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Tim McDermott

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Everything posted by Tim McDermott

  1. Having many legacy devices from previous alarm systems, I'm curious as to whether this has been achieved or explored. Aside from their ubiquity, they are especially inexpensive and relatively reliable.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Apparently my forum search skills are lacking. I'll try again.
  3. Having just read of this on staceyoniot.com, I haven't succeeded in searching out comment here on UDI. If someone could direct me to such a thread or care to comment here, please do. In particular I'm interested in confirmation and comment on what others may know or think about the current status of Smartlab's IP.
  4. It's a shame the compatible detectors are butt ugly. I much prefer the industrial design and features of the Nest Protect detectors. I'm to gather we still don't have virtual nodes for either them or Nest's thermostat. Bummer. Alexa's routines are OK as far as they go, but I yearn for the interoperability of nodes for them on Polisy. Michel tells me it's a matter of unavailable APIs, which I don't guess is going to change any time soon.
  5. Oh well. A recent check, post Smarthome collapse, shows I lucked out on that USB dongle. With prices now being what they are I'd likely stick with your USB PLM for Polisy as it is "Dual-Band," unlike the dongle.
  6. I can't speak to whether you can ultimately adapt your USB PLM for use with your ISY, but given the prices I'm seeing on the secondary market I do suggest you consider going ahead and biting the bullet and getting a Polisy. That will likely cost you less than a serial PLM and allow you to use your existing USB PLM while benefiting from a more powerful and versatile hub. As research will show you, Polisy supports "IOP" (ISY on Polisy). Also be aware that Polisy also supports the USB Insteon dongle which I've found online for about $45. Perhaps you could sell your ISY and USB PLMs to defray the conversion cost. If anyone would care to weigh in on these suggestions, please do. They are based only on what I've observed.
  7. Thanks much to all who responded. It looks like it's worth my digging it up as it appears it's able to do exactly what I hoped.
  8. I realize this product is long in tooth, but can anyone speak to whether ISY supports it and if so, which states are reported. I'd try it out myself but I'd rather not go searching about for mine if it's a moot point. I once bought one and several compatible sensors I'd now like to implement. Among other actions, it's my thought that a positive smoke or CO2 state might be programmed to turn off my HVAC via an Insteon thermostat. Thanks all.
  9. I wanted to give Steve sufficient time to own this. Although I didn't get the response I hoped for, I do feel I gave ample opportunity. I appreciate everyone's indulgence. I now consider the matter closed.
  10. That was my only objective.
  11. I now realize a serial PLM will work via Polisy's DB9. The point I am trying to make is that in my previous thread folks doubted my original assertions of how I came to think they wouldn't. It is my hope that this thread will clarify that. I appreciate this may not be important to many, but I value my credibility.
  12. In a premature impulse to retreat from controversy I attempted to retract the original thread. I don't know if others are still able to access it. Nonetheless, upon reconsideration I have decided to share my communication with Steve Lee. This not an effort to impune. I do, however, feel compelled to clarify the situation. In follow-up to a telephone conversation where Steve told me he had consulted with Michel, the following E-mail exchange occurred. Germain is "Policy only uses the USB port." _______________ On Mon, Feb 28, 2022, 10:29 PM Timothy McDermott <timmcd1958@gmail.com> wrote: Y'all should therefore update the Polisy WIKI to indicate this change. It certainly misled me in my choice to purchase my Polisy. On February 28, 2022, at 8:50 PM, "Steve Lee (Top Hat)" <steveleetophat@yahoo.com> wrote: That was a very old version of the plm that used the DB9 adapter. Policy only uses the USB port. Steve Lee On Feb 28, 2022, at 5:23 PM, timmcd1958 <timmcd1958@gmail.com> wrote:  Steve, Although I didn't think of it during our conversation, upon reflection I had always assumed the Polisy included a DB9 to facilitate connection of a serial PLM. Am I to gather that isn't possible? That sure seems like an abandonment of Insteon in the design stage, long prestaging Smarthome's abandonment.
  13. And it took this long to own this? Too little and much too late.
  14. I did find this statement in the Nokia FAQ section: "At launch the Nokia Smart Lighting app will support only Nokia Smart Lighting devices. We plan to also support some of the most popular Insteon products in the future. Visit nokia.smartlabsinc.com and sign up for email updates to get the latest news." Perhaps this is good news?
  15. I just received this link referencing the new Nokia line of devices being developed by Smarthome. They don't appear to address interoperability with Insteon, but merely state that they utilize the same dual-band schema. I guess time will tell, but if not it is a real lost opportunity to capitalize on a considerable install base. https://www.techhive.com/article/579559/nokia-smart-lighting-is-based-on-insteon.html/amp
  16. I hate to be pointing out what may be obvious, but if it's the "switch pad" that's the concern, Smarthome appears to still have the 6 key keypadlinc in stock, and at a price that beats what used 2477Ds are selling for. Perhaps not everyone knows this, but the only difference between the 6 and 8 key devices is the interchangeable keypads. Also apparently in stock is the 8 key pad (2401WH8) for $5.99, which, combined with the 2334-233 will give you a replacement for what you appear to have.
  17. Although I can't help with your request for a direct replacement, perhaps I can help with the lack of backup devices: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Insteon-Inline-In-Wall-Dimmer-2475DA1-/175163516420?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 Given its relative obscurity, maybe the current $20. bid won't get too out of hand. Personally, after trying to bid on a couple of 2477Ds, I've decided to wait until I actually need a replacement in hopes of more reasonable prices once the panic wanes.
  18. Crazy times ahead. With used 2477Ds selling for over $150, https://www.ebay.com/itm/Insteon-SwitchLinc-Dimmer-Switch-2477D-White-Remote-Control-Dual-Band-Dimmer-/203802515276?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 I'm almost tempted to liquidate my entire Insteon system and replacement inventory and start over! Almost.
  19. And for those considering Z-Wave, here's a pretty good primer: https://linkdhome.com/articles/What-is-z-wave
  20. For those considering Zigbee, this is a fairly definitive rundown on available wall switches: https://www.findthisbest.com/best-electrical-light-switches/zigbee
  21. Don't discard your dead PLMs! You can recover their residual value either by selling them as-is, repairing them yourself or having them repaired. As I've previously mentioned, I recently received a repair kit containing the replacement capacitors that are the frequent cause of failure and I just came across a seller on eBay offering a flat-rate repair for $50. shipping inclusive. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Insteon-PowerLinc-Modem-PLM-Repair-Service-/284615131082?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357 While I can't personally speak to the quality of the service, but with used serial PLMs selling in excess of $200. I think it's well worth considering.
  22. For those considering a change, EVVR Pad S debuted at the 2022 CES. Claiming compatibility with Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, it sounds interesting. Check it out at https://evvr.io/products/evvr-pad-s/?utm_source=GadgetFlow&utm_medium=GadgetFlow&utm_campaign=GadgetFlow
  23. Mine died several decades ago. It was amazing for its time. It was certainly an advance over the mechanical "tuning fork" remotes that preceded it. I remember tearing down an old Zenith TV with a Remote Commander to see how it worked. Now I'm really dating myself.
  24. Do let us know how they work out.
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