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Everything posted by Banichi

  1. After some fighting with this install due to some OpenWebStart proxy errors I went back to my original jre 8 installers and they magically worked this time around. I uninstalled OpenWebStart and installed the regular jre and now working well. I dropped the start.jnlp file in my applications folder, changed the default Java Icon to the UD logo, and then changed the name so it looks like a regular application.
  2. I just updated my laptop that I'll be using for installs and I had a hell of a time figuring out getting the Java JRE installed and running so that the JNLP could launch. What I ran in to: The current JRE installer would not install on MacOS 13.6.1; Installer returned error: "OS error code 1". Installation of the current JDK was successful. However new versions of Java don't support the web start protocol so the JNLP would not launch. It took me a while to actually read the error message when launching the JNLP to realize that it didn't find a JRE that supported javaws. After all of that I came across OpenWebStart that promised to be my solution. After install I tried to launch again but still got the error. After digging through the documentation I found that I need to associate the .jnlp extension with the new app located in the Applications folder. After I did this OpenWebStart was able to download and install the correct JRE and launch IoX finder. Hope this helps others.
  3. I have a connection but Somfy is firmly against doing an open API. They want a partner to work with that they can kinda evaluate and have some control over what they have to support. Is UDI interested in developing the node server for their new TaHoma bridge? I can try and make an introduction. Unless you've already tried and they just think we're too small of a market to support.
  4. I would also love the .stl or fusion file if you are using fusion. I feel like other than the resolution/cosmetics the biggest challenge might be the clips that lock the keys in place.
  5. I would say that the micro open/close module would be perfect for this. I've used that with motorized projector screens in the past and has worked great. This assumes that the motor is just a 110v motor which is sounds like it is. Seems like the switch is just DPDT momentary switch similar to how a winch on a car/ATV works. I think that the open/close modules aren't back in stock just yet but they are expected soon.
  6. I've seen just a little bit about Orro in the forums but not much. Curious if anyone has looked into a node server since the API is now in beta. It is beyond my current level of python skills to create but I would love to be able to get Orro to talk to ISY/Insteon scenes. I have the documentation that someone could certainly look at but you'd need to apply for your own API tokens to do any testing. I'm super interested in the Orro as a main interface for many rooms in my installs. If you have the skills and are interested in building the node server please DM me and I'd be happy to share the documentation.
  7. Nevermind. It was a subnet issue internally. The wifi and the wired network were 2 different subnets. And I think the RX light was on because the cable had come out of the PLM. I feel like a dope.
  8. So I have this ISY 994 that my client purchased. It did not show up on the network when first plugged in. I assumed it was configured with a static IP. So I went to factory reset using the button on the front. After reboot it still did not show up on the network. I tried a 2nd factory reset thinking maybe I didn't hold it down long enough. Now it just has the RX light constantly on after it boots up. Did it get bricked somehow?
  9. I think that I know the answer here but just want to make sure. Is there a way to take say a .csv file of addresses and add them all to the isy at once? I'm pretty sure they're is not but just wanted to check. Trying to move a client over to isy from Indigo so that I can better help them manage programming changes. The husband originally was into Indigo but has since lost all time to be able to stay familiar enough to deal with any changes that they want to do. So just trying to see if I can make my job any easier. But again, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to do it the long, (correct) way.
  10. Keypads and Micro dimmers are my biggest need but honestly I'll take what I can get. Let me know if you wanna get rid of anything. I've got a few weeks before I'm in critical territory. In the mean time I'll just be scrounging ebay. Man I hope somebody is able to pick up the Insteon IP or they license it or something.
  11. I'm in a bit of a tight spot and had ordered about 3/4 of what I needed for a project started in the fall. I did not anticipate Insteon just up and disappearing. I was out of the country and totally missed what appears to be the final sale in March. I need about a half dozen each of keypad dimmers, dimmer switches, and micro dimmers to complete this project. I am scouring ebay but in the off chance that anyone here is willing to part with any or all of these for a not crazy markup I would greatly appreciate it.
  12. To update my last post. I did install in the phillips trims but while they weren't as bad they still flickered. Though notably they don't flicker when I trigger the scene from admin console, only when triggered with a device/button. I'm wondering if the default "1 retry" on scenes is causing a weird collision.
  13. Yeah okay so I guess I somehow have gotten lucky in the past when using the finder. I did have some issues in the past but it was inconsistent. Was very consistent this time. Luckily I'm no stranger to networking so knowing the IP address is easy. Using the .jnlp from the device does solve my issue. Thanks so much.
  14. Ah copy that. I will give it a go here shortly
  15. I don't understand the response. The admin console java app launches and finds the ISY it just never loads the prompt for login and thus I cannot actually do anything with the ISY. The web interface loads without issue.
