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  1. Javi's post in GPS Fence Location stopped working 3 days ago was marked as the answer   
    Not changes, and I use android and it triggered this morning.  Have you tried restarting the Android Device?  
    Also verify Location is enabled on Android Device. UD Mobile has location permission.  And the Geofence inside UD Mobile is enabled.
    There is also a bug on some android devices/versions which requires the "(Experimental) Force Geofence updates.." to be turned on.  So you may want to turn this on to see if it starts working
    This was never implemented on Android, still on my TODO list
  2. Javi's post in Sunrise, sunset times displayed anywhere? was marked as the answer   
    Not in app, currently only at the top of Admin Console.  Is on our very long TODO List.
  3. Javi's post in Migrating from Polisy to eisy - issues with UDMobile was marked as the answer   
    Was this resolved in the ticket?
    Notes: Cancel any alerts/warnings/sync-request in controller settings. Scroll to the bottom and press clear UUID.  Be sure to update Remote and Local URLs to point to the new controller.
  4. Javi's post in New version available! But wait… was marked as the answer   
    The UDM Synch error is fixed in the next app update.  It can be ignored until that time as it is only stating there are no matter devices.
  5. Javi's post in Disabling 'Upgrade Status' UDM notification was marked as the answer   
    UD Mobile > Notifications Tab > Menu > Mobile Devices/Groups > Groups > System Notifications.
  6. Javi's post in Should I press "Force Upgrade" was marked as the answer   
    If you already upgraded you don't need to press force upgrade.
  7. Javi's post in Enable Status History was marked as the answer   
    http://ipaddress:8080  then the path i.e. /rest/history/etc
  8. Javi's post in Insteon garage door kit as single node was marked as the answer   
    Check out the custom toggle example. A favorite which shows one node as status and executes a program (or node command) when pressed.  Search the forum, Others have posted about setup of the same the same.
  9. Javi's post in Link to another Favorite Folder? was marked as the answer   
    Currently not possible, but similar requests have been made in the past.  i.e Tab Tiles.  
    Tab Tiles are on the list but not sure when I'll have time to implement.
  10. Javi's post in Creating a toggle favorite for a variable was marked as the answer   
    See the custom toggle example https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Favorite_Custom_Toggle
    In short the Display Node and the Command do not need to be related, but the command should cause the Display Node to change.  The command should be a Program Run IF so it holds all logic related to the toggle.
  11. Javi's post in Scene turned on by a program wont go to a brightness level was marked as the answer   
    It's due to how insteon processes scenes.  A command is not sent to individual devices it is sent to the Scene. A Scene has a predefined rampRate and onLevel (a preset). An Insteon Scene is more like a preset than a controlled group. For eisy to do this it would need to send a command to each device which would be out of sync (the same as sending a command to each device in a program).  Not only would be out of sync but would likely fail to trigger some devices due to traffic.
    So to achieve what you are looking for you have two options.
    1) (recommended) Create a new scene with all devices as responders, set the level to 10.  Then trigger the new scene from the program.  This will allow all devices to come to the specified level at the same time.
    2) (not recommended, but this is how it would work if you physically held the switch to a desired on level) Trigger the Fade Up on the scene then Stop after some time.
  12. Javi's post in "Could not get Variable Params" error was marked as the answer   
    The app error is a bug in the app.
    We have submitted a new version to both app stores. Still awaiting approval from Google/Apple.
  13. Javi's post in UD Mobile - New beta charting was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for testing,  Currently the chart automatically adjust to show the last few changes, however there is a bug and the time on the chart is not correct. In your case the time is likely closer to the current time.
    Adding this to favorites is on my list. Along with other improvements.
  14. Javi's post in Move Nodes to Folders with UD Mobile was marked as the answer   
    There used to be, but it was inadvertently removed during a UI refresh.  Adding it back is close to the top of the list of To-Dos.
    It was similar to Favorites Move to Folder. 
