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Everything posted by jrini

  1. There appear to be four separate sections in the UDI WIKI on using "Mutually Exclusive Buttons". For noobs like me this is quite confusing.
  2. I have a 2475F FanLinc that I need to control with a pair of cross-linked 2487S KeypadLinc Switches. I have been searching this forum and the UDI WIKI but can find no example of using “Mutually Exclusive Groupings†to accomplish this. If this is possible can someone point me at an example of how to do it? As an aside, after much browsing of the UDI WIKI I have the following comment: Not misinformation but samples of what I have been seeing as I browse the WIKI. • “It is defines the action taken after the condition is met or the trigger occurs.†• “…the same set of devices controlled by multiple a Keypadlinc buttons, …†• “Along the bottom select the "Mutually Exclusive Buttons" GUI button Some of the fragments floating around in the WIKI degrade the professionalism of the document. The WIKI is important enough as a sales tool that setting up an editorial process should be considered. John Rini
  3. I recently had an HVAC system installed in my house. The house was built prior to WW 2. Every time the refrigerator turns on, the lights dim. The HVAC is on a completely different branch circuit and has no effect on the lighting branch circuits. I have yet to see any change in the 2441TH thermostat other than changes I implement thru the ISY or the buttons on the thermostat. If I were having problems similar to the ones described in this topic, I would try a filter similar to the ACT AF300 20-Amp Low-Pass Filter. I looked for a higher amperage version of this low pass filter but did not see any listed.
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