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Everything posted by Chasewood

  1. This is how I was finally able to Control ISY Programs from iRule running on an iPhone: Thanks to the Dish King for setting me on the right path. 1) This assumes the your ISY is running programs and the ISY gateway has been set up from the iRule app on your iPhone. 2) ISY programs are identified to the user by a Name assigned by the user when the program is set up. Each program has a unique 4-digit ID used within the ISY controller. 3) Find the 4 digit ID for each program you wish to invoke from iRule. a) Find the IP address of your ISY. Look under the Configuration tab. Key that IP address into a browser and the log in to your ISY. c) Go to the page containing the list of Programs on the ISY. d) Hover the cursor over the desired Program and note the 4-digit number in the window that popped up in the bottom left of the screen. That is the ID for that program. 4) ISY has published an API to enable third party devices to interact with the ISY. That API includes the command: /rest/programs// i) Runs a command for a single program ii) Returns: Success or Error status 5) is the 4-digit ID and is the command to be executed, in this case “runThen†i.e run the ‘Then†option set up in the ISY program. 6) Now we must prepare a button in iRule that sends the command. 7) iRule sells a Device Module called ISY Module. You need to buy it. In iBuilder click BROWSE and then key “ISY†under vendor. 9) Select and import “ISY Sample Commands†from the list returned. 10) Go to the DEVICES tab and open “ISY Sample Commands.†11) Open Network Codes (under ISY Sample Commands), right click on Network Codes, and select Add device code to open the relevant Properties window in the lower left of the screen. 12) Name the Device Code you are creating. I suggest using the Name used in the ISY. 13) Enter /rest/programs// in the data field, replacing with the appropriate 4-digit ID and with “runThen.†See http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... _Interface for more details about REST commands for ISY. 14) Create a lighting button in the usual way: Select and drag an appropriate icon from the IMAGE library onto an appropriate page, label it, and then drag the Device Code you have just created onto it and SAVE. 15) Sync the iRule app in your tablet or phone and you will be prompted to configure unassigned devices. 16) Click NO and select the gateways icon at the bottom of the screen. Select your ISY gateway. 17) Press Devices and select Add device. 18) Select ISY Sample Commands from the list of unassigned devices presented and hit the “+†at the top of the screen. 19) Hit the button you’ve just created and see if it works.
  2. If I right click over the program name in the program list and select "INSPECT ELEMENT (Q)" I expose the program. If I'm supposed to copy and past this code into the iRule ISY module, I still can't see where it goes.
  3. Thanks for replying to my question. "This will expose the actual code behind the program name in the bottom left corner of your browser." I got this far. That displays: ip address/WEB/INDEX.HTM#/programs_0014. I can't find a way to display code. I do have the iRule module, but can't see where in it I should enter the data. I'm concerned I may not have been clear enough about what I'm trying to do... I'm trying to invoke and execute the program in the ISY. I don't want to reproduce an ISY program in the iRule module. The reason I have so many ISY programs (not scenes) is that I have a lot of x10 devices.
  4. I have iRule on my iPhone5 and can use it to trigger scenes and control individual INSTEON devices. Neither mechanism seems to trigger ISY programs. Can anyone suggest how I can trigger ISY programs from my iRule app?
  5. I've been out of town for a week. I've just checked the log and it looks like the programs ran perfectly while I was gone. I'll come back if the problem recurs.
  6. I was thinking about re-installing the AC on my production system, not the ISY itself. Reinstalling the AC isn't much to do so I'll probably try that when I get back. I think this is unrelated, but I just noticed that my other XP system is not displaying current state, either at the ISY or device level. I'm hoping that's a parameter to set somewhere. I'll look in the Wiki. See you late next week.
  7. I deinstalled Java, rebooted and reinstalled it. No change. The following seems to be consistent in the display. 1) If the device is X10 or INSTEON dimmer switch and the display of the name of the device is corrupted, if I click on another item in the list and then click back on the X10 item, the display is no longer corrupted. I don't see a similar consistence in the displays of the other fields. 2) If the device is an RL2 or KPL and the display of the name is corrupted, the technique in 1 leaves the corruption unchanged. Maybe I should delete and reinstall the ISY? After this morning, I'll be gone for vacation for a week or so. Please don't take my lack of response over that period as a lack of either continued interest or appreciation for your help.
