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Everything posted by lex2

  1. I've just signed up for the beta program for Amazon Echo. After fiddling with the UDI portal and Alexa skill for the past week, this is sooooo much better. Thanks everyone for the great work! I've just returned my un-opened Insteon Hub bundle back to Costco. Glad I didn't have to mess with setting up their portal.
  2. I've gleaned the following info from the thread below: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=93&t=10890&p=83132&hilit=2413s+fuse#p83132 "In fact the same Daughter Card is in the 2413S and it leaves the fuse out at the factory." Does anyone know if you can simply drop in a fuse to regain the ability to power an ISY-99i/994i via the serial port? Are the fuse receptacles/mounts even present? TIA
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