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Everything posted by baabm

  1. MWareman- regarding your statement about the myQ type openers...do you know of a way to get the iolink to work with an myQ opener? I am currently using the iolink with my old GDO, but am considering buying a myQ type opener. Thanks Bob
  2. Thanks Paul and Ryan.... that was rather easy.
  3. A long time ago, I had converted an 8 button KPL to a six button KPL. I removed it from the house it was in and reinstalled it in my new home. I started having trouble with it and decided to do a factory reset (forgetting that it was once an 8 button device) which obviously changed it back to an 8 button device. I am wondering if there is a way to convert it back to a 6 button using the ISY or do I have to convert it back using the manual linking mode ? Any thoughts? Thanks.
  4. Thanks Elvis...but I am a little confused. As far as I understand, the initial value of the GF field is a 2, to distinguish the initial state from either inside or outside the geo-fence states. So let's say that when you are outside the fence, the value is a 1. And then the ISY gets hit with a power interruption and then restarts, then the GF field will come up as a 2, and of course whatever programs were executing when the GF was a 1, will probably not be executing now. So I can understand the need to do what you are suggesting, but I don't know how to set the initial state of a variable from within a program. Can you explain that or provide an example. Also wouldn't you have to do this in a program that runs "when the ISY is shutting down", and I know of no mechanism to do that. You can specify a program to run on start up, but not on shutdown. Thanks.
  5. Thanks I will repost this in the mobilinc forum. And thanks for the tip to change the state variable, but I was hoping for something a little more automated.
  6. I am new to mobilinc and so far really like it, but am having an issue with how geofence works. I set up a geofence that tells the ISY that I am away from home, which turns on cameras and does some other stuff. Then when I return home, it turns the cameras and other programs off. This works great except when I left home one day and my iPhone battery died. Arriving home obviously didn't trigger the "arriving home" program and after the iPhone charges up "inside the geofence", it doesn't trigger either. So the cameras and other programs stay on as if I wasn't home. Is there a quick fix for this situation?
  7. I am in the process of reprogramming the buttons on two tabletop KPLs. All of a sudden, one of them started showing the 1011 symbol, so I tried to relink, then tried a "restore device" and at some point, I got the exclamation point. I tried pulling the air gap ,pulling the plug, restarting the 994, but the ! Remains. The funny thing is that it appears that the switch is working (at least I haven't found what isn't working yet on it.) So what does it mean and is there a way to clear it short of buying another $70 switch.
  8. Thanks. I am going through this now and wish I had never started. Things that used to work no longer do. It's also too bad you can't be selective when restoring, say only restore programs x and y or scene z. I've changed a lot of stuff over the past few days and would like to start this button swap process over again or just forget it , but if I restore a backup, I'll lose who knows what other changes I've made. Oh well!
  9. Thanks Techman, I thought the buttons on a 6 button KPL were numbered 1 (for the large button that controls a load) and then A,B,C,D for the 4 small buttons that do not control loads. Is this wrong?
  10. Let's say you have a KPL with button A being assigned to Bob's Lamp and button B assigned to Chris's lamp. And you decide for whatever reason, that you want to reverse them so that button A is Chris's lamp and button B is Bob's lamp. Both buttons are in scenes and both buttons are in programs. The brute force method would be to rename button A to some non-used name, then rename button B to Bob's lamp and then rename button A to Chris's lamp. But this 1) takes a long time and still requires as a minimum, examination of the associated scenes and programs and perhaps some rework of each. Is there an easier way to do this? Thanks, Bob
  11. baabm

