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Everything posted by PurdueGuy

  1. You didn't read my post. I actually agreed with you for some things. And for the record, I do NOT use Vera as an intermediate for variables/virtual devices that the ISY lacks. Vera is simply becoming a passthrough for the mobile apps that I like and use (HomeWave and AutHomationHD). Many of the plugins developed for Vera are to overcome lack of conditional logic (Combination Switch, Vacation Ghost, Smart Switch, Countdown Timer). I never used PLEG since I would write my own LUUP conditions, so I can't comment on that. As for abstracting some things away, the plugins can help (such as the SQBlaster plugin), but whether I put the same HEX string in a Vera scene or an ISY network resource, it's identical...6 of one, half-dozen of the other. And I am enthusiastic about ISY not just because of conditional variables, but also support and updates. 2 years ago Vera was great. Now I have outstanding Vera bug reports and trouble tickets...no resolution, no movement. Z-Wave with ISY is still beta, but I fully expect it to mature and be just as good as Insteon on ISY.
  2. Is this a 2342? A 2444 is a Micro Open/Close Motor Control. If it is a 2342, did you put the remote in link mode first?
  3. That's the great thing about ISY. Put anything program you want in a folder, a give that folder conditions. They can be something like:if ((Home==0 & Vacation==1) or (Home ==1)) My "Home" variable is set by either:- setting it via a program directly - program runs by pressing a KPL button that turns off the house - program runs by the alarm going into away mode - program runs by unlocking a z-wave deadbolt via a PIN My "Vacation" variable is set by a program. I have a program that is exposed as a scene in Vera. Programs are also callable directly from an HTTP URL via the REST API. Create a program that sets the variable, and another that unsets it. Variable are definitely exposed via the REST API, but I am not sure if they are exposed via SOAP, but I would think they are. Virtual devices actually make it harder. A UI/Mobile App developer needs to know about each type of device. Add a new type, and you need to add support for it. If it uses native ISY variables under the hood, they could update those, but that's doing it somewhat blind. I can see basic virtual devices for setting native ISY variables (you could do a home/away/vacation mode easily), but I personally wouldn't want virtual devices to contain their own variables. That could end up being a spaghetti mess that developers have a hard time developing.
  4. I use Prowl for notifications from ISY. The app is $2.99, but no monthly fees.You can then send direct messages via Networking Resources, or via email.
  5. What is the "Front Spot light program" doing? Or more appropriately, what is your end goal? We'd need all programs defined, and what you want them to do, so we can evaluate what is happening.
  6. I meant reseting/restoring the switchlinc..not the ISY. Only do this if you don't have any manually created links, or are willing to recreate them. Any links managed by the ISY will be restored. Usually you pull the Set button out, wait 10 seconds, push the Set button back in and hold until the long beep stops, wait a few seconds, it double-beeps, and turns on. Then go to ISY, right-click the device, and click "Restore Device"
  7. Sounds like the ISY isn't getting the notification that the device was turned on or off locally. When you toggle the switch locally, does the status update (not just the program running)? You might try resetting/restoring the device…the link record to the PLM might have been corrupted?
  8. When you go to the Admin Console, check Programs tab -> Summary. Find your program, and see what its status is. If you turn the light on while you are watching, it should flip to "Running 'Then'" and show "True" for the status. Also, do you see the status in the Admin Console update immediately when you turn the switch on?
  9. Thanks belias! I just set mine up for my one leak sensor, with 2 more on the truck for delivery from SmartHome!
  10. Speaking of looking at newer items, I have about $800 in my cart at SmartHome. I'm holding out for Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. Coupled with my attempts to use the Home Improvement Gift Card could make it 25% off!
  11. Assuming you set the variable to 0 when it is not detected, something like this? ProgramA: If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And $PhoneDetected is 0 Then Wait 60 minutes Run Program 'ProgramB' (Then) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ProgramB: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  12. To add to what Brian H said… The ISY has what looks like 2 network ports. However, 1 is the serial port (Port A), and 1 is the ethernet port (Network). Don't confuse the two!
  13. Did you turn one on directly from the admin console? If you turned one on from the admin console, that generates a direct message to the target device, and it acts upon it. Turning a device on that way will not turn on the other responders linked to that device. If you want to turn on both devices, click on the scene name (in this case "Den Fan Light 3W") and then click the "On" button.
  14. I found this thread while looking for an option to disable local programming on KPLs. Was a little bummed to find it! But given some previous notes about no options for certain other devices, could there be options for the OutletLinc dimmers (and maybe the relays, although I haven't looked). I have an OutletLinc dimmer (item 2472DWH) installed near my bed. When the outlet is off, it is red…and rather bright! I had my old software turn the LED off completly. Could this be added to the ISY? The same goes for the blue LED on my IRLincT. I hadn't tried to turn that LED off before, since it's new, but wow is that bright!! For now, I have covered it with black tape.
  15. I'm watching this with interest, as I have a similar setup. However, I do not have a "Query All" program. Never have had one. I found an older thread about someone else not having it, and they were surprised. In fact, Michel even mentioned the 3 AM query in response to a post of mine. I am wondering if I should add it? Background thread about program missing: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=9121 My thread in which Michel commented about it: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11348#p95427
  16. PurdueGuy

