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  1. Javi's post in Problem with scenes & UD Mobile was marked as the answer   
    In short this is an insteon limitation with non-load bearing KPL Buttons. See Known issues: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile#Scene_Estimated_Status . I updated Known Issues, but this issue has been discussed at length in the forum, so a search may shed light on some more detail.
    Not Possible, the only way this would happen is if you turn the Scene off/on not the Dimming Device...the scene cannot be dimmed to a percentage from the admin console.  Even if using the "DIM" button a non-load bearing KPL Button will not turn off.
    It has always been possible to control a physical device outside of a scene. For example KPL buttons and fanlink commands (low,med.high,off), would be close to impossible.
  2. Javi's post in Notification Plug In 'Messed Up' (for lack of a better description) was marked as the answer   
    Tapping the indicator (triangle) next to the command parameter name (i.e. Group, Sound, Content) changes the selection from predefined values to variables.  This is how all programs behave and allows for saving a status to a variable then sending that status as a command parameter.   This works with integer variables as all Status and Command values are static and enumerated at a lower level.
  3. Javi's post in PLEASE allow for android widgets PLEASE was marked as the answer   
    On our list, but we don't have a time frame.
    Also see the following for limitations:
  4. Javi's post in UD Mobile geofence minimum radius was marked as the answer   
    Changed 100 to 200 on Wiki.    Too many false exits with 100 meters, although it may need to be much greater depending on location to avoid false exits.
  5. Javi's post in Sync error; active variable icons removed from UD mobile as a result was marked as the answer   
    Should be live now. 
    Issued caused caused a race condition when  returning from backup dialog (System file selector) which briefly restarted subscription (value population). This caused removal the newly populated values along with removal of unused values.
  6. Javi's post in How to enable both LAN and wifi on EISY was marked as the answer   
    Wifi is not available while ethernet is  connected.   Set Wifi credentials from UD Mobile > Settings Tab > WiFi Configuration.
  7. Javi's post in Global default colors has unexpected results was marked as the answer   
    Because all status values in ISY are represented as numbers. While it is possible there are negative values this is not very common so negative was omitted for globals, but can be set in custom mappings.  Most dimmable lights/switches have values 0 (off)-100 (full on). Most non-dimmable lights/switches have values 0 (off) and 100 (on).  Globals may not work well with devices which do not conform to 0 (off) and greater than zero (on).
    I don't think the Node Dashboard screen Scene Members section incorporates colors of any type, but the same device should have a color in the Node List or in Favorites.    This screen has not changed much since release, so it is due for a upgrade, I'll try to get colors in at that time.
    Programs will always have the positive color as they do not conform to 0 for off and greater than zero for on.  They have 4 common values Idle-true, Idle-false, running-then, running-else.  Adding globals for programs is on my list, although it has lower priority to other features.
  8. Javi's post in swapping hardware - want to re-use all my favorites with new h/w was marked as the answer   
    Yes see https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Migration
    Jump down to about 8 lines to 
    Finally migrate your favorites and settings in UD Mobile. First backup UD Mobile from Settings-Tab > Backup in case of errors this way Favorites and User Preferences will not be lost.
  9. Javi's post in Constant Subscription Settings Notification on UD Mobile was marked as the answer   
    Without seeing the Notification Content I'm only guessing, but I think this is the keep alive setting. Older versions of Android required a persistent (non-swipeable) notification whenever an app was running in the background. Then there are a few versions which required the notification but allowed users to swipe it away. The newest versions of Android show this in another setting (bottom of expanded settings in Running Apps).
    The default was "1" or "2", so the Notification should disappear 1 or 2 minutes after closing the app.  The setting is intended for only a few minutes,  none ("0"), or negative (infinite).  The issue with none ("0") is switching between apps will kill the connection, so on return there could delays while UDM refreshes values.
    If you are on a good internet connection and have a  small/med system you may not notice any difference between 0 or a few minutes.  If you are on a poor connection, have a large system, or have multiple systems connected to UDM then refresh may take a few dozen seconds.
    Android OS also allows users to hide these persistent notifications in Android settings if you truly want the app to run in the background and not see the notification. If I remember correctly long pressing the notification will show which types of UDM notification channels to hide.
    It is also possible that some versions of android do not remove the notification after closing. If this is true, it has not been reported.
  10. Javi's post in Home screen now missing both of my polisy boxes was marked as the answer   
    1.1.49 removed the ability to hide systems nodes on the home tab, so they were likely hidden prior to this release.
