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Everything posted by Rocketron

  1. Took the plunge after returning from a 2 week vacation. My Polisy never seems to take updates well but this one worked like a charm. About 25mins to complete and all seems fine.
  2. Thanks guys, I changed eisy to polisy as I did last time and this time I got a much more detailed report. My first attempt gave a much shorter, truncated report. Weird, I'm going to put it down to I messed up first time. *** OS *** FreeBSD polisy 13.2-RELEASE-p11 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p11 releng/13.2-n254665-f5ac4e174fdd POLISY amd64 *** Package Information *** Seems I'm good to go!
  3. 3. If you have never upgraded your unit, it's best to make sure you have release 13.1 or 13.2 of the OS (https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt). If you do not, please do not upgrade. Trying to read the instructions and follow them too! Looked about to find the Polisy OS version and can't find it. Please help?
  4. Rocketron

    DHCP Only?

    Telus fiber here. Bridging the router had to be done remotely when the router was installed. The tech had to call and request that. Took a few minutes for it to happen, no problems since then. Running my own TPlink router now, was a MikroTik previously.
  5. My solution came from this YouTube video. $100 + some more memory. Too much time spent getting to work with my network, then I discovered there was a firmware update needed. Once I got that sorted, no problems so far.
  6. Exactly, Zwave, bluetooth, anything with wifi. Still not bought any zigbee but it's looking very tempting. Matter remains a mystery. I'm pretty comfortable with the Polisy having used a 994 for years, with zwave. HA is taking it's time to become comfortable for me, in my opinion and that's not worth a lot. HA was/is something that's not designed for someone beginning home automation. In time it may become a starting point but the folks at UD have a better handle on beginners. I began home automation so long ago insteon was one of the best choices and it's still viable but it would be a difficult to recommend to someone beginning to add home automation. Once you look into HA you begin to see how the future could look. But be prepared for a steep learning curve.
  7. I'm running a PolIsy with Home Assistant. I've used HA to control the Polisy but not Polisy to control HA. There might be a way but I've not found a need to do that. I'm working toward the Polisy running all the Insteon hardware and HA running everything else.
  8. Upgrading to PG3x Enable PG3x: https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable Reboot and wait for a beep, then a second beep. At that point, PG3x should be started. You can access PG3x using the same url as PG3. It is using the same host and same port. Note: username/password are changed. For PG3x, you will need to use the same username/password as your Admin Console. If you can't get in PG3x, then you may have to clear your browser history. You can also try another browser as a test. All plugins will be reinstalled by PG3x. You will each plugins disconnect/reconnect, and messages as well. Migrating node servers from PG3 to PG3x might take up to 2 minutes per plugin. So, please be patient Once all node servers show connected, reboot again. NOTE: This process will remove PG2 and PG3. Furthermore, there is no "undo" for this process. Please make sure you take a PG3 backup first. My Polisy stopped working after upgrading to 5.8.3. This had to be done (again) to get it working. Maybe give it a try? Your mileage may vary.
  9. Rocketron

    WLED Node Server

    Thanks for trying K-bert. Now we know and can move along
  10. Rocketron

    WLED Node Server

    Like yourself I'm not a programmer so I either had to wait until someone added this feature to the node server or find a work-around. That's why I went to HA. I've not followed the HA / EISY info, but I began with an old Rasberry Pi I had sitting around, then to an old PC for HA. From just my experince you can keep most everything working from the EISY and add to the HA what you want. Some hardware works better with one or the other (ZWave on HA for me) It's a rabbit hole of time spent learning HA and IoX is much better at controling insteon. Long term I might have been better off learning to program
  11. Rocketron