  15. Javi's post in Favorites/multiple controllers was marked as the answer   
    The Favorites page does not separate by controller, nodes from multiple controllers can be displayed on the same page. This is by design, in case users want to view status of multiple properties at the same time. 
    Users can create Favorites Folders if there is a need for separate favorites pages.  This can be for seperate properties or any other reason.
  16. Javi's post in How to turn off the UDMobile error message about the Charted Status beta feature was marked as the answer   
    As far as I know this should only happen after opening a Node's Dashboard.  If you swipe app from recents does the Home tab still show this error?  Does it only start showing the error after clicking a specific Node?
    If both answers are true go to the node and find the status value which is set to a chart, then change it to "Default" or another type of view.  
    If this does not correct the issue, or the answer to the questions above are false then please open a ticket and include a ZIPPED COPY of the UD Mobile Backup file so that we can investigate.

  17. Javi's post in Adding If statement to Geofence was marked as the answer   
    That look correct, RUN IF (Set RUN IF) should be triggered on geofence enter. 
    The program itself needs to be disabled or it will run at the time in the IF condition.
    This can be tested when the time is valid by pressing Trigger Enter Command.  Note that geofences may take a couple of minutes to trigger so the radius may need to be larger.
  18. Javi's post in UD Mobile On Android - Missing Function?? was marked as the answer   
    It appears move to folder was left out after the latest app refresh.  We will try to re-enable this feature in an upcoming version.
  19. Javi's post in Move / Copy difficulty with favorites was marked as the answer   
    Action buttons will be shown above favorites in next update.  Bug introduced when we added transparent (scroll through) navigation and tab bars.
  20. Javi's post in UD Mobile Not Updating Some Statuses in Real Time was marked as the answer   
    Please open a ticket, included the browser screenshot and a copy of the node server's log 
  21. Javi's post in Help to get itachi plugin to work was marked as the answer   
    Try restarting the Node Server then check the Node Server's Log.   On restart the plugin will parse the codesets so any errors will be logged.
    This looks correct, but the others are definitely incorrect (see https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/34813-itach-ir-node-server-global-cache/)
    I just requested a code set from the control tower database and the format does not appear to have changed.  Also be sure to press the "Send Code Set" Button, do not "select a Function" when requesting the code set.
  22. Javi's post in Geofence Default Notifications was marked as the answer   
    There are no Default Notifications, but you can trigger a notification directly or via program.
    First add the Notification Plugin if you have not already done this.  Then create a Notification Customization for entry and exit.  Finally trigger the desired notification on enter or exit.
  23. Javi's post in Error: Restarting Connection was marked as the answer   
    Replicated, thanks.
    It looks like something changed in the recent iOS update, the app is trying to push the user to login but can not launch the view so it restarts at Home Tab. 
    I don't yet have a fix and can only test on the emulator as I left my iPhone cable at home. Please try to disable WiFi and Cell network which should give you time to get to the Account Settings before refresh.  Finally re-enable the Mobile Device's network and login.
    If the refresh happens before you can login, remove the Account (trash icon) from UDM on UDM's Account screen.  Then go to the Controller's settings and login when prompted.
    I'll push an update as soon as I can verify a fix, but could be 24 - 48 hours before approved by Apple.
  24. Javi's post in Notifications not coming through to iPad was marked as the answer   
    This may happen if the app is deleted or app data is cleared, the new instance of the app creates a new Device.  Apple does not let this persists or transfer between apps/devices.  If you have a screenshot taken before changing the enabled value, or remember, the "Updated" timestamps it may give some clues.  Could have happened recently or long ago, the former could be the cause of your issues using Notification Groups as the "new" device needs to be added to the group.
    Click the Mobile Device in the list and there should be a delete option at the top.
  25. Javi's post in IOS UD Mobile 1.168 - Display Bug (or Feature) was marked as the answer   
    Yes,  eventually the Home tab will only show devices and scenes as multiple controllers will be in the controller dropdown header.
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