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Everything posted by abuttino

  1. Weather data: Temperature, Weather Conditions (number coded, read below), heat index (feels like), wind speed, wind gust mph, visibility and, request weather data. Forecast data: 4 days, including today of High/Low temps, humidity, chance of precipitation, weather conditions (listed below) With each of the items listed above, you will need to add a variable to your ISY Variable table if you don't currently have them. Then follow the instructions below. All major weather conditions are coded in numbers: Clear = 0 Partly Cloudy = 1 Mostly Cloudy = 2 Drizzle = 3 Rain = 4 Snow = 5 Thunderstorms = 6 You will also need an Weather Undergroud API key to be input in the Setup folder.. You can apply here and it is given immediately. Name your application anything you want. Warning, do not schedule weather data updates more than every 15 minutes.. You'll lose a "raindrop" Here is the URL to get an API Key: http://www.wunderground.com/?apiref=7265e181be6dfde1 *************************** The Intro: I've noticed that a lot of people have suffered through the outage of the Weatherbug module and I developed a set of macros to use with EventGhost and a specialized ISY plugin that I modified to allow weather data to be sent to your ISY. So, here we go! To start with, download EventGhost from http://eventghost.org. Next download the file at the bottom of this post, then extract it a new folder. Move the "pVar" and "ISYEvent" folders to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eventghost\plugins\" for x64 systems and "C:\Program Files\Eventghost\plugins\" for 32 bit systems Move the "WUDataRetrieval" xml file to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eventghost\" for x64 systems and "C:\Program Files\Eventghost\" for 32 bit systems Open EventGhost for the first time move your mouse to "File" and "Open" and find "WUDataRetrieval" then click the "Open" button Configure the ISY plugin with your information by double-clicking it In the "Setup" folder, double click each item and input the ISY variable for each item. Note: If you don't have a use for a variable, don't set it. I'd suggest that you don't delete the ones you don't currently have a use for, you might want them later. Make sure to put your WeatherUnderground API key and Zip Code in the setup macros. Right click on the ISY plugin and press "Disable Item" (to enable them both) you will see the red "x" disappear. Save the Eventghost configuration with the floppy disk icon on the ribbon or "File" and "Save" For those without the Network Module: To use "Input ISY Needs Weather Data Variable Here": This is a special variable for eventghost to recognize that your ISY needs a data update. It is best to set a variable for this so you aren't forced to run the weather yourself. You can set up a new a variable on the ISY to "Get Weather Data".. This variable, when set to "1" will force an update of all weather data. After the weather data is retrieved, the variable is set back to "0" Donations to abuttino@gmail.com on Paypal gladly accepted and will keep these scripts updated Thanks for checking this out.. Anthony Buttino WeatherMacros.zip
  2. See this post and, give me the most important data that you want viewtopic.php?p=112811#p112811 Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  3. If you can wait till tomorrow, I'm building a set of scripts to do what you are asking, but, using an API from another site. I'll have info on a beta tomorrow.. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  4. New scripts tested and released. See original post. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  5. New scripts coming! These include weather reporting to the ISY for conditions and outdoor temperature. If you need others, please let me know. Choices are: Humidity, wind speed (mph/kph), length of day, and temperature in Celsius. After testing is complete, I will release these publicly. If you want to get in the testing team, let me know by using the private message system. I decided to implement a beta testing program after the last week. With everything constantly changing at nest and the constant stream of additions to the Nest plugin... It's better to keep the new features in testing until every wrinkle has been ironed out. So, if you like to be on the bleeding edge and can suffer with a couple errors, join the team now And.. A shout out to my current beta team that helped me get this plugin/scripts rolling again. Thanks! The reason that the plugin stopped working is because Nest changed the cipher suite.. I was able to use a Python library called m2crypto to upgrade the plugin. Dragon470 (original developer) fixed the rest. The speed of the new plugin is just amazing. Witness it by opening the app on your phone while changing the SetTemp variable. Hint.. Before you press enter to accept the variable, put your finger on the enter key and watch your phone/tablet as you press enter... These new additions will be released in the morning. Enjoy! Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  6. Plugin updated.. Read the first post (top) for more details.
