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Everything posted by MARosen
Hey guys - can you elaborate a bit on the configuration of the ISY plugin within Event Ghost? Is it reasonable to think one would use the port address already set up for regular HTTP protocol to the ISY? If not, what protocol is being used to talk to ISY via Event Ghost?
Michel, I did have the correct USER and PASSWORD ... but, the 401 error and your interpretation of it were still the key here to solving this. That and something I had noted earlier in the post as well. That the first time I would try the same command directly in a browser window, the browser still prompted me to enter the USER and PASSWORD a 2nd time. And then from that point forward, I could issue further commands directly in the browser without having to re-enter that information. Both of these combined made me realize that the error was not the PASSWORD itself, but rather the PARAMETER name of the password. I was using PASSWORD= and should have used PWD= instead. So whether directly in the browser or in ISY, the camera was not getting the password sent correctly. The browser's response was to prompt again, the ISY obviously cannot do that as a resource, and so it simply gave the error. Once I corrected this mistake... (how did I ever do that, I was sure I copied the URL right out of the .pdf from Foscam that you guided me towards? No, wait, I didn't. It had so many parameters that I didn't care to set, that I only copied the first important bit of it, and then manually typed the remainder of it!) ... well once I corrected this, it of course worked like a charm. I can now enable and disable the the motion detection through ISY. Thanks for your excellent guidance. Now I am off to figure out how to make use of that resource and somehow tie it my MobiLinc application. Good stuff!
Thanks Michel - I get an error message when I try this of: TCP client request failed [Net Module Rule: 1:401]. By 'try' I mean using the 'Test' button in the ISY Network Resources module. The first time I tried it, I also got an additional error message, which seems to refer to the WeatherBug module. Only the first time, on subsequent tries I just get the error message above. If I simply paste the command into a browser it works. One note, the first time I paste it into the browser, the browser still prompts me to manually enter the USER and PASSWORD again. Even thought they are embedded as parameters in the URL. Once I enter the first time, it does not prompt me again in that session. I can turn the MOTION DETECTION on and off without re-entering the user and password. Just the first time in a session.
Michel, Thanks, that resource is 'somewhat' helpful. If you spend a few minutes with it, you will see that the language is rather poor, to the extent that it's even hard to know what the purpose of some of the commands are. Nevermind that it has typos and mistakes etc. in it as well. Putting that aside, I am able to work with it and come up with a URL that allows me to enable the motion detection in my camera. It looks like this; http://MYURL:MYPORT/set_alarm.cgi?motion_armed=1&motion_sensitivity=2&motion_compensation=1&input_armed=1&mail=1&upload_interval=5&schedule_enable=0&user=MYUSER&password=MYPASSWORD. However, what's not clear to me is then how to make this into a resource inside ISY. Is it a GET, a POST, etc? Where does the rest of the URL go, is it in the PATH or is it in the BODY? Do I need to add an Authorization Header? Because as you can see, the user name and password for the camera are embedded into the URL itself - but I notice that in some of the posts, the forum users suggest you have to add this when you create a network resource. Is the Encode URL checkbox checked or unchecked? What is the MODE: URL Encode, Raw Text, etc? Lots of questions right? Is there a resource somewhere that lays this out clearly for me to resolve on my own?
As my 7th grade math teacher would say "Dawn over Marblehead" - I finally get it. Thanks for your replies, I am with you now. You default certain lights on to begin with each day, and then let the Sunny Day pgm turn them off if necessary (and then both programs will turn them on and off again throughout the day as needed.) Makes perfect sense. My issue was because I didn't default them on via schedule. I was letting the programs try to set them (either on or off) based on the weather each day, with no default schedule. The feedback and input is greatly appreciated. Cheers.
Rand, Yes - the "Clear Day" program works, but that wasn't the issue. The issue was the "Cloudy Day" program. That program requires that the Wait program is TRUE. And nothing was setting the program to TRUE, because I had several Cloudy day's in a row. So each day the Wait program remained at the 'default' state of FALSE. And as a result, my lights never got switched on. It wasn't until 2-3 days after I wrote the program, that we had a sunny day. Finally, at that point, the WAIT program changed to TRUE (the programs turned the lights off.) Then, once it was finally TRUE, and it eventually became Cloudy again, then the "Cloudy Day" program worked for the first time. It seemed from the logic that this would happen, and that the programs would only work following at least one period of Clear/Sunny weather. Because of the fact that programs default to being "FALSE" and therefore requiring at least one kick-start to be set to TRUE. If that's so, then I wonder if the same issue will re-occur when my ISY has to be re-started or re-set for any reason. Am I wrong to think that the program logic works, but only after at least one Clear/Sunny period of weather happens? Do you think that if the programs are set up during extended Cloudy/Overcast weather that they should in fact work? If so, then I wonder if somehow I have them set up incorrectly?
Rand, Sorry, I'm still confused. Are you saying you agree, that the programs only work after the first sunny day (after the status of the Wait program gets set to TRUE)? Or am I just doing something wrong?
Rand, Thanks ... how (where) can I take a look at that 4th program? Matt.