  16. I'm working on a new install at a location that does not yet have an internet connection. Trying to setup about 30 devices. I have a local network created with a router and the latest ISY finder does see the ISY but it won't load me into the console. I updated java and updated the console as I thought those were the issue. If I completely remove admin console and re install where I have internet and then go back to the house and try and load in, it looks as if it's trying to lose console but the login window never appears. I suspect that this is somehow related to the lack of internet but unclear why that would be. Thoughts?
  17. 5.0.16C UI is the same. Good question on the "then" portion. I didn't run just the "then". I will be back at the client's home early next week and can try.
  18. Right I forgot it was a Bluetooth gateway. It's the zigbee module that can swap into the db2 instead of zwave right?
  19. To clarify the Zwave and the WiFi are 2 separate units at the moment I believe. You can't have both IIRC. The strong Zwave network is always a problem for my jobs as the ISY usually goes in a mechanical room far from the front door and it requires about a dozen devices, (like outlets) to get a strong enough network to get a reliable connection. But I also like the look and feel of Alfred locks. I look forward to them making one for regular deadbolts that also has the wireless charging like the mortise version.
  20. Yeah the button was originally part of the scene and had the same ramp rates and on-levels as the root scene. I removed it from the scene and then tried to use it in the program. I did use control but it did not function at all. So not sure if I have greater issues in the network. I have used status in some timers and typically use the 'is not off' operator as well and it functions well. But neither were working in this case. Event viewer shows a time stamp if I run the IF statement on control but it does not trigger the scene. No idea what I'm missing. I feel like the button on the KP may be part of the issue.
  21. Yeah I'm just up against a deadline to get a certificate of occupancy before christmas. So I'm going to have to go with the dh variant for those I guess. Still need a PLM though.
  22. I think that ISY/insteon is great for lighting control. Climate I would use something like ecobee or similar. Polyglot has node servers for a few of these options so if you want to consolidate I would check out the node servers and cross reference with what tstats you're interested in. Door locks are an area that is somewhat challenging in my experience. This is mainly due to distance/network limitations. Unless your ISY is right next to your door lock you will need a significant number of Zwave devices to build a network as @Bumbershoot pointed out.
  23. So I have a similar question to one recently posted and I learned a bit from there about how IF conditions work. I don't typically use programs for basic scene control but I'm trying to troubleshoot why some LEDs flicker when a scene is triggered by a KPL button (member of scene) vs say triggering the scene directly from the ISY which produces zero flicker. So in an attempt to have the button trigger the scene rather than being part of the scene I tried to make a program that was like below: IF 'Master Suite / .Mstr Bath His Sconce / .Mstr Bath All' is switched on THEN Set 'Master Suite / Master Bath All' On I have also run with Status instead of control. When I have it as control nothing at all happens. If I have it as status nothing happens on it's own but if I "run IF" then it will do what I expect. It just doesn't seem to evaluate the IF on its own. Of note is that the 'control' variant would always show 'true' regardless of the button being on or off whereas the status reflects state correctly. My ultimate goal is to deal with the flicker on the LEDs but since the scene triggered from admin console produces no flicker I thought this would be a decent workaround. But on that note if I set the ramp rate to something like 2 or 4.5 seconds there is significant flicker on dimming. If I push and hold to dim it is smooth until I release the button in which case I get a brief flicker. Anywho. I would appreciate any thoughts on either issue.
  24. Hey all. I know this isn't exactly the right place for this but kinda in desperate need at the moment. Looking for a serial PLM, (or 3) and some switchlinc dimmers, (5). Smarthome has been incredibly low on inventory and they haven't been able to tell me when anything will be back in stock. But I'm up against a deadline so wondering if there is anyone out there that would be willing to sell me any of my needs. PLM is most critical. Thanks Nathan
  25. I just did an install with 4" LED retrofit can trims and the homeowner sourced the trims. He bought Sunco units and the flicker is awful! Just to test various other options in this style I put together a little test bench of sorts. Phillips trims seem to perform the best overall on a 2477D. Now of course there is no other insteon traffic to be had in this test but the Suncos were flickering pretty badly just on regular dimming. The Feit units that I got were smooth though cut off around the 10% mark whereas the Phillips had a smooth dim all the way out to 0. Cree was about on par with the Feit. The Hyperikon were the worst of the bunch being not particularly linear at the bottom end and would cut off somewhere closer to 20%. See the linked videos for reference. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZwSQmvjAJqXt6YiUA https://photos.app.goo.gl/36CNEYuyhZ9Z7Yuk6
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