    Why Z-wave?

    One point I can add....since I had all Z-Wave and have migrated to some Insteon, some Z-Wave (locks will stay Z-Wave for now). Z-Wave devices may appear cheaper, but there are some "gotchas" involved. Unlike Insteon devices, not every Z-Wave device can control other devices directly. In fact, most cannot. Another huge factor is instant status updates. Since every Insteon device (well, almost every device) can be a controller, that device can at least tell ISY that it was turned on. Many (probably a majority) of Z-Wave devices do not support instant status*. GE devices do not, but Leviton and Cooper do. However, Leviton and Cooper will definitely cost you more than a GE/Jasco device, and probably more than a comparable Insteon device. *There can be workarounds for devices that don't support status updates, but that usually can only occur if the device is in direct RF communication with the controller. You can search for "z-wave patent instant status lutron" to read more.
  17. Ok, that's what I thought. I was confused when you said "...not set the LED backlight using direct commands" - but the backlight works ok, just the individual button LEDs (which is also a backlight, but I was thinking the overall backlight, not individual).
  18. Thanks Michel! My question was more basic. Being a new user to ISY, I had no issue creating scenes that would set a given button for a KPL on or off as desired. Then when I created a program to do that, while I could add something to the program like "set EntryKPL-B ON" nothing would happen. I read that I needed to make a scene that did that, and call that scene from the program. I did that, and that's fine, but that takes up links (right now, I have around 30 Insteon devices, so I am not concerned with the number of links). However, I bought the developer kit when I was updating some open-source Insteon code to add the capability to set a given button either on or off, and this didn't require links. It did require knowing the current state of the buttons, and adjusting things accordingly. It used an Extended Command, cmd1=0x2e, cmd2=00. You can search the documentation for "Set LED State for Button" to find out more. Unfortunately, the docs are a bit misleading, as this takes all 6/8 buttons as a single entry (the local load button(s) cannot be controlled). Setting to 0xFF sets them all to on, setting to 0x00 sets them all to off, and something like 0xAA (10101010 in binary) sets buttons B/D/E/H on. The highest bit is button H, down to bit 0 which is A (even though that is always the local load and can't be manipulated in this way). Sorry, that's clear as mud!
  19. First time poster, been lurking for a while. I just picked up an ISY994i to bridge the gap from my Vera to Insteon. I'm curious why the ISY won't direct LEDs? It can be done, although they have to be set as a group. You can't target an individual LED without targeting all of them. You can get the state of all buttons on the KPL, change the desired ones, and then set the new values again. Granted, that can be slow. If ISY is a responder to all buttons and programmed all the links, it should know the current at any given time. It could keep that in memory, and use that to set the new bitmap of buttons (it is not foolproof, however, since they might change and ISY misses the update). I can totally understand if the reasoning is "it needs to work all the time and be fast, not 95% of the time or sometimes slow" but I am just curious.
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