I wrote these 3 programs (which I found on the UDI Wiki, but they appear to be the same ones noted here.) When I wrote my three programs, the weather outside was already overcast, my light level was <5 to begin with. The status of my Control program (the 'Wait' program) was FALSE. It was the first of the 3 programs I wrote, and so it had never been run by either the Sunny Day or Cloudy Day programs (they did not even exist yet.) Although it was overcast (light level <5), the status of the Control program was false. In order for the Cloudy Day program to run, the conditions are that light level<5 AND Control program is TRUE. So that program never ran. Am I wrong to think that the program won't work unless you start on a sunny day, and then it eventually turns cloudy??
Have either of you noticed that on iPhone (or any mobile device) it seems impossible to clear the cache when you visit your ISY? Any device that I log in on, using the DEVICES, SCENES or PROGRAMS remains in the memory of the device somehow. Even if I clear history, cache, etc. When I go back to those pages, it never asks me for my ID or Password again. Any thoughts on this?
Michael D et al, Thanks for your replies, appreciate it very much! on item #1: Interestingly, this is exactly what I thought the answer would be. However, I found that no matter what i put in the FROM field, the email comes through using the name of the actual email account. So for example, the user ID I am using is my gmail account which is Matthew.Rosen.00@gmail.com. And that account must be set up with my name which is Matthew A. Rosen. So when I get email from that account, on say, my Yahoo email, it appears to come from Matthew A. Rosen. But even when I put something alternate in the FROM field, for cosmetic purposes as you say, it has no effect. I put the name of my lighting system which is call 112UPLights ... and the email still appears to come from Matthew A. Rosen. Not a big deal at all, just curious because I thought that was what the FROM field was for. on item #2: I am using my gmail account to send the notifications, and it works on 25 but not 587. At least it didn't when I first tried it. Oh well, it works so that's all that matters I suppose. on item #3: what do you know about the ability to actually now customize the notifications? Is that something down the road for the ISY? Or is that something I can do now?
Michel et al, A few questions on this topic overall: 1. What is the difference between the FROM field and the USER ID field? I am on 2.6.8... 2. In your examples, you often show the SMTP port for gmail as 587. However, when I tried that it failed. When I tried using the default port that ISY had in the configuration tab (25) it worked. What is this port, is this something on my router, or something specific to the gmail email service? 3. Is there a way to customize the notifications? I've heard this is possible, is this a future enhancement or something I can today?
Michel, Not sure I ever answered your questions of "am I using Dynamic DNS". I think I am, if by Dynamic DNS you mean how I refer to my network from the outside world. I do NOT get to it by using an IP address in the form of nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. Instead I use an URL address that I have gotten through a service called no.ip. That address is kept in synch with the actual numeric IP address via a client that runs on my home network and checks for the current assigned IP from the cable modem and associates it with the URL. So in this way I don't have to remember a hard to remember 4 sequence #, and I don't have to keep track of when it changes (and it does on occassion change.) But if you mean something else by Dynamic DNS then I am not sure. I noticed that in my Netgear router admin console there is an entire section devoted to Dynamic DNS but that I don't have this set up. I wonder if this is just an alternate way to do what I am already doing using the no.ip client that runs on my network perhaps?
Michel, Can you remind of whether my Console should say "Enable Internet Access" or not? In other words, does it need to be enabled to allow the appropriate access? The reason I ask is that it crashed again this morning, and I was unable to revive it through the normal method of Telnet ... I had to physically unplug and re-plug in the ISY device. On doing that, it seems that the "Enable Internet Access" was set back to not being enabled. That said, I was able to access the page remotely - - but I am not sure it worked as well as it should. The programs area was difficult to work with, and I could not save any changes while I was remote. I've tried a few times now to "Enable" but I get an error message of "Failed Enabling Internet Access" As a reminder I have UPnP disabled, and have port 443 forwarded to the fixed IP address as assigned in my router. And I can see that the device is in fact attached to my router.
Michel, I suspect you have it figured out. Once I resolved my original issue (being on the old version of the ISY software) and having seen the ISY auto-magically connect on my router I stopped all the port forwarding. So now I have disabled UPnP and forwarded port 443 for HTTPS to the device's assigned static IP. I suspect that this will resolve any temporary burps or glitches that take place on my network and will keep the ISY device available for connection over the internet. If it doesn't for any reason I'll let you know. Cheers!
