I run the 4.03 beta firmware since you released it earlier this month - I have not had any problems upgrading the firmware (just followed your instructions, as usual,) and the about dialog shows version 4.03 for both the firmware and UI. All is running well. However, a couple of glitches:
1. In scenes that have multiple dimmers (2477D) the 'Apply changes to all devices' does not work - I click the check box, it groups them all, I perform some other operations and coming back to the same scene , the devices are ungrouped again and the check box is clear - this worked well before the upgrade.
2. After the upgrade, one of the 2476S switches has changed the Ramp Rate and has introduced a beep that was not there before. I've seen another post with the same outcome, so maybe there are some stray commands that are being sent during the upgrade. A factory reset cleared all that and it now works the way it did before
3. I installed some more 2477S and Ds (some in a 3-way circuit) - after the install and update of the ISY with the new devices, another 2476D and a 2444A3 stopped working altogether. I removed them from the respective scenes, restored factory defaults and they came back properly.
Any thoughts?
Thank you for your support.