    mobilinc question

    Thanks - I will be using mobilinc for IOS.
  12. baabm

    mobilinc question

    I am thinking about getting the Mobilinc app to control my ISY when away from home. I noticed that Universal Devices sells a module called Portal Integration - MobiLinc Connect which is described as: Remotely connect through MobiLinc portal. No port forwarding necessary. Note: Please upgrade to 3.1.16 or above before installing this module. Although the $1 cost is no big deal, I am not sure if I need this in order to incorporate mobilinc. Is it necessary? Does it make it easier to install mobilinc? thanks, Bob
  13. In answer to LeeG, the full configuration of the setup on the ISY is: LED on xmit Trigger reverse Momentary A I have a KPL pushbutton in the same scene as the GD relay output, I don't have any programs that control the GD. I have it set up so the KPL button lights up if the GD is open and turns off if the GD is closed. Thanks Jerlands, If I can't get the thing to work correctly, i will disconnect the wire to the opener.
  14. In answer to Teken... yes the trigger reverse is set, but I believe it's been that way since the beginning. And the size of the magnet and switch are each 4", not sure if this is large or small. And Jon, thanks for the suggestion but the on/off module is not a great solution for me. for 1, I always want the sense function to work. For 2, I don't really need to open a closed GD using insteon, so that's all I want to disable. I'll look at the log again to see if a query all happened around the same time that the door opened...thanks for your suggestion.
  15. Thanks everyone. There's a lot of info in your replies that I'll have to think about before I act.
  16. I have been using insteon and ISY-994i for several years, most recently in a home in Tampa, FL. While we were away this summer, several large storms kept knocking circuit breakers off line and I lost (as a minimum) the PLM that works with the ISY, so when I came home, nothing worked. I replaced the PLM and am still troubleshooting other devices but i am thinking about having a whole house surge protector installed in the main junction box. Does anyone have any thoughts on the effectiveness of this to prevent future loss of equipment or on any detrimental effect it may have on my home automation system (for the most part, I have fairly new dual band devices). Thanks
  17. I have a 2450 garage door link V4.1 that has been operating with a ISY 994i for over a year. Over the summer (while we were away), there were several large storms and I came home to a fried PLM which I replaced. Most insteon is working now, but occasionally at night, the Garage door opens by itself. I've looked at the log and can't seem to find any program that would do this, nor do I see anything else that would cause this. My temporary fix is to unplug the 2450 at night so it can't issue the open command by itself. Does anyone know of a way to disable the open command with software? I don't really need to open the GD from anywhere else but the original GD switch. But I do like having the GD status indicator in several spots in the house so i can see if the GD is open or closed. I know I could rewire the circuit so that the open signal travels through the magnetic contact switch such that it will only reach the opener if the door is open (thereby never allowing the ISY or insteon to "open" the door, only allowing it "close" the door) but this requires rewiring and perhaps even another magnetic switch which I'd like to avoid. Any thoughts on this? Thanks
  18. Thanks, but I am not sure your suggestion will drive the behavior I am looking for. I want the programs "then" clause to run to completion once triggered. I think the only way to do this is to create a "disabled" program with no conditions which executes the else clause and call this from the original program. If I understand it correctly, this second program will run to completion regardless of the state of the conditions that caused it to be called in the first place. Is this correct? Thanks
  19. I have an "away from home" folder where I keep programs that will make the house look lived in. It's condition is a state variable called "away" which is set to 1 when away by the push of a KPL switch. I have a program in this folder that turns on a lamp and then waits about 2 hours and then turns it off. If I come home while the program is in the wait state and push the KPL button, turning the away variable back to a zero, the program seems to stop and never turns the light back on. Is this the way that ISY handles this situation? If so, is there an easy way to get these programs to complete? I have many programs like this and hope I don't have to create another whole set of programs that check if "away" just switched back to "home" and then do something special for each device.Thanks.
  20. Thanks. That sequence works well.
  21. What is the easiest way to change the definition of a KPL button? I have a 6 button KPL with all the buttons defined and all are used as controllers for devices as part of scenes, and may be referenced in programs. I want to redefine one of the buttons to control a different device than the one its controlling now. Should I first delete the button from the scenes its in? and then rename the button? or should I just rename the button first and then modify the scenes and programs the old button was used in? Or does it matter at all? Thanks, Bob
  22. Has anyone sold a home that is currently controlled by a 994i and has numerous insteon switches in it? Just wondering if you left the system in place and tied to explain it to the new owner or if you removed it and took it with you?
  23. baabm

    Programming Help

    Thanks for the help. Your suggestion worked partially. One of the switches worked correctly, the other didn't. So I had to change it as follows: Else In Scene 'switch1' Set 'switch1' 73% In Scene 'switch1' Set 'switch2' 73% In Scene 'switch2' Set 'switch2' 73% In Scene 'switch2' Set 'switch1' 73% I'd have never gotten there without your help though...thanks a lot. Bob
  24. baabm

    Programming Help

    I am trying to make my bathroom light work the same as this thread suggests but am having no luck. I have 2 switch link dual band v4.1 switches.One directly controls the load, the other is a slave and operates as a 3 way switch. I have a scene with both switches in it and they are both controllers. Here is the program I run: If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then In Scene 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity lights' Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity load' 20% (On Level) In Scene 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity lights' Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity Switch 2' 20% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity lights' Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity load' 73% (On Level) In Scene 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity lights' Set 'Master Bathroom / Mstr Bath vanity Switch 2' 73% (On Level) This program does run and does set the Scene values correctly but it doesn't seem to set the values of the individual switches local values correctly (note the screen shot showing 20%, even though the program ran this morning). And this screen shot shows the SCENE has been set to 73%. If I use the button at the bottom of the SCENE page to turn on the light, the light performs correctly and goes to 73%. But if I use either switch, the light only goes to 20%. And here is what the switches look like from within the scene: What am I overlooking? Thanks for any and all help. Bob
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