  7. BTW, when you get it, pm me. Don't post it publicly please. I don't know what the guys at nest are up to but I don't want to have any public knowledge of their weaker servers that still allow this plugin Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  8. Do you know how to get your transport server? EDIT: Go to that address in a web browser that you've already logged on to the main nest app on the browser. https://home.nest.com/user/login Paste the "transport_url" which follows that phrase. If you are using a different transport server, there might be hope.
  9. Plugin is down again. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  10. I want to graph what the time difference is between my true away and auto away is. I'll send some emails to ifttt.com and trigger a google spreadsheet with a date/time entry for the two times, away and auto away. Dragon470 is waiting for your reply over on the Evenghost forums.
  11. Paste this in the Macro "Input ISY Variables Here" inside the "Setup" folder. Then, edit the value of this new item called "Input AutoAway ISY Variable Here" by double clicking on it and pressing ok after you enter the variable value <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> pVar.SetGlobalsVar(u'AutoAwayVar', u'65') Paste this in the "Macros (Do not delete or edit)" folder <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> EventGhost.PythonScript(u'import urllib\n\ntargettherm = eg.globals.MainThermostatName + "_Auto Away"\nfinalstr = str(eg.plugins.Nest.get_object(targettherm))\n\n\nprint finalstr\nurl = \'http://\' + eg.globals.IsyUserName +\':\' + eg.globals.IsyPassword +\'@\' + eg.globals.IsyHostName + \':\' + eg.globals.IsyPort + \'/rest/vars/set/2/\' + eg.globals.AutoAwayVar + \'/\' + finalstr\nurllib.urlopen(url)\n\n') I'll have these macros and actions added to my next release, but I'm not going to release a special version just for this... It is just too small of an addition. Now, you get to answer a question for me... Why, pray tell, do you need this? lol... Of the hundred items that you can get from the Nest, this was a weird one
  12. OK. I'll write a special macro for it. Please read at the bottom of my original post in this topic Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  13. In the autoaway mode where the thermostat shows you as away, it is 1? Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  14. Make a new macro and add action eventghost node, Python script Put this in it the script window: autoaway = eg.globals.MainThermostatName + "_Auto Away" print eg.plugins.Nest.get_object(autoaway) Press apply then put the thermostat in auto away mode, however you do that. Then, press test when it goes into auto away. Tell me the value it has and I'll write you an additional macro based on the value. I've never used this because I use Geofences for away mode setting. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  15. I'll look. Most likely, yes. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  16. No, I really don't have the Python experience to do that. If you do, it's a community plugin, I just altered it for the nest. Go ahead and improve away, there is lots of room for it, lol. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  17. You want eventghost to run outside your home to report isy changes? This plugin isn't set up for SSL but you could try using the non-ssl port. The only way to guarantee safety is to make sure you are on some VPN tunnel (at the eventghost machine) before you tried this, otherwise, you could expose your password. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  18. Unfortunately not. The nest only understands whole numbers.
  19. For security reasons, you might want to refrain from using the external domain address internally You never know what can happen with DNS. Some people might say that this is going a little overboard but, I say "the more secure the better". Especially when you start using locks.
  20. I use Windows Server 2012, I've also used a Windows PC. Doesn't matter as long as it isn't a mac. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  21. Brand new scripts out for the new Nest plugin. Very little setup involved! Check the first post.
  22. Not a problem. If you know anyone with a Nest and an Android, please tell them about my widget! Edit Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  23. Here is the translation... In that Away line on the next to last line of "ISY Event"; the VarNum is the ISY variable number you assigned to awaymode. The VarVal is the actual value that states you are away. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  24. Good.. And now the answer to your question Yes, you make another State variable. Then edit the next to last line to reflect the actual number of the variable and the variable value. Do you understand Python? Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
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