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  1. Javi's post in Move / Copy difficulty with favorites was marked as the answer   
    Action buttons will be shown above favorites in next update.  Bug introduced when we added transparent (scroll through) navigation and tab bars.
  2. Javi's post in UD Mobile Not Updating Some Statuses in Real Time was marked as the answer   
    Please open a ticket, included the browser screenshot and a copy of the node server's log 
  3. Javi's post in Help to get itachi plugin to work was marked as the answer   
    Try restarting the Node Server then check the Node Server's Log.   On restart the plugin will parse the codesets so any errors will be logged.
    This looks correct, but the others are definitely incorrect (see https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/34813-itach-ir-node-server-global-cache/)
    I just requested a code set from the control tower database and the format does not appear to have changed.  Also be sure to press the "Send Code Set" Button, do not "select a Function" when requesting the code set.
  4. Javi's post in Geofence Default Notifications was marked as the answer   
    There are no Default Notifications, but you can trigger a notification directly or via program.
    First add the Notification Plugin if you have not already done this.  Then create a Notification Customization for entry and exit.  Finally trigger the desired notification on enter or exit.
  5. Javi's post in Error: Restarting Connection was marked as the answer   
    Replicated, thanks.
    It looks like something changed in the recent iOS update, the app is trying to push the user to login but can not launch the view so it restarts at Home Tab. 
    I don't yet have a fix and can only test on the emulator as I left my iPhone cable at home. Please try to disable WiFi and Cell network which should give you time to get to the Account Settings before refresh.  Finally re-enable the Mobile Device's network and login.
    If the refresh happens before you can login, remove the Account (trash icon) from UDM on UDM's Account screen.  Then go to the Controller's settings and login when prompted.
    I'll push an update as soon as I can verify a fix, but could be 24 - 48 hours before approved by Apple.
  6. Javi's post in Notifications not coming through to iPad was marked as the answer   
    This may happen if the app is deleted or app data is cleared, the new instance of the app creates a new Device.  Apple does not let this persists or transfer between apps/devices.  If you have a screenshot taken before changing the enabled value, or remember, the "Updated" timestamps it may give some clues.  Could have happened recently or long ago, the former could be the cause of your issues using Notification Groups as the "new" device needs to be added to the group.
    Click the Mobile Device in the list and there should be a delete option at the top.
  7. Javi's post in IOS UD Mobile 1.168 - Display Bug (or Feature) was marked as the answer   
    Yes,  eventually the Home tab will only show devices and scenes as multiple controllers will be in the controller dropdown header.
  8. Javi's post in Hide Controller was marked as the answer   
    This was removed as we had too many ticket where users hide the controller from themselves.  However the most recent version on both Android and iOS now automatically show the default (last selected) controller on the home screen.
  9. Javi's post in State variable was marked as the answer   
    If this is no/null status then it is likely disabled in settings.
  10. Javi's post in UD Mobile Bug was marked as the answer   
    I cannot replicate, however I notice that the strike through the equals-sign is not easy to see.   Which screen has this issue?

  11. Javi's post in Settings tab missing Global User Preferences was marked as the answer   
    That's not good...I'll push a fix now to correct the issue.  Depending on Apple's review could be a few hours or days until live.
  12. Javi's post in 1.1.66 Update - Default Lock Icon Change to Lightbulb was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the report, will be fixed in 1.1.67 iOS and 1.1.87 Android.
  13. Javi's post in In AC, Content pulldown for Elk "Area 1" has only 4 of 27 email customization choices was marked as the answer   
    This is a bug in the AC, and will be fixed in an upcoming update.  If there are missing IDs (in sequential order) in Notification Customizations then only the Customizations before the missing IDs are shown.  As a temporary fix add Placeholder Customizations to fill in the missing numbers.  When adding a new Customization it should be assigned the lowest possible ID, do this until all missing IDs are added. 
    UD Mobile should work without placeholders.