  8. The problem(s) does not occur every day. I first became aware of the problem when I noticed that the outside lights were on during the day. That could have been due to them not turning off at 1:00 AM or turning on before an hour after sunset. I assumed the latter because the former did not occur to me. Since I've started paying more attention over the past couple of days, I've only noticed the "not off" phenomenon, which happened last night and the night before. The Outside Front lights were at 21% on both days. I'm pretty sure (but not certain) the "spurious on" phenomenon has happened repeatedly also, I just haven't seen it happen over the past couple of days. I've got the complete log going back to when I first started with the ISY, but since I can't remember when I used the AC to turn those switches on and off and I can't figure that out from the log entries (is there an explanation somewhere of what System Log, Web Log and Program Log mean?) I decided to stop using the ISY to turn the switch off and am only looking at those log entries where I'm reasonably confident I haven't injected confusing commands from the AC. I've only been doing that since Lee first suggested that I look at the log. If there is some way I can filter out useful data from the complete log I'd be happy to do that. There are 41732 rows in that unfiltered spreadsheet.
  9. I was using default. I tried a couple of different ones and the displays in the fields changed. Some that were corrupted displayed correctly and vice versa. Some that were corrupted stayed and some changed to other corrupted forms. Looks like you've found a way to tweak it at least.
  10. By the way - these are the only programs I have that use the ISY Schedule.
  11. Program: Outside OFF If time is sunset +30 mins Then set "Outside Front" 100% set "Outside Garage" 100% wait 1 hour set "Outside Front" 21% set "Outside Garage" 20% Program: Outside ON If Time is 1:00:00 am Then set "Outside Front" off set "Outside Garage" off The program turns two sets of outside lights on at full intensity shortly after sunset and dims them both one hour later. The off program turns both off at a fixed time (1 AM). Like I say, these are the only two programs that control Outside Front or Outside Garage. They are in no scenes. Yesterday evening (Monday) the "On" program worked fine, but the subsequent "Off" didn't work correctly - Outside Front was on at 21% this morning. I wonder if it's a fault in the switch not recognizing the signal. I've factory reset this switch a couple of times already to make sure there wasn't an X10 address lurking. The X10 switch I had in that position before I replaced it with this one was also unreliable and eventually would not respond to X10 commands. The circuit the switch controls has four 60 or 100 W bulbs, which doesn't seem excessive. I guess I could try swapping the switch with one that works and see if the problem moves with it, but I'd rather exhaust other approaches before trying that.
  12. We've resurrected our old XP laptop, updated the OS and Java on it and installed the ISY AC. It works perfectly there and without the overwrite problems I have on my working system. Looks like the issue is caused by something unique to the working system, although I am not aware of any similar symptoms in other applications. I can live with that.
  13. We've resurrected our old XP laptop, updated the OS and Java on it and installed the ISY AC. It works perfectly there and without the overwrite problems I have on my working system. Looks like the issue is caused by something unique to the working system, although I am not aware of any similar symptoms in other applications. I can live with that.
  14. I'm on 4.0.5. , Firmware and UI I've been through all my programs again. The outside on and outside off programs are the only way these switches are accessed. Neither is in any scene. Could there be a phantom program lurking somewhere unseen?