Michel, Crash in this case means that I can no longer access it via the Internet (either from a computer or the Blackberry.) And I have confirmed that it's not just happening as the result of trying to access it via the bberry. For example last night it went out on me a few times, and I only went to check it from my own laptop computer sitting on my home network. When this happens, I am able to access it using the local HTTP (the local address I have it assigned to) but that's it as far as an HTTP or HTTPS connection. To resolve it, I telnet to it (which I can do locally or remotely) using the outside world IP address (I have port 23 forwarded to the ISY for incoming telnet) and I issue the RS command. Once I do that, the external HTTPS is back up and running. The other method of getting it back up and running is using the local address, and then disabling and re-enabling Internet access. However, that only works (of course) when I am at home to access it locally. When I am remote, the telnet and RS command is the only option. I also started to notice last night that there may be a correspondence with when this happens with the connections on my home network going out for a few seconds and coming back on. I'll see the computers message that their local connections are out and then connected for just a second. I am unable to tell though which is the cause and which is the effect. Is something happening on my ISY that causes the network to have this momentary outage, or is something happening with my Cable modem service and/or my router that then causes the ISY to loose the internet enable capability. With regard to the programs and re-starting when the ISY is restarted it does seem to be behaving oddly. I have just two programs at this point (since I am just building the system) and neither one is set to rerun on a re-start and yet I am positive that the program that turns on lights at 7pm kept turning those lights back on each time I restarted the ISY. And this was at 11:00 or so at night. I'm sure of it ... but I will continue to monitor this as well. Thanks as always for the thoughtful questions and for continuing to work with me through this. I'm actually enjoying it very much (although of course I'd love for it all to work flawlessly with no effort on my part either!)
Michel, I have both set up to 20K now... during the day today I found access to be very stable (both from a computer and my bberry.) Through no effort on my part, and not paying much attention to whether or not I exited from the Blackberry browser my ISY stayed up and accessible all day long. Tonight though it's "crashed" on me 2x in an hour. The solution is simple, I just telnet to the device and issue the RS command. If I wait 30-40 seconds, I can then get back in over HTTPS. Can't quite figure what keeps knocking the access out though. And I'm noticing that when I issue the RS command, my programs all re-run.
Ok, I did ... did you have specific settings to recommend? Looks like HTTPS was at 10000 and HTTP at 1000 ... I set them both to 25000. Should I have done that?
Michel, Do you have people notifying you that their ISY crashes as a result of accessing or using the device from a BlackBerry? I have an 8703e device, using Verizon service. I know that the ISY crashed on me 2-3 nights ago while in the middle of accessing it. In order to re-start it I had to restart it and my router. Just restarting it did not do the trick, and when I logged into my router's control panel it did not show that the device was attached. So I restarted the router itself and that resolved the problem. I did then also have to re-enable Internet access from the ISY as the restart seemed to have set that back to being not enabled. Today I tried to access via the BBerry and I am find that it is again down. However, I can at least see this time that my router still shows it as attached. Although perhaps once I restart the ISY it will do the same. Can't say for sure, as I am remote and will need to re-start it when I am back at home. I also can't say for sure if it was the BBerry logon attempt that did it or not... as I don't know if it was up just prior to attempting the BBerry logon or if it had crashed prior to that. Curious if you have other folks having this type of issue or not (perhaps this belong in another forum topic?)
Michel, I got some tech. support from your #1 fan (Dave Rosen, aka my dad!) He came to the realization that I did not have the most recent software on my ISY99i. From the Universal Devices website, I understood that v1 was the latest version for the ISY99 ... and that the v2.6.x was only for the ISY26 devices. After realizing this was not the case, I downloaded the latest 2.6 version and installed that and everything HTTPS/SSL related fell into place auto-magically. I have no ports forwarded, and everything works. I have to figure out how certificates and warnings and all that works, but thats for me to noodle with. The important thing is that I can connect, and can do so over an SSL secure link. And now on to my Blackberry to see if I can get that going! Cheers and thanks.
Michel, Through no effort, I have found that the web access is in fact enabled. It seems to be regardless of whether or not I forward the ports in my NetGear WGR614 router or not. And it also seems to be regardless of whether or not I 'Enable Internet Access' from the Administrative Console or not. I am assuming that in some way the UPnP protocols of my router is making the address available on the internet. Although, if I look in the UPnP section of my routers console it shows no devices. When I say it works, I mean that it works in the one remote location I have been able to test it (my office). I do have confirmation from one other source that the "Please leave this window open" page opens up, but that the person is never prompted to actually log in which is strange. This is someone who themselves has an Insteon system and logs in to their own ISY at that location and that works fine for them. I plan to try it from some other locations as time allows and depending on the result would consider the issue closed. The last thing I understand that I would want to do, is to create a link that is an SSL link (an HTTPS link.) I have followed the online instructions for that, but I don't seem to be able to make the HTTPS version of the link work. And I do have port 443 forwarded on my router to the IP address of the device. And the device is fixed to that IP address so I am confident that it the correct address (and I also see it in my list of attached devices always with that IP address, another confirmation that it's the correct address on my internal network.) Any of the top of your head thoughts on why the regular link would work, but not the SSL link??
I have a Netgear WGR614 series router. It seems to have UPnP, but I don't quite understand how it works, and it doesn't seem to be registering any devices. Regardless, if I try that route, I get the NULL message when I use the 'Enable Internet Access' So I then tried port forwarding. At first I misunderstood that the port to be forwarded was a universal number (#443) and then understood that no it should be the port number as identified in the MyURL. So I have that port forwarded to the fixed IP address being assigned by my router to the ISY device. Per the note here, and because I manually forwarded the port, I did not use 'Enable Internet Access' But still no luck...