    WLED Node Server

    I've been watching for developments in this node server very closely for the past 2 years and I've seen nothing change in those years. I took the path of Home Assistant to control WLED with presets in tandem with Polisy. Learning Home Assistant has been a challenge but I've enjoyed many of it's features. As the people who develop Home Assistant pointed out. No one ever begins with Home Assistant, it's always a path taken after beginning with another system.
  12. I've an old version on OpenSprinkler, connected via ethernet. It's never given a problem in the many years I've owned it.
  13. Probably the solution to my experince, which I inadvertently did when I gave up for a week trying to find a fix.
  14. Happy New Year to all. Life slides back to a more normal state post holidays and I found time to look at this again From thie post I again tried as written... Upgrading to PG3x Enable PG3x by clicking this link: https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable I did not reboot the Polisy, just used this to again try to get to PG3x. I should have checked to see the situation for PG3x before trying this again but I didn't. Opened PG3x in Polisy and it's all working fine now. Can not be sure doing the above fixed it or something else happened while my back was turned. Onward toward making the Polisy my home controller. Going to miss the little 994.
  15. Yes the Admin console works fine. This is how I was able to try to use the update and reboot buttons muliple time.
  16. Sadly this did not go well. I've been staring at this from my Polisy since the install. Numerous upgrade packages attempts and reboots later and no change. Powering down for 10+ seconds, no change. Complete "Factory reset" via the hidden button, no change. Suspect there will be a trouble ticket in my future unless someone can suggest something. Happily my old reliable 994 continues to chug along. Missing it's node servers now though. If I can get this sorted I may have to finally put it to bed.
  17. On/off, colours, brightness and effect.
  18. I'm new to WLED, I just got my lights functioning and would like to add them to my home automation system. I installed the WLED polyglot V3 and have noticed there is limited access to the functions available in WLED. Specifically the presets and playlists within WLED. I'm not sure if these are relatively new features or not within WLED but if they could be added to the polyglot, they would allow much more customization. Thank you much.
  19. Questions about z-wave and switching to Polisy. Will there ever be a way to simply transfer z-wave nodes over from ISY to Polisy? Similar to the Insteon method. If so, how many months to wait for that? I have gotten ISY working on Polisy and having a z-wave unit which I use for testing within the ISY. I went to install it into Polisy ISY and before it would include to the Polisy it needed to be excluded from the Polisy. Fair enough, I've seen this before from other z-wave units. However it at the same time it also excluded from ISY without me even initiating that. Is this to be expected with all z-wave units? I was hoping to be able to use both ISY and Polisy together for a period of time, it's looking like that might not work as I thought.
  20. It appears a FirmWare release stopped these units reporting changes automatically to the ISY. Others may have been experincing this also, perhaps they could add to the conversation?
  21. my experince is you have to set the parameters in the primary node. That would be the first one in your list of nodes this unit created. ZW 010 Notify Sensor
  22. Back in September of last year I reported I was using one of these smart implants. It worked well for a while but then began not working. I spent a long time trying to figure out why it stopped functioning. I had added a temp probe (DS18B20). It wouldn't report updates without me manually querying it. I tried replacing the temperature probe. That send me off in the wrong direction. Apparently these are well known to have many fakes being produced. Only a small percentage can be relied to work out of the box. Once I'd figured that out, I bought another smart implant with better temp probes. Well it doesn't work either. I've come to the conclusion that at somepoint an upgrade to the ISY changed how these report (or don't report). Are others experincing this problem? Parameters 67 and 68 change how the unit reports and I've changed those many times on both units I now have. Still the ISY will not accept the updates to the temp probe. Is there a fix? What am I missing?? I'm running FW 5.3.0
  23. Back to the original topic of this discussion. Does anyone know if the Mimo2+ works with 5.3.0? I'm trying to set one up to use with twin garage doors. Attempts at adding it to the ISY have produced only 2 nodes 1.Multilevel sensor and 1. binary switch. Seems the inputs and the other switch are missing.
  24. Just a guess/suggestion for the reason it works. The temp is updated every 30 seconds. Because of that, the increase can be quite large in that space of time. Added the extra line in the Fan off program to have the temp drop to 45 and it shut off just about when I hoped it would.
  25. I totally admit it's a bit of a hack but it tested fine this morning. Fan started shortly after hot water began issuing from the shower head. Maybe 15 second delay at most. Shutdown was too quick so I'm going to add a <45 to the Fan off program. I'll re-read your suggested program but I'm such a novice at most of this I'm honestly missing a lot of the logic. As I said the delay I put into my program is still a mystery to myself.
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