  15. Looks like I can't enclose files with this message. I haven't figured out how to copy programs into this message yet. Here is the log of relevant activity from last weekend. Haven't figured out how to format that correctly into this message yet, but the content is all here. Outside Front Off 0 Sat 2013/06/15 01:00:00 Program Log Outside Front Status 0% Sat 2013/06/15 01:00:00 System Log Outside Front Status 100% Sat 2013/06/15 16:37:09 System Log Outside Front Fast Off Sat 2013/06/15 16:37:46 Web Log Outside Front Status 0% Sat 2013/06/15 16:37:46 System Log Outside Front Off Sat 2013/06/15 16:37:47 Web Log Outside Front On 255 Sat 2013/06/15 21:20:50 Program Log Outside Front Status 100% Sat 2013/06/15 21:20:51 System Log Outside Front On 53 Sat 2013/06/15 22:20:50 Program Log Outside Front Status 21% Sat 2013/06/15 22:20:51 System Log Outside Front Off 0 Sun 2013/06/16 01:00:00 Program Log Outside Front Status 0% Sun 2013/06/16 01:00:00 System Log Outside Front On Level 100% Sun 2013/06/16 14:19:42 System Log Outside Front Ramp Rate 0.5 Sec Sun 2013/06/16 14:19:42 System Log Outside Front Status 100% Sun 2013/06/16 14:19:42 System Log Outside Front On Level 100% Sun 2013/06/16 14:19:42 System Log Outside Front Ramp Rate 0.5 Sec Sun 2013/06/16 14:19:42 System Log Outside Front On 229 Sun 2013/06/16 14:21:26 Web Log Outside Front Status 90% Sun 2013/06/16 14:21:27 System Log Outside Front Off Sun 2013/06/16 14:21:28 Web Log Outside Front Status 0% Sun 2013/06/16 14:21:28 System Log Outside Front Off Sun 2013/06/16 14:21:34 Web Log Outside Front On 255 Sun 2013/06/16 21:21:12 Program Log Outside Front Status 100% Sun 2013/06/16 21:21:12 System Log Outside Front On 53 Sun 2013/06/16 22:21:13 Program Log Outside Front Status 21% Sun 2013/06/16 22:21:14 System Log
  16. I have simple program that turns two SwitchLinc Dimmers (2476D's) on half an hour after sunset. One of the two switches turns on as required. The other seems to respond to the on program correctly, but also turns on at other times. Both switches seem to respond reliably to the off program. I've combed through my other scenes and programs to make sure nothing else is triggering the switch and I've factory restored the switch to make sure there are no X10 addresses lying around. The switches are less than three months old. What am I missing here?
  17. We're in the process of updating the software on our old XP laptop. When that's done we'll install the AC and see if the problem character overwrite problem shows up on it.
  18. I tried upgrading Java again and this time it allowed me to install 7.0.21-b11. I think there was a problem with even earlier releases hanging around that hindered the upgrade last time I tried. Ah! the joys of being stuck on XP. Anyway, Java 7 has cleared up the program display clutter (definitely) and the scene naming problems (probably) but not the initial character overwrite. Progress indeed!
  19. I agree that the display problems seem to be particular to my PC. We've just rebuilt the same test program on my wife's MAC / parallels and we see none of the display clutter there that appears on my system. I wonder if the other display problem I have (See First Character Overwritten elsewhere in Q&A). Michel couldn't reproduce that problem so couldn't do anything to solve it, but the display corruption is still there. Also, when creating new scenes or re-naming scenes the changes sometimes don't display in the Main / Network list when the changes are made, but if I close and reopen the AC, they appear by magic. Maybe they're all related?
  20. My Java level is Version 6 Update 33. b03. That was the latest available for my system as at 6/9/13.
  21. It seems that some of my problem was caused by a 2476 not transmitting a signal when the pad is pressed. Does that mean the unit is faulty? It controls itself and seems to act OK as a responder. I replaced it in my test program with a 2477 that sends a signal I can see on the event viewer. The program now works, and so does the And(..), but the method I am using seems very clunky and as far as I can see is not documented. Do I have press the And button and then move statements into the parens? Intuitively it seems I should be able to enter them directly between the parens. Should I be doing this differently? Also, the example posted by apostolakis (as other examples in the Wiki) looks far cleaner that what I was seeing on my program content page when I first started. The open parens was preceded by a dash, the close was followed by a dash, and each line inside the parens was preceded by a vertical bar. All that was adding to my confusion, and it seems all that display clutter went away when I closed the AC and later reopened it. Feels like I'm groping in the dark here, but finding my way forward slowly. Thanks for the help.
  22. Actually I can get conditions between the parentheses using Move Line Down. The program still doesn't work though.
  23. I can't figure out how to invoke this feature. The And(..) button does not appear in the Program Content window unless there are two conditions under "If," When it appears, pressing the And(..) button puts an open paren on the next line after the two conditions and a close paren on the line after that. The only way I can find to get anything between the parens is by using Move Line Up or Move Line Down, but that puts a bar at the front of the moved line and the program ignores it. I have written a couple of programs using conditional statements without using these buttons and those programs are working fine. Unfortunately, I need to know how to make the parens work before I can go further. I am on 4.0.5 - both firmware and UI.
  24. Spoke too soon. The symptoms are all back. UI and firmware are v.4.0.5. I deleted all shortcuts to the old AC, cleared the Java cache again and restarted my PC. The display is still corrupted.
  25. I got some domestic help which resulted in your post being read and understood. There was a mismatch between the Firmware v.4.0.5 and the UI v.3.3.10. Clearing the java cache and reopening the AC shows both are now at v.4.0.5 and the problem has gone away. Thanks.
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