  14. Javi's post in UDMobile questions: command device and variable assignment was marked as the answer   
    Replicated, will be fixed in iOS 1.1.66
  15. Javi's post in Custom Thermostat View was marked as the answer   
    The command is sent immediately, however a value update is not received immediately which may appear as sluggish.  Showing the estimated new value before receiving a value update is on my list, but no time frame.
    UDM limited the dropdowns to ~200 values so this makes sense if the thermostat has a precision/step of 0.1.   Can you try to change the Step value in the editor to "1.0" instead of "0.1".  See the Missing Widget example for instructions to get to the editor https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Missing_Widget.
    If this does not work, or the instructions are not clear enough do to UI changes, please send me a copy of the UDM backup file and I will take a look.  Please point me to the location of this node if it is not at root Home Tab or Favorites tab.
  16. Javi's post in Crashes when trying to add eisy was marked as the answer   
    If that was your device, please try version 1.1.86, it may be a few hours before live in the Play Store..assuming the holiday does not delay the app review.
  17. Javi's post in UD Mobile issues was marked as the answer   
    Sync has not been changed in some time so I'm not sure what would cause this error.  Please open a ticket and include UUID and we can run a remote diagnostic.  Also include a zipped copy of the UDM backup file so I can investigate the blank page when pressing the home button.
    The app now automatically shows the last selected  (if you have multiple controllers) Controller's Devices and Scenes Folder.  There is nothing else to show here as  programs/vars/etc are now in the automations tab.  If using multiple controllers they can now be switched via dropdown instead of backing out to the list of controllers.
    The Controller's icon can be changed in the Controller Settings click the menu next to the controller name.  Users can also add their own image via the URL option.
    This should show a list of controllers, please include a zipped copy of the UDM backup in your ticket
    Programs, Variables, and network resources are now in the Automations Tab.  Feedback from users showed most usually open Devices and Scenes if not using Favorites, so this removes a few button clicks.
    Aside from moving some Home tab items to the Automations Tab, most of the changes are settings moved into menus or dropdowns  
  18. Javi's post in Can't log in after firmware update was marked as the answer   
    4.x to 5.x upgrade resets username/password to admin/admin
  19. Javi's post in UD Mobile IOS 1.1.65 beta was marked as the answer   
    We are in the process of a revamp, so things may move around in the next few versions.  It should be on Home Tab Menu for now.
  20. Javi's post in Move favorite into a folder missing from Android 1.1.79? was marked as the answer   
    Will push a new version to beta later today or tomorrow which should correct the issue.
  21. Javi's post in Tile size wrong on ud mobile was marked as the answer   
    Thanks,  replicated issue.  Submitting version 1.1.79 now.
  22. Javi's post in Toggling a program from the True to False and vice versa was marked as the answer   
    There is no real way to toggle a program, as the commands which handle running programs are runIf, runThen, runElse, and Stop.  UDM emulates the a program toggle by sending runIf (if not running) or sending stop (if running then/else).  So On is "running" and Off is "stopped".
    As a work around an integer variable as boolean (0=false | 1=true) status can be created.  Enable the current program then set the variables boolean value in the then and else conditions. Create another disabled program which is triggered by UDM which has an if condition using the variable. The original program can still be used as the Display Status if needed.
  23. Javi's post in Unable to change poll times via UD Mobile was marked as the answer   
    Not yet, We have other PG3 fixes close to the top of our list so will look into at the same time.
  24. Javi's post in Garage Door button not working properly was marked as the answer   
    It looks like status is not being populated so UDM cannot determine which direction (on/off) to toggle.  Pressing the tile when there is no status should take the user to the "Device Dashboard" which forces a query for status, after this point the app can toggle.  However it is very likely that status was missing because UDM is not receiving status updates for the device so it may not reflect the current state.
    What is your eisy firmware?  If it is less than 5.8.3 please upgrade as there issues with remote connections on some previous versions.
  25. Javi's post in Taking a long time to update status was marked as the answer   
    Yes, If it is not 5.8.3 try upgrading first as there was an issue with remote connections in earlier versions. 
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