via ISY programs. Do I need to buy the X-10 module to do that?
  13. I have the following programs on my ISY. If Control 'Basement / FrontRoom / BasementStairs - A' is switched Off Then Wait 3 seconds Send X10 'A7/Off (11)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Control 'Basement / FrontRoom / BasementStairs - A' is switched On Then Wait 3 seconds Send X10 'A7/On (3)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If the X10 switch is on, executing the Then phrase of the first program does set the switch off. If the X10 switch is off, executing the Then phrase of the second program has no effect. Using the Insteon Mini Remote paddle switch named “BasementStairs-A” has no effect. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. John Rini
  14. Thanks for the help! Everything is now working! John Rini
  15. I have learned that: “The PLM was inadvertently unplugged and plugged back in last week.” While the electrician, and other workmen were here. Could that explain the sixteen “Cannot communicate with ….” Messages that I was receiving from last Thursday thru Saturday? I found the PLM unplugged this morning. There was a pile of boxes in front of it. Unfortunately, I immediately plugged it back in. I am still getting the: “Your system is in safe mode….” Messages. What must I do now to recover?
  16. 1) I did type in the wrong UI the correct rev level is 4.2.28 2) I just repeated the 4 tap operation with my two "Access Points". They appear to be communicating properly. 3) The "FanLincs" are controlling the fans and associated lights. 4) The electrician very definitely did not change the phases of any equipment except possibly the refrigerator.. This house has all of the Basement and first floor on one phase and all of the second floor on the other phase. Because I am using an older CRT I am very conscious of transients. So after the electrician corrected the initial problem, I had him install a separate 20 Amp circuit for the refrigerator. There is one difference from prior days. From last Thursday after the electrician completed his work until this morning, I have been getting 16 "Cannot communicate with..." messages. When I started to respond to your several questions I started the Admin Console. I got no "Cannot communicate with..." messages. Instead I got a message that "Your System Was Started In Safe Mode". Some 60 minutes after getting that message I just restarted the Admin Console and got the same message. So tomorrow I will be looking at the PLM.
  17. Recently I had an electrical failure in one room of my house. The electrician disconnected the ceiling fan controller (Model: 2475F) in that room when he was trying to isolate the problem. After the problem was corrected the ceiling fan controller was reinstalled. While the fan controller was out of the wiring, numerous other Insteon devices were not communicating with the ISY 994i. Since the fan controller was replaced 16 of the installed Insteon devices are not communicating with the ISY 994i. I have tried the “Write Updates to Device” and the “Restore Device” commands with no effect. I have Firmware rev 4.2.28 and UI rev 4.2.2 installed. What must I do to re-establish communications between the Insteon devices and the ISY994i?
  18. I have recently lost the ability to access the Admin Console via the internet. When I log on via my router, I normally get what I guess is the Dashboard. It allows me to see the status of all of my devices and programs. I then click on the “Settings†hot button and a new menu comes up with “Install Admin Console (Internet)†as the last item on the list. Until yesterday I could click on “Install Admin Console (Internet)†and the Admin Console would be installed on my PC. Now nothing happens when I click on “Install Admin Console (Internet)â€. I can access the Admin Console via the URL http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/admin.jnlp.
  19. LeeG's suggestion worked. I have burned out one of the light bulbs in the subject light fixture by turning it off and on so much for testing. Adding delays to both of my programs has them both working every time.
  20. I had hoped to use the following program to remotely turn on the lights in my dining room. I can directly execute the then clause and that works perfectly. For some indeterminate period of time after I directly execute the then clause, the Remotelinc 2 button controls the X10 light switch. After a while using the Remotelinc 2 button causes an X10 A16 device to turn on and has no effect on the X10 A2 light switch. I have a similar program to turn off the X10 A2 it performs similarly. If Control '1C.3F.D9 - C' is switched On Then Send X10 'A2/On (3)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I have an ISY Log, an ISY Error Log and a level 3 Event Log. I can detect nothing in any of that data to explain the actions I am witnessing.
  21. Access regained thru no action on my part. Approximately 2 hrs later.
  22. This afternoon I tried to add an ISY program. When I selected the save changes button, I got a socket error message. I waited a while and tried again. Same result. So I closed the Administrators Console and re opened it. There was a new step I had never seen before that I had to click on an agreement button. After that the main page appeared and seemed normal. I then tried to load my programs. I only got the top folder. Double clicking on that folder started a series of error messages that ended with a bad something message. Now clicking on the folder has no effect. No way to repeat the series of error messages so I could be more specific.
  23. Thank You
  24. Where can I find definitions for LTMCON(xx), LTMCOFF(xx), LTOFFRR(xx), and LTONRR(xx)?
  25. Is a step by step procedure for documenting the SynchroLinc via the ISY available any where? If so where?
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