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  1. mmb's post in Cannot log into ISY Portal -- error 429 was marked as the answer   
    Portal's http service is down and that will affect lots.
  2. mmb's post in How to "safely" shut down IoX / Polisy in order to unplug & move locations? was marked as the answer   
    According to the wiki
    Safely Shutdown
    Click the button three times.
  3. mmb's post in Does the EISY support a Zooz Z-Wave 700 Dongle? was marked as the answer   
    Chris did a remote visit and got the Zooz running.
    Apparently the backup that was created by my brother which was restored put the eisy into a state requesting a migration to ZMatter ZWave which prevented use of the original ZWave.
    The request was removed by Chris deleting the files which allowed use of ZWave.
    All good now. Chris noted the IOX ZWave backup and restore function only works for ZMatter ZWave.  My brother's ZWave setup is small so not an issue.
  4. mmb's post in Geofencing warning was marked as the answer   
    Hi Javi, I selected My Devices and received two Geofencing screens in sequence, the first lasting only a moment.  The second screen required a tap to display my devices.
    Anyway at this point I thought it would be easier to just delete the app, reinstall, then do a fresh sync of the data. I didn't use backup/restore. My customizations are relatively minor so it didn't take much time set them up.
    I'll let you know if it happens again.
    <<Not the Solution, problem continues>>
  5. mmb's post in Error Log on EISY was marked as the answer   
    I was told years ago -170001 is an informational message. So I just ignore them.
    It would be nice if there was a log debug setting to turn warnings off and errors on as needed.
    Log formatting needs work too.
  6. mmb's post in Z-Wave Device Initial Naming and Icons was marked as the answer   
    Chris Jahn kindly provided the following:
    Z-Wave Device Initial Naming and Icons
    Z-Wave functionality is broken up into command classes, and from there we have a fixed setting for which node a status value or command will appear.  For example, there are several multisensor types such as air conditioning, air quality, health, movement, weather,  etc. all of which can be supported in one device.

    The weather node, for example, would have temperature, rain rate, barometric pressure, etc.
    Ignore the light bulb icon.

    The light bulb is the default icon if there is not specific icon defined for a particular node type. 

    Did Aeotec name their Parameter Setting function Heat Alarm or is this a misassociation in IOX?  Of course I can rename to something more appropriate.

    Battery level and configuration parameters always go to the primary node of the device (i.e. ZY056_1) rather than their own nodes.  This is done to reduce the total number of nodes for a device, which can be substantial anyway depending on the device.

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