    I'm pushing version 1.1.50 now which should show root nodes even if hidden.  Google play has been publishing updates between 2 -12 hours, so try checking for an update later today.
  11. Javi's post in UD Mobile Error was marked as the answer   
    Is the app working, besides the error during synchronization?
    The error appears to show an empty file. If the app is working, then it could be that Node Server needs to be configured before this file is populated.
  12. Javi's post in Initial Geofence setup questions was marked as the answer   
    Ok, thanks.  I cannot replicate this on my side. 
    Please remove, then try again.
  13. Javi's post in PGX Module updates available notification was marked as the answer   
    I've added an issue to our list to add a single section to view available updates.  Not sure about time frame.
  14. Javi's post in UD Mobil Favorites --> Favorite items move around was marked as the answer   
    Please send me a PM with the app's backup and I'll take a look. Alternatively open a ticket and include a zipped copy of the app's backup.
  15. Javi's post in Geofence Enter/Exit Command to run a program was marked as the answer   
    The "Enabled" Command for a program Enables (True) or Disables (False) the program.  This will not run the program.
    Depending on how the program is setup, you likely want Run IF, Run Then, or Run Else command which will run the program.
  16. Javi's post in Favorites and setting Icons was marked as the answer   
    Yes, place Favorites Screen in edit mode (pencil icon at top of page), click the Favorite Tile, Select Edit then change the Favorite Type to Toggle Widget. Save Favorite then disable edit mode (pencil icon at top).
    Update 01/14/25: Favorites Edit mode is now accessed from the Favorite tile's menu.  If the menu is not visible on the tile place favorites in Edit Mode.
    For more advanced configuration the Command Type will work. See: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Favorite_Custom_Toggle
    Place Favorites Screen in Edit mode, Click the Favorite Tile, Select "Configure Advanced Status Color/Value/Icon Configuration".  Press the Add button at the top to add a new condition.
    Update 01/14/25: "Configure Advanced Status Color/Value/Icon Configuration" is now accessed from the Favorite tile's menu.  If the menu is not visible on the tile place favorites in Edit Mode.
    See: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Individual_Status_Mappings
    Same as Question 2.  However, currently Individual Status Mappings do not have the option for URL Icon, so only included icons are available.  This is on our list, but not sure of time frame.
  17. Javi's post in UD Mobile Local Connection Error was marked as the answer   
    The error signals that the current SSID as reported by iOS does not match an SSID entered into System Network Relations.
    Do you have multiple SSIDs?  If you do please add both SSIDs to the System Network Relations.
    I've added the current network to the this error message in the next release.
  18. Javi's post in Connection issue - UD Mobile and Mobilinc was marked as the answer   
    Please see the following post for updates and instructions for Local Network Connections.
  19. Javi's post in very bad result with UD mobile was marked as the answer   
    Hi we are aware of the issue.  Please see the following post for updates and instructions for Local Network Connections.
  20. Javi's post in UD Mobile Group passed to Admin Console? was marked as the answer   
    The program looks correct. The Customization with variables will only populate the variables if they exist.  If manually running THEN, most of the variables will not exist as there was no event that triggered the program.  With regards to the message not being the text entered into the Customization, it is very likely the Customization and/or Program was not saved before running THEN.
  21. Javi's post in UD Mobil does not work in my Wifi Network was marked as the answer   
    Likely due to Local IP Address Changed.
    If you Added a WiFi network in Settings Tab > Systems >  Your System > Local Connection Settings (expanded) > System Network Relations. Then the app is on this network it will attempt a direct local connection.
    So either the IP entered into the app must be reserved on your router or remove the WiFi Network from Local Connection Settings.
  22. Javi's post in Scene On Levels was marked as the answer   
    UD Mobile currently creates basic scenes.  Editing of Scene Links, for things like ramp rate and on level, must be done from the Admin Console.   This is still on our list for UD Mobile.
    There are limited Scene edits in UD Mobile by either Home Tab edit mode or Node's Dashboard settings.  From Home Tab enter edit mode by clicking edit button (pencil icon) then click the scene then click Edit Scene.  From the Node's Dashboard (screen with all status and commands) click settings (gear icon) then click Edit Scene.
  23. Javi's post in No Video When Cameras Are Added as Favorites was marked as the answer   
    Is the favorite type "Default"?
  24. Javi's post in UD Mobile Remote Access - Portal was marked as the answer   
    Server issue corrected.
  25. Javi's post in Widget / button alignment issue was marked as the answer   
    Favorites is rebuilt in version 1.1.32 of UD Mobile to prepare for other enhancements.  This should